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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. it's good to hear other sides... but you are the first person I have met who is negative about Taiwan.

    (apart from the "It's not as good as it used to be" people)

    Ferangs (...compared to "quality tourists"/retirees in Thailand)

    Fresh food - They export excellent fruit and vegatables , because it is good (Better than in supermarkets in Thailand)

    Yes the Chinese tend to destroy everything - like ants, but just like ants... they are "succesful"

    Are you for real?

    Have you really been to Taipei Taiwan?

    Almost no farangs therecheesy.gif

    Food fresh and delicious cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Try shit smelling Cho dofu the local delicacy

    their pleasant, tidy little island cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Taiwan used to be Portuguese and called Formosa which means beautiful island in less than 40 years Chinese invasion destroyed ALL the fresh water sources, water is now polluted, most of the ecosystems of the coasts have been eradicated, and coastal landscapes defaced, local indigenous people deprived of their land, culture, rights and language. The idea of Chinese architecture is to put metal bars on each and every windows so their house which are cheap looking concrete craps, look like prisons or glorified bunkers. The old indigenous architecture has been destroyed, but the ancient Chinese areas are also torn down. Everything old and cute is replaced by ugly concrete building with bars at windows. There is not one footpath which is occupied by a line of scooters, it's quite difficult to walk in the streets. The pollution generated by scooters is a huge issue. After a fortnight you develop scooter cough

  2. Your wife offered you a chance to stay together - despite your problems (& she owed you for getting into the USA)

    All you had to do was compromise - like every other marriage (That means 70/30 she gets what she wants...ha,ha)

    AND even then you could have salted away a nest egg, in case it still didn't work out....

    THAT's why they are Negative!

    Get yourself back on your feet, save and come back as a retiree (Stay SINGLE)

  3. This is good news. Pattaya can turn its self around.

    I recently visited for the first time, and was pleasantly surprised.

    Didn't venture too far at night, and tried to ignore the "quality tourists" clinging to their space of the bar.

    (Many of them were having a laugh - so no problem there either...)

    There was obviously many hundreds of tourists missing...

    Many Russians were enjoying the place, and it seems, happy to buy the growing apartment blocks.

    Seemed to be many people from different countries, even familes with young children/teenages.

    But a distinct lack of Americans? (Did they just come out after mid-night??)

  4. as well as 21 buoys to demark zones for jet skis

    To legally ride a jet ski in Thai waters you need a Thai captain's stage 2 shipping license, which in order to get requires 2 years of experience on a ship.

    Perhaps all jetski riders should have to show their Thai captain's stage 2 shipping license before they start the engine on a jetski, and without doing so they will not be able to ride a jetski without being fined.

    Wow I didn't know that!

    Do they recognise International Captain Licenses?

  5. ...this is a good way for hotels to be People Rated

    Many travel companies customer satisfaction surveys ask for personal star rating -

    if this begings to get too many low ratings, they will investigate.

    But all travel companies now have assessors to regularly check hotels (at least once per year)

    All EU companies are responsible for their customer safety too.

    I traveled for three months throughout Thailand this year, staying in over 40 hotels. I always booked from Agoda. I think Star ratings are "self awarded" (?) and didn't hesitate to write in the review that the star rating was unjustified. Overall though, I found the Star rating to be at least, a good guide for what to expect, but buyer beware. Often hotels deteriorate as they age. Sometimes a four star hotel is dirty or run poorly, making it a two star. Sometimes I saw a three star hotel bumped to a four because they have a fitness closet and a dirty little pool.

    Thai hotels catering to Thais often are of lesser quality. I don't know, I think the Thais expect less.

    I can only recommend reading the customer comments of a hotel before booking. Customer ratings are a much better indicator of what to expect than Star ratings.

  6. There are millions of hotels around the world that are happy to be rated.

    There are strict rules to get and maintain star ratings - this ensures Quality Standards.

    Hotels pay to get customers and pay to get listed with professional organisations -

    who also want to enhance and protect their own reputation.

    Customers also pay Hotel tax - the Governments/Tourism budget would/does cover basic ratings

    so customers get what the expect.

    It's better for all concerned

    No need to get personal

    An impossible task to carry out as there are hundreds of thousand of hotels to check,

    like Pattaya claim to have 750 hotels just for Pattaya so go figure the rest of Thailand

    and the rest of the world, and who's gona pay for all that? you?

  7. ... what if

    ALL hotels were checked EVERY year for Standards -

    (Does anyone know where I could fing start standards for Thailand/ASEAN?)

    IF hotels do not keep the standards they lose a star...

    (A La Michelin)

    SO simple -

    Quality Hotels BEFORE "Quality Tourists"

    I looked at this::http://www.thailandhotelier.com/newsDetail.asp?newsID=788

    I have not stayed in a 5* in Thailand - but 4/3*s I have,
    should have been

    "Uncared for 2 *" at best.

    If I included Hygiene and balcony heights

    "Closed Down!"

  8. Egypt a place for cultural holidays - But Muslim brother is KILLING Muslim brother.

    Myanmar: Human trafficking of Muslim brothers to Muslim brothers for PROFIT

    Thailand: Buddhist children killing Buddhist children for PRIDE.

    Funny thing this Religion

  9. You can buy 2 boxes of beers (10 Litres?) anytime of day.

    So you can keep a stash for when you feel like a beer or what ever.

    As a Greek said to me many years ago - If you are too hot have a little alcohol

    But as they say - not on Religious/Polictical days

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