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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. what you guys need to understand is that many of these supermodels, espeically catwalk models, are chosen based on a certain look, and legs as long as chopsticks and a body like a 10yr old boy

    I dont find them remotely attractive, but my guess is that if they had too pretty faces, that were friendly looking or smiley, then it would take the attention away from the clothes they were modelling

    • Like 1
  2. No pension Elliot )))) hmm that would make things interesting - best woman for you is one--- deft/ dumb and blind - she'd never see your wallet / you'd never get an argument out of her / and she'd ask you for nothing lol thats the best one eh !

    we all need a mrs as that !!!!

    your 25 years away from pension --- hell iam only 6/8 years away - but i dont want it anyway - to much diatribe pollie correct correct crap invoilved in getting a few bux from the Govvy ! they want to know all about you = bit rude eh !

    Do as i do just work for yourself there , i can make 85% income in thailand --- near same as i make in Australia ))) just work on pc!! easy easy !

    Nobody ever asks me thier what i do for a job??? i'd never tell them either))) - bugger em !

    god your writing style annoys me,

    dashes, brackets, slashes, excalamation marks, hyphens, equal signs,

    most annoying style ever

    You dont like my writing style lol your joking i write books for a living friend and i sell a hell of a lot, the way i write here is exactly the way i write in books i sell)))) Do you know ive never had a whinge lol not in 7 years lol !

    Your comment first time ive ever heard that one friend -------------still, they say you meet a newbie every week huh !

    Actually ive near finished a new book ''on scammers '' guess what? a lot are sold to Thailand , to the poor western soles , looking for an answer as to why , they are getting robbed for everything !

    How many copies of this so called book have you sold......1?.......5?......10?

    and thats not including your family or friends or copies youve given away for free

    I think its time to get off the margaritas wink.png

    edit: oh and im referring to the cocktails, not the pizzas.....mmmm..I might just go and get a pizza now, got hungry typing it

    • Like 1
  3. No pension Elliot )))) hmm that would make things interesting - best woman for you is one--- deft/ dumb and blind - she'd never see your wallet / you'd never get an argument out of her / and she'd ask you for nothing lol thats the best one eh !

    we all need a mrs as that !!!!

    your 25 years away from pension --- hell iam only 6/8 years away - but i dont want it anyway - to much diatribe pollie correct correct crap invoilved in getting a few bux from the Govvy ! they want to know all about you = bit rude eh !

    Do as i do just work for yourself there , i can make 85% income in thailand --- near same as i make in Australia ))) just work on pc!! easy easy !

    Nobody ever asks me thier what i do for a job??? i'd never tell them either))) - bugger em !

    god your writing style annoys me,

    dashes, brackets, slashes, excalamation marks, hyphens, equal signs,

    most annoying style ever

  4. thats because despite the fact taht many japanese girls are absolutely gaga over anything white/farang

    and yes there always money grubbers in every country, especiall asia and in japan,

    you cant be a three time divorced loser, living on a pension and live like a king in japan, whilst having young girls throwing themselves at you,

    as a whole, the japanese are less materialistic, and do have some standards when it comes to dating farangs

    If you are a loser back home in every aspect whether it be financial, career, relationship, socially, you are still going to be one in japan, a lot less likely in thailand

    • Like 2
  5. Haha good old Thaivisa

    The only place where multi divorced men, hansum indeed who go to pick up some bar girl half their age

    And come and boast and outdo eachother about how much they know about Thailand and how long they have lived in it

    It's a unique phenenomenon that only happens in thailand, no other country in my experience


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  6. I think this op has a pint to make and made it well, I have been asked many times to lend money to the " Thai family" deposit on a house for a cousin, 8000bt for a phone for unemployed son 6000 to pay drink driving, no licence fine for same son, even her golf teacher asked for a loan to run a comp, all have been refused and she has been told in no uncertain terms I do not lend money to anybody and they should go to a bank or one of the many money lenders around.

    She has got the message now and knows never to ask me again.

