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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. This may get some attention to the drivers. The problem is clear, lack of any other language hampers these guys. Like the girls they come from the village and do their hustle.

    I stayed at the Nasa Vegas hotel, nice. I had to go to the Bangkok Hospital for an appointment. I had the print-out with map in Thai. I went to taxi area by the family mart and out of 7, not one knew the hospital. So, for fun I asked about Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy, they knew that address.

    The hotel was only 2km from the hospital, that's why I booked it. Solution 3 hours training so at less teach English and make it a requirement for a taxi license.

    Crazy, huh! how much money is lost in future tourist business if the taxi's are clueless and rob, kick out passengers because they don't understand. Here's a simple way too, the dispatcher should speak a foriegn language, English, Chinese and maybe German. I see in Phuket in the airport the signs are in Russian .

    Can't remember when the last time a taxi driver in USA robbed or kicked out customers. Only in the movies. Foreigners are the drivers these days and they


  2. I guess all those hours watching kids doing Thai boxing on TV, video cafe's and cartoons all day, what do you expect. Just as in western countries children are copying the bullshit they see on TV and video games. We're just starting to monitor and regulate somewhat. Thailand and Asia needs some sort of system control also.

    I was a teacher here and these hardest job teaching HS was competing with Facebook, link and all the other crap sites that pollute children's minds and keeps them stupid.

  3. The reason is simple.. (i had the same when i tried to cancel my marriage extension). Your extension can only end if you divorce or if you dont renew it or if you go out of the country without a reentry permit.

    So that is the problem.

    mmm I have read many posts here saying they had changed from one to the other and back again ....

    Believe me, they can't cancel the marriage one. I tried as I went for Elite Visa. I had to leave the country to cancel the marriage one or divorce (and could only cancel after the divorce) Or wait for the marriage extension to expire. There was no way to change one into the other as mariage one had to be invalid first.

    Maybe I was not clear - I do not want to cancel it - I want my next extension to be retirement , sorry

    It seems you want cake and eat it to. Not going to happen. Can't have it both ways.

  4. Why is it that in other countries we nearly never hear about "break failure" - but in Thailand all the time?

    Maybe it's because other countries teach their commercial fleet drivers to use the gears correctly when descending inclines?

    I have seen older trucks having difficulties on steep down hills in the UK so it is not a problem unique to Thailand. Just appears to be far more common!

    Plus air brakes, so if pressure is low an alarm goes off.

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