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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. Sorry to see the results of another robbery. This woman works as a Lifestyle writer, I'm sure she'll have a lot to say. But, its possible it could of been avoided by her. She wore the bag around the neck, why did she not place it in the storage area? And who walks around with 100,000 baht of stuff in Phuket or Pattaya.

    She of all people who lives there and writes about events in Phuket could of used better judgement. Many tourist, especially the men wear jewelry, watches and carry expensive phones and go to walking street of Bangla road to show off thinking they find a very special girl. I dress like a slob, carry only 50 baht notes and always get the girl I want.

  2. I'm sorry for people who can not or understand real justice , so, the Swed who kill how many children ( 70+), Charlies Mansion? name them, serial killers etc.....

    Can you understand how much resources and F$%^ing lawyers playing judge COST THE TAX PAYER?. Evil needs to be remove. I don't want a car jack, rape, child abuse but LIBERALS who live behind their security walls hoping life does not come to them. But, when Shit hits the fan, they decide their polluted thinking has a change of heart.


  3. "The scene will shame many of the wealthy westerners who took part in the event, which is mostly attended by tourists." , quote on quote .

    Another example of Thailand's inability to manager a tourist industry. I, not being the " Wealthy Westerner" who not only was a vendor of food that participated in events with 250,000 in attendance, the organizers maintain security, portable potties, and Hum! " Trash". The amount or money spent locally should also include a budget for the before mention. Find volunteers from schools ( where a small fee is given to class group or school). In my country Boy Scouts and Girls earn badges for this work. Some large events use Trustees ( Jail Birds for those novices), Also, glass bottles are a no no on a Beach. Shame on the organizers!

  4. Like you I have spent many years in foreign lands (28 years), working and living. Now, in Thailand 6 years and as a teacher and a member of the community I've Thailand to be a stagnant culture. I first visited here in 1987 and favor of the country is about the same however: the increase in violent crime, aggressive behavior of vendors, taxi, tuk-tuk drivers etc.. oh! bus drivers and injuries.

    So, the Thai's with money turn a blind eye to law for gains, restrictions for renting, buying your tied to a Thai wife, girlfriend as co-signers etc... There are places Hua Hin being a nice expat area but crime exist everywhere. As many Thai's are unemployed in tourist industry ( no rain no rice this year aslo) ,has brought a dangerous image to Thailand.

    Political uncertainty may be a problem as many of us question, like home owners, business owners etc...

    So, I never been to Costa Rica but St. Thomas long time ago. Another point, medical care and your insurance. Myself, I'll be going back to the USA next because of medical reasons as here the doctors here don't have the skill I need.

    Most beaches here are not very clean.

  5. Sadly, the child is going to get the shitty end of the stick no matter what. As others had said 2 other children, 4 years no knowledge? Sneaky woman. Also, 4 years of physical contact and now a "Magic Bullet" , the baby is coming, I would deal with it now and sign nothing and get a BLOOD TEST ON THE BABY, immediately after birth, you can do it now if you find the right doctor. If's its yours Oh Well Pop!, remember how to change diapers and having 15 new relatives around all the time including the other children. If the baby is not yours RUN as fast as you can.

  6. Wow. I really can understand this lady. And of course, I can understand the Thai police. On one hand I say treat me the same way you treat Thais. Now she understands how farangs are treated. The cop is enforcing the law equally. Is this good? For me, here is this lady who just got off work. Either 7-11 or doing the horizanal hoola hoop. All the money she made that day is gone. Would I go ballistic? Yeah. At times I get so angry and mock the inequity. Now, I feel otherwise.

    I agree, a day wages and worst for her that 600+ baht would of bought phone time, phone time, phone time etc... We get the point or and probably some Starbucks coffee, and with their prices you need 600 baht.

  7. What B.S. , talks to 20 and come es to this conclusion. What a rag of a publication to call this writer a reporter.

    How many have you spoken to?

    I came here 35 years ago and with over 2000 Thai women's company, most with good hearts and the others but their story is the same but have been bullshitted to believe working in clubs makes more $$$. They not happy, don't trust, caution and fake LOVE because they never had a normal relationship. Oh!, yes I enjoyed their company and treated them with respect always.

  8. It sounds normal at this point with the surge of immigration requirements as per law all foreigners place of stay must be reported. The landlord is aware of the crackdown but probably doesn't understand how to report it.

    My landlady make it a point to give me a new lease paper as required and 2 days ago while sitting in a bar 3 immigration officers came in and checked visa's and asked where we lived legally. The owners wife did not do a 90 day report on her husband and was fined 1000 baht.

    So, be legal or beware.

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