    I am not being mean or stingy I have worked for what I have since I was 13 and never claimed the dole and lost a great deal through 2 failed marriages, I brought my kids up the same way and they work for everything they want and appreciate all they have.

    That's hilarious

    What the hell do these idiots goes through their mind when they ask

    And yet they are first to mention loss of face when they want behave like idiots

  7. Hiso Chinese....from a good middle class family......how come you forgot to add ?

    Ahhh yes damn I forgot, I'm slipping

    And how everyone ogles her when she walks down the street in total jealousy

    And how all ypur friends back home are shaking with jealousy (who are actually laughing at you, but you'll never know)l]

  8. Am I the only one that feels disgusted by the idea of 'holiday girlfriends' or pay-to-play? Sick...

    Another self righteous w,,,,k......

    And your gf or wife has what job exactly??

    She's a bi-lingual marketing & sales executive for a Japanese industry hardware business at their office here in Bangkok. She's not wealthy by western means but she makes roughly 50,000 thb a month which is enough for us to split bills. She cleans and I cook. She probably does significantly more around the house than me and never complains. I appreciate her and love her very much. She appreciates the way in which I treat her and she loves me very much. The day I have to give her baht just to stay by my side is the day I'll find another girlfriend. If I give her baht for something it's because I want her to be happy, not because I want her to stay with me. Actually, now that i think of it, I've never given her baht for anything although I have bought a few dinners if that counts :).

    Let me guess, she has four masters degrees, speaks 17 languagaea, and looks ten years younger then she is and you are fit and handsome and havr a full head of hair

    • Like 1
  9. Am I the only one that feels disgusted by the idea of 'holiday girlfriends' or pay-to-play? Sick...

    No. I think if you read the post previous to yours you'll see he's in the same holier-than-thou, self-righteous bag that you are.

    Holier-than-thou, self-righteous or not, if I ever reach a point in my life when I have to pay someone to be in a relationship with me or be my friend, then that would be the time when I need to deeply reflect on whether my existence is worthwhile and possibly considering calling it a day.

    Well...i think there is a difference in paying for sex with a prostitute and paying someone to stay wih you in a relationship, dont you ?

    I knoe many who would say they are identical

    And I'm sure there are heaps of people in any country that would say being married for ten years and to be taken to the cleaners is no different and often the hourly rate is far better for the woman!

  10. Be a bit more selective and find a girl who likes to save, scolds you for being wasteful and doesn't have a leeching family. Plenty of them out there.

    YOU are so right. When I meet my wife, I was making big money and had been making it for years, and didn't have a thing to show for it. After we meet and married, that all changed DUE TO HER, not me. My salary was deposited into an account and she held the ATM and bank book, I was put on a budget, which i was not a happy camper being treated like a child, but she had a 3 year plan. This plan was to buy land, build a home, buy a car and truck, and pay cash for all of it, and have at least 3-4 million in the bank, all this in 3 years.

    I'm very proud to say, my wife turned my life around, and we have a beautiful home, on 3rai, a Ford Focus, and a Toyota 4 door truck, and a very nice sum in the bank. She gives ma and pa 4,000 bhat a month, and nothing more., she is so TIGHT she SQUEAKS. But damn nice to her her squeak when its my money she is holding. She did loan a neighbor 50,000 bhat but she had a paper drawn up where the lady signed over the land she owned until the debt was repaid with interest, and if 3 payments in a row were missed, she would lose all claim to her land. I married a village gal with a brain, and a fantastic wife.

    Haha delusion at its finest

    Non educated, poor girl marries rich farang, and then gets to control more money then probably her entire family will earn in a lifetime and the life and behaviour of some old rich guy,

    Whilst the guy thinks he has hit the jackpot............

    Man, thanks for the laugh

    I thibk Steven Spielberg wants to film a documentary on your life,

  11. Not only in thailand, but arpund the world

    Women will call ypu stingy when they feel you arent spending enough on them, or when your spending habits are more frugal then theirs!

