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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. In the early days of China opening up - I asked a New Yorker, why Foreigners "Whities" didn't nod or smile back

    [As fellow adventures/travellers/discoverers even pioneers??]

    His reaction nearly blew my hair off!

    ..."Why the F*** should they talk to you, they don't F*****g know you..." and on, and on.


    There is another thread about farangs snubbing other farangs.

    I guess the threat of not being unique is just too much. Somebody said it right..it takes away from the "Thai Experience".

    They would not smile back or nod at you in New York either...if that helps.

  2. Hell and Dalmations for all you Sinners!

    (Yesss I hope crops are not ruined etc - just making lite of a bad situation...........)

    at this point any rain is good

    Kamala's water supply is drying up as trucks from Patong take their water from here.

    Heavy rain after drought could be disastrous. It will fail to irrigate and run off can cause untold damage.
  3. Take a holiday in China - one of the smaller cities or one with new Chinese immigrants/labourers.


    Yes in Asia it's ok to move into an empty space, or decide that they have precedence,

    many don't have the experience of International travellers -

    ooops is that you too?

    30% poverty and low education the last thing they think about is

    standing in-line or queuing like a gentleman pirate. Sir!

  4. not a place for westernised kids to be forever.

    At your age you need peace and quiet - you kids DON'T

    Choose the best of both worlds:

    If you must Tarzan make it a holiday home - not a prison.

    Better yet get somewhere quiet near a beach and not too far from "civilisation"

    so you get income from the months you are not there...

    Trade down in the states so you can live between the two - like movie stars

    a place in every nice place

  5. with my limited experience and with respect...

    It reminds me of a group "discussion" we had somewhere between the ages of 17 - 20?

    What if ...

    we could be in charge of a "New" country - what would it be like?

    Everybody could be free to do what they wanted (within reason)

    No laws (unless someone was really bad)

    No politicians

    Be soft on soft drugs. (I didn't inhale)

    Have easy going bars - where you could wear what you want and close when the owner wants.

    OK for sexy girls to dance naked on tables (It was an all male group)

    "Rock" concerts every full moon

    People get paid if they can't work

    Everybody gets to retire at 60 with pay!

    "free" health and Education (Including a free university place)

    A place where the weather is great (with some rain for the abundant crops)

    Free water toys to play with (OK that was a dream too far...)

    Hospitable, smiling people to make you feel welcome (cough - for a fee)

    Who all speak an International language (sigh... one day soon)

    A place where police didn't need or want to take bribes

    A place where you could wear a flower in your hair - especially if you were wearing plastic boobs (Oh now I've gone off subject)

    ...Wait! is this an addictive computer game - or is it Thailand.

    And for the Maroons -

    I could add

    a place where they don't shoot children in schools or families in Malls

    a place where you could follow any religion (within reason and without force)

    a place where women can dress to impress other women (that's what they tell me)

    and yes... a place where young people don't knife other people in drug wars or for easy money.

  6. ...just asking!

    My friend has almost 1 month off paid + 3 weeks "summer classes" (15 hrs per week) - Full pay

    What are you talking about? International schools DO have paid holidays and you DO NOT work weekends. I've just had 2 weeks off for songkran with full pay.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. But International schools don't have paid holidays and expect you to work week ends?

    Do whatever you need to do to get into an international school. I've been teaching in Thailand for seven years, and with only a two-year degree, I can only work in those schools who will hire such. I HAVE done private tutoring in several REAL international schools, and the difference is huge. If you are REALLY looking at teaching as a profession, don't waste your time in anything other than a true international school, or if you need to work immediately, continue your personal education and do whatever it takes to get into an actual school.

  8. Completion is the Key to the door.

    In Thailand & ASIA, that should be enough.

    But why not finish what you started -

    you may want a Masters some day too.

    A TEFL is also a good passport.

    (A friend spent an intensive month 7 days a week - full time to get a Celta -

    said it was just same as his TEFL...

    (Keeps more people IN work....)

    BUT you need to know a lot about teaching in Thailand...

    P.S. A BSc, can also get you higher paid teaching jobs in most countries.

    (But in ASIA at present it's Native speaker with "degree")

    I have never seen an ad. for "honours"

    Oh! And I knew a teacher with a PHD in Marketing - never had a job OR a business!!

  9. Great the answer I had wanted/hoped for...

    But last night I asked the UK embassy, as no one had come up with the answer.

    I will await their response...

    Good to know the Philipps is organised

    I have a home in the Philippines too, so there is no problem...

    Thanks for your info

    Just an IF at this stage...

    Take it easy...

    I have 6 pages where entry exits can be clearly stamped

    I am merely forward planning a Possible Exit Plan -

    I have plenty of time to choose IF I go or not.

    ... so yeah IF I decide to go, It would be better to renew

    That is all

    Thank you.

    I would renew anyway, you are sacrificing very little term - unless you are pretty sure of a UK return and want to save on the cost of renewal.

    Renew your UK Passport in the Philippines; the new UK system allows for on line application there with the new Passport being couriered to your home address.

    The system for UK passport renewal in Thailand is currently fraught with risks, it has just been given 100% to a third party private agency that don't yet have their act together, you have to apply and collect in the person from their new office in BKK, plus they currently are stating that renewals via Thailand will take from four weeks to six months!

    btw - you can use the page facing your ID page in a UK Passport for visas. I have had a visa from KL glued there for the past 9 1/2 years, never one complaint - it was on a time I was give a single non 'B' when I was applying a Multiple non 'B' (error in paper work) so maybe the clerk at the Thai Embassy was making a point putting that visa at the very end of the passport.

    The page on the reverse of the ID page cannot be used, as far as I know, it is marked to be used for 'Official observations, if any'

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