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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. It's called a COAST GUARD, inlet waterways patrols. Second, as a diver markers can be anchored to the bottom for safety reference.

    So... After reading the links;

    1/ it seems that the speedboat driver is facing reckless driving charges and been suspended.... Good

    2/. Dive company involved is being investigated.... Good

    3/.18 dives sites open to divers, but plans to heavily monitor the areas.... But no mention of what will be done to ensure future safety, other than monitoring,which is not good

    4/. 1000 baht fines for divers in wrong areas... How the hell would a diver ( tourist) know if he's in the allowed zone. The fine, per diver, should be levied against the operator. IE... 20 divers in the wrong area means the dive company is fined 20,000 baht

    Thai companies and employees ( which by law, must be employed) have to ( must be) be held accountable against realistic regulations, otherwise nothing will change

    Unfortunately, to enforce regulations, a body of water police ( and craft) will need to be used... Or the navy need to be involved with these infractions, vs worrying about beach chairs.

  2. "Formerly known as Phra Rut, Matichon reports that Mr Narin later admitted that he was the man in the video and that he fled to Nan to escape punishment but insisted he wanted to carry on as a monk to make up for his crime."

    Yeah right.

    Does this scumbag actually think

    A: this would make up for abusing a child

    B: anyone is stupid enough to accept this "reasoning".

    He'll just go to another temple. Funny, no talk of PRISON, must be Thai kindness.

  3. Don't come to Thailand, dear beloved sister............ too dangerous....... mafia on the pounce

    I live here and spent hundreds of thousands of USA dollars to live here. F#$%^&* Thai <deleted> approach me, good luck. I carry a weapon. One shot one kill. You live like an Ostrich. Bad advice, you you live in a village and they suck your resources. Its time to stop this sucking up to Thai ness, bullshit. If they prey on Frangs, its time to understand we spent BILLIONS of dollars into their economy.

    Its 2015 and the Thai system with police and corruption , I came here to live in peace. Then will learn the hard way if you approach me.

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