    Their expectations of how much they think they deserve depends on how attractive they are, how much their friends are getting (in terms of cash, gifts, or other spending), or how much Hollywood is telling them they should be getting in the next episode of sex and the city

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  12. What you have to be careful of IMO, is that they don't seem to comprehend how much it has cost to take that 100B over the counter, they seem to think it is all profit or at least they made their 20B. They don't seem to be able to factor in rent, power etc, then at the end of the month they can't understand why they are short. Not all of course there are some VERY rich Thais but on average unless they own the property and are living there it doesn't seem to last long...

    Good luck all the same

    without turning this into a thai bashing thread,

    are they really that stupid??? no seriously

    sure, when you first start a business, you may be snowed under with stress or even naive

    but one doesnt take more then a month to realise, out of the 100b, comes out rent, electricity, insurance etc. etc.

    if they were all that stupid, then businesses would fold after a month, unless there is a dumb farang funding it

  13. what a wonderful world we live in, where a woman with no education, low IQ can get married to some guy in thailand for a short period of time,

    no kids, and then get access to his assets through an australian court,

    and its no wonder the number of men choosing to marry are going down every year

    but it seems that many foreigners in thailand have been married multiple times before so I guess another marriage isnt such a big deal ;)

  14. It also comes down to what attitude you project. If you meet a nice lady don't throw money on her the first thing you do. Test the waters a bit, if she offers to pay or split tabs and what not, you probably have a good thing going. If she starts asking for gifts and phone credit etc bye bye...Basically its easier to spot the gold diggers I would imagine, just stay away from those and eventually you will find a normal Thai lady who doesn't expect anything from you but your company.

    unless you act like or are hugh heffner,

    why would you buy a phone, pay for rent, pay for mortgage, car repayments, credit card,

    the actual idea of it is absolutely absurd!

    would you do this in your own country, I seriously doubt it,

    then why the hell would you do it in thailand!?!?!!?!

    frankly, if I was asked this, that would be the last time I spoke to them, and more importantly, its probably just as insulting as "you have a small penis"

  15. its easy.

    find a girl on the same social standing as you.

    if you are a fat old sexpat pushing 60 who wants a 20 year old petite and attractive Thai girlfriend, and you want this relationship based on something other than financial security? Keep on dreaming.

    Date girls who have a job and a hobby. Date girls in your general age range. Date girls not "out of your league" in attractiveness. Date girls who you can connect with socially (learn thai, share hobbies / interests / personalities) etc

    You can't just say "oh you will find X girl here" as it is all subjective. My experiences and options as a young and confident western man in Bangkok is not going to mirror those of the aging retiree.

    Problem is a lot of older guys live in delusions of reality. They get a bit of attention from some poor girls or hit the bars and suddenly think they can play above their station with a girl "who doesn't want money"


    its the all too common, "im a foreigner from a western country, there fore I am better, more knowledgeable, cultured, sophisticated, educated, and know better" attitude

    if you are a loser with the ladies back home, then chances are, you are still a loser in any country, just in thailand, you are a 'rich hansum man'

    why anyone feels entitled and expectations to bat way out of their league is just plain embarassing,

    so many of those people on here,

  16. Why do you feel guilty? You don't state what you feel is wrong with it.

    People are judgemental. Deal with it.

    Maybe its just me, but I feel im being a total hypocrit,

    much like I wouldnt get personal trainer advice from someone overweight,

    I feel a little self conscious thinking "oh she has a better body so ill choose her" when i dont have a "hot male body"

    and yet I see overweight, balding, sloberring men (regardless of country) talk about how physically hot a woman is and seem to have an entitlement to it

    Iguess its just me! wink.png

    It is unfair to refer to men as balding, along with being overweight, slobbering, and in many other cases, tattooed. All these things are self inflicted, being baldy is not, and again I say, no, I am not bald.

    you are correct, however, not many people would find bald as attractive

    like being short, its not self inflicted, but that excuse isnt going to pass in the dating world ;)

    or even ugly haha

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