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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. Are you kidding, a shirtless man in 37c weather in a resort town fined. This country gets more a#$ backwards every second. Poor education, violence on the streets, bus service that has killed more people in one day than in Iraq and Syria,

    Do Thai's themselves watch the news, every little shop I go to only shows Muay-Thai or girls dancing.

    1000 dead before the HOLIDAY is finish and remember wear a shirtcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  2. I've traveled around the world for 47 years and I've become use to eye scans, finger print scanners at air-ports around the world. It takes less they 90 seconds to track.

    If your hiding from something, its your problem, but you who don't have <deleted> all to lose, but why us ? Payback is coming.

    I've been in South East Asia for 12 years (17 years other places), and my passport alone with its chip is good, but finger prints OK. Any body been to Japan?

    Its a sad world but why should I live in fear. Its them who should live in fear. And if anyone in Thailand are helping bad people, may GOD have mercy on your soul.

    Again CSI ; a comedy show of police work.

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