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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. I thought this only happened in India (metal bars...)

    Or Nazi Germany

    No animal would do this

    Chimpanzees occasionally attack other colonies of Chimpanzees, but purely for the meat.

    They do not mutilate for gruesome "power" needs...

    This is Not humane,

    Leathal injection would teach everyone, that this cannot be tolerated in a developed society (No matter how slow that development is.)

    It seems Thai children are allowed to lose the plot and just be admonished.

    If they don't play by Buddhist rules they should be punished by the rules they create.

    Then the cowardice will end (minimalize)

  2. IF YOU are NOT PART of the Solution - YOU ARE part of the PROBLEM!

    You can take the Name out of Corruption - but you cannot take corruption out of politicians...

    Will a change make any difference to poor people or even the "Middle?" class??

    I hope it gets a chance to try...

    but currupt rice prices and Free buses will not make a better society

  3. From memory: no blade can be carried above 3 inches. But I think that one has gone too.

    Any crime where a knife is used is treated as a deadly weapon and the sentence is inreased accordingly.

    Out side inner city London immigrant youth gangs, people just don't [generally] carry knives.

    First teacher to die in class - in British history

    More teachers worldwide face increased violence.

    Parents/society - take more responsibility!

    Who knows what finally triggered him to carry out his threats...

    no one believed him - cos he's just a mixed up kid, that went way too far...

    What no knife laws.....RIP to the Teacher

  4. To cut a long story short:

    Hong Kong people who are hostile to being assimilated by, or even called Chinese.

    They hate the fact that a New Lease (for Hong Kong) was Not honoured.

    And the mass invasion that followed means all services are swamped by free loading Chinese.

    More information:

    Thankfully rarely but... parents hold their babies while they defecate on sub-ways

    Or their parents fold up nappies and throw them on the floor.

    People vomit at any time, especially after eating ON the subway...

    you want more?

    There are signs in the HK subway staitions asking people to:
    Not to pick their Nose

    in Chinese (& in English, just to be politically correct)

    As this OBSESSION is regularly carried out 2/3 times in all carriages

    (And no guessing where the snot goes...)


    Sorry too busy having a "Hong Kong style civilised" life

  5. Don't worry about something you don't know...

    Many schools say you have to pay your own insurance after 55.

    If you get the right school now - You like them - They like you...

    you could stay to 65.(Thai ways/short cuts...)

    They want experienced teachers because they CAN teach within Thai "rules"

    and because they are medium/long term.

    Plus it's easier for concerned to just stamp the paper work ever year

    rather than submit for new teachers - every year.

    Salaries are now edging up Non-agent ESL THB 35,000

    Science THB53,000 (Gross)

    Training schools will pay up to THB85,000, when busy (No apartment)

    You have a Degree/TEFL-

    You should get a Teaching/working Visa AND a Full teacher license...

    then everybody will want you

  6. Yep - sometimes its just easy/ier to use trial and error... to get what [flow] you need

    I'm not going to dispute the science or mathematics of other posters as i'm sure they're correct, but I used to have a header tank in my roof cavity that supplied water to an electric hot water heating cylinder for the whole house as well as cold water at the shower head. (This meant that if another cold tap was turned on in the house it would not reduce cold pressure at the shower so you wouldn't scold. But if another hot tap was turned on, you'd freeze.)

    The tank was probably only 100 litres in capacity. The bottom of the tank was no more than 8 feet (2.4M) higher than the shower outlet, and while it didn't provide a shockingly powerful shower by today's high pressure mains or pump standards, it was certainly more than adequate. In fact this was the standard shower design in my country until the 90's when high pressure mains hot water cylinders took over.

    To the OP - it shouldn't be hard to conduct an experiment with a small temporary tank raised to different heights and see what sort of pressure and volume flow you can measure at the outlet height.

  7. It is "normal" to try to make a funny in a shocking moment (Medical fact)

    It is also a way of trying to move on and show that life is usually funny rather than sad.

    And it is also a philosophical reaction to a sad trade that frequently happens in Thailand and worldwide.

    Maybe its me thats getting old, but really can't see the joke here. It is not funny what so ever ! This woman is a disgrace and hope karma comes around for here really soon !! Not just the usual pety fine !

  8. This is a perfect example of throwing the book at this sort of tourist. (Any nationality)

    Full Fine, Full Costs - Deport/blacklist. Apology? (ha,ha)

    Lock him up until his case is heard, Then send him to Russian prison to serve his sentence.

    Plus Ambassador called to see the King, with a strict message for his countrymen -

    Not to bully people And run away!

    Send a Report of this case to Every ambassador and Tourist Organisation Worldwide.

    Thailand needs more families - not less...

    Pattaya CAN exist without in your face prostitution of any kind.

    More tourists - More jobs. Less disease and Less Pimps

    • Like 1
  9. China invented war - they were the first to write books on it!

    They invented the Rocket (giant firecrackers used to attack enemies)

    Once Genghis Kahn (The Mongols) took over the Chinese, they became peaceful (Not fighting each other).

    There are 1.351 billion Chinese IN China

    60 million British (+6 million immigrants. Mainly Asian/Indian/Chinese)

    Do the Math...

    China was always peaceful.....But in fact many Chinese are everywhere on the planet, but British even more than Chinese.

    • Like 2
  10. In the history world of democracy millions of people have died, been mutilated,
    suffered and rebelled for the sake of

    the Right to Vote.

    If there is no vote of the people, there is NO Democracy.

    If the reason is - votes can be bought. Campaign and educate against this.

    If you are the next best thing - tell people (Inform/educate) why they should vote for you.

    If you are afraid of vote rigging - campaign/ask the world for help.

    In the history of Thailand Kings have negotiated with all peoples for a peaceful solution.

    But in modern Thailand you have the right to chose your politicians...

    There are people in other countries that are demanding a change to world "order"

    they corrupt, murder, persecute, mutilate, make all people suffer...

    and REFUSE them the right to Vote - by any means

    Why do they do this Undemocratic action -

    Because THEY want POWER (Money, Resources, Avarice)

    They tell poor people they will be better off and have a better life -

    that's what the Nazis and "Muslim" terrorists say too.

    Demand you Right to Vote:
    Or the next thing will be NO vote for "uneducated poor people". (As was tried in USA,UK, Russia...)

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