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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. I'm staying on soi13

    Sure its.not perfect, but it's all part of thailand

    But judging by the number of hotels going up there, maybe it would be good, to buy one of those shops opposite the Hyde for a bar in anticipation of the future

  2. In my country, the taxi operator takes up 50% of the meter, what's the arrangement in thailand?

    When I catch a taxi from airport to hotel it's normally about 300 to 400 depending on traffic via a meter

    Sometimes I try and negotiate to 250-350 with no meter, where most drivers just laugh and act as though you just offered 10 baht

    My last trip i offered 350 Inc tolls no meter, to which he refused and did the meter, however the entire.trip.cost 285 so I was surprised he didn't take the 350, assuming the taxi operator gets a cut, it would have profited him a fair bit extra!
  3. I'm 35 and still fairly young, I have smartphones but I am starting to feel old and fall behind technology

    I've never used instagram, I don't read or do twitter

    I still dont know what a pod cast is

    I don't use nor understand the latest apps that everyone is talking about

    I grew up playing super Nintendo, Sega megadrvie and stopped about PlayStation 1, I tried ps2 ans 3 and found the games all too complicated and too hard.

    A computer game that you play online scares me

    I hope that in twenty years I'm not going to be like the old guys mocking the youngsters on why they need a smart phone, or data or email via mobile etc

    Jeezus, premature senility. I think us older guys need to adopt you as a charity case. First thing we need to teach you is how to play bridge and dominos.

    Teach me bridge! I used to play backgammon as a kid, dominoes too ;)

  4. I'm 35 and still fairly young, I have smartphones but I am starting to feel old and fall behind technology

    I've never used instagram, I don't read or do twitter

    I still dont know what a pod cast is

    I don't use nor understand the latest apps that everyone is talking about

    I grew up playing super Nintendo, Sega megadrvie and stopped about PlayStation 1, I tried ps2 ans 3 and found the games all too complicated and too hard.

    A computer game that you play online scares me

    I hope that in twenty years I'm not going to be like the old guys mocking the youngsters on why they need a smart phone, or data or email via mobile etc

    I also don't use instagram or facebook or twitter. Its a choice I use the phone more for work. I have played many computer games online and like it at times.

    I also don't do facebook because I feel dumber everutime I read someone's comment on how long they are on the toilet, or how they are having a bad day because there is traffic,

    Plus I don't want to become like them, so I stay away

    That being said I think it's important to keep an open mind so that you can accept new technologies and at least try it

    Years ago I bought an xbox wondering what the hype of halo was, I bought halo one and two

    Played it for a few hours and motion sickness from the screen and the 400 buttons on the controller I couldn't hhandle,

    Probably played it a total of three hours and haven't touched it since then

    Felt pretty old, and I was only in my 20s!!

  5. I'm 35 and still fairly young, I have smartphones but I am starting to feel old and fall behind technology

    I've never used instagram, I don't read or do twitter

    I still dont know what a pod cast is

    I don't use nor understand the latest apps that everyone is talking about

    I grew up playing super Nintendo, Sega megadrvie and stopped about PlayStation 1, I tried ps2 ans 3 and found the games all too complicated and too hard.

    A computer game that you play online scares me

    I hope that in twenty years I'm not going to be like the old guys mocking the youngsters on why they need a smart phone, or data or email via mobile etc

    • Like 1
  6. I visited hua hin for the first time

    Sitting at a bar and a pair of lady boys came to try and upsell drinks and their servcies

    One was 192cm, the other was 194cm without heels!!!! And with their heels heels would have been well above 200cm!!!!!!

    Both were fairly attractive, I assume they've had the chop since they had boobs , voice changes and the rest of the usual

    Do they have heightening surgery as well these days!?!?!?!???

  7. Iphones and other smart phones are a tool to facilitate and expediate meaningless consumption.

    Why on earth would I pay 25K for a gadget so that I can be lured into wasting my valuable time playing with idiotic aps, facebook, and surfing kitten video clips.

    I will stick with my pay as you go sim card and 450 THB dumb phone.

    Smart phones are tantamount to wearing a brand name T-shirt with their name plastered on the front. You are paying a premium of your cash to further increase the profits of big business.

    Agree with the most part,

    However having a smart phone has bettered my life,

    I can use googlemaps when I'm.lost

    Or when I'm going somewhere (sure I can use an old fashioned map)

    I can google something that I need to know eg phone number of a restauarbt I'm running late for

    I get emails instantly so if I need to do something it doesn't have to wait until I get home or the next day

    I can use apps to check out weather for the day ahead etc etc

    So smart phones do have a important role in my eyes,

    Obviously one doesn't need to spend 800 on the latest iPhone while their previous iPhone is adequate just because Steve Jobs tells you to

  8. I haven't had millions of Thai gfs so I'm no expert on stats but my current gf, used to be married, when she found her husband was cheating, slashed her throat

    So this one at least either followed up on her threat or just simply did it

    Has a very noticeable scratch on her neck

    That to me indicates mental illness or being rrally really hurt, I'm hoping it's the latter

  9. I am not an eye for an eye guy but they h are on death row because they have taken at least one life most likely in terrible circumstances

    That is not true.

    Just look at the Joe Dick trial in Florida, or the West Memphis 3. With Damien luckily freed from death row after 18 years.... there are likely thousands of innocent people on death row in America.

    I want referring to innocence or not, just referring to the fact that to get on death row, assuming you are guilty, you had to do some pretty horrible stuff, so the agony of waiting for death row shouldn't readout be a big deal

  10. I am not an eye for an eye guy but they h are on death row because they have taken at least one life most likely in terrible circumstances

    So the agony in waiting to be executed shouldn't be a factor in them getting a pardon

    I doubt any one who humanely murdered a single person would ever get the death penalty eg turning life support off or giving them thesame stuff they use to execute people

  11. I use my phone a lot for work

    Despite my heavy use, I only have a few requirements, great camera, what'sapp, and ease of use for emails, and general reliability

    I don't use any apps, or extras

    So for me I love android, I give no care for brand or image, I will use a pink hello kitty phone if it works the best

    As a result, a cheap smart phone doesn't quite cut it

    So I always get the high end ones, however I never get the latest/greatest, if I can save 50%, then I will buy a one generation model older and possibly second hand, or wait until the prices come down

    And I wont upgrade until I need to ie the phone dies

    Never will I buy any of the phones for 800 in the opening weeks

  12. Yeah interesting points everyone

    I was more emphasising relativity, if the ratio to wages to iPhone prices were the same, then that's easy

    However, with the prices the same whilst wages considerably lower then that means that they value their phones a lot more then farangs in general

    Also in my country, we can essentially get the phone for free by paying it off monthly via a plan eg $65 per month for two years rather then forking out 800 upfront

  13. I've read it before, but can't remember

    Where a Arab looking guy comes and asks to see your local currency because he is honey mooning there soon and then wants to see thai baht

    Last night, the guy asked to see my local currency and then thai baht, I showed him a 20 baht note and then he insisted I show him a 1000 baht note which I didn't have anyway

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