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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. Recently I was staying in a hotel in bkk for a few nights

    The wotif rate and website rate was the same

    I booked via wotif and wanted to extend by one night

    I went down to reception and asked if I could extend the night and I could book directly with you to save the wotif commissions, the guy said just book on wotif and show me the reference number

    I thought to my self, "I'm trying to be nice and save you money, oh well"

    Still don't understand the reasoning good that unless the staff couldn't be bothered processing a transaction

  2. Just marry someone that you actually like !!

    Do you drive around in your favourite car without insurance thinking you won't crash?!?!?!?

    I certainly don't, even if I was Michael Schumacher

    I would if my ex hadn't taken it in the divorce !!

    Haha if I felt I got scammed out of a car, I'd rather burn it then give it to a scammer

    • Like 1
  3. Prenuptial agreement is a must and I talk with experience.

    Don't forget to give a copy at ampur (thai version).

    For the foreign AS/SET, I also gave a copy to my embassy for registration.

    Regarding the properties bought after marriage, if you pay 100% and don't want to share in case of Divorce, I suggest to buy a condo in your own name.

    If you buy a house, It will be better that the company was created before the marriage.

    It depend always how the divorce is easy or not but always remember, if you are the one who leave, most of Thai women will want to get lot of your money to save face with family and friends.

    Maybe you could explain, I understand the concept of face, but wouldn't you still lose face if hubby left evennthough he left behind a million dollars?

    As she is still the one who's hubby did a runner so she must have been a dud

  4. I think your No.2 is an excellent idea actually. If you didn't marry the girl you would be paying rent anyway, so if you just pay a mortgage for her instead how are you losing, assuming the amounts involved are similar.

    I dont think it's a good idea, imagine being married for twenty years, you pay for all the mortgage and at the end arent entitled to anything of it (if that's the case)

    That's a raw deal

  5. Maybe I'm a bit heartless

    Is it just me but I have little sympathy for a woman who chooses someone solely based on geographical location in the hope they get to move there

    Much like a old geeser choosing a 25 yr old from issarn thinking he I'd so awesome and only to get swindled big time

    I don't think most of these women are simply looking for a geographic location, but rather for love. THey may look in a website frequented by foreigners as they have had no luck with local men, but their main purpose is to find a husband. The typical MO is the man writes for a month or a couple of months, tells her he loves her, and lets love blossom. The targeted women are usually in their 40's and 50's, and they are happy that finally, it looks like love might be possible. This blinds them to the inconsistencies.

    I found out about this scam in an online article, then have run into it twice. In the article, which focused on THai and Filipinas, an American woman was also interviewed. She was in her 50's, and her "fiance" was somewhere in SE Asia, so I doubt she was looking for someone "solely based on geography." She lost either $300,000 or $600,000, I don't recall which.

    Good point, but didn't the op say she was looking to go overseas and live and work therr? Which means that chances are if she met a suitable local person she wouldn't go for it

    Many people won't agree but if you are choosing someone based on geography, with the chance there is a huge language and cultural barrier z then that means your standards or criteria are low,

    No sympathy from me on this one

    You play with fire you get burnt

  6. I was wondering if there is a thread that basically outlines reasonable ways to protect your assets in a thai marriage,

    for the record this is strictly hypothetical, and I am not married, nor considering,

    1. put the house/loan in her name, which means she would have to prove to the bank that she can afford it, which may be looked upon as a big no no if the man is not contributing

    2. as above but the man pays the mortgage, which in the event of a split the man gets nothing so I assume is also a bad idea

    3. both parties rent a property and split bills or he pays for the rent

    4. Buy under a company/trust with 50% share

    and please no silly suggestions like leave the country or become gay

  7. Maybe I'm a bit heartless

    Is it just me but I have little sympathy for a woman who chooses someone solely based on geographical location in the hope they get to move there

    Much like a old geeser choosing a 25 yr old from issarn thinking he I'd so awesome and only to get swindled big time

  8. The worst part of the situation the OP describes is the in-laws getting to choose a bunch of foreigners that you are going to have great difficulty avoid at any and every family gathering.

    I'd flip the circumstances and advise any foreigner planning marry a Thai woman who has single sisters, mother, cousins or aunts to make it a condition of their marriage that he gets to interview and approve/not approve any foreigner that any member of his wife's family has ideas of marrying.

    The amount of damaged foreign goods washing up in Thailand and the inability of Thais to see through the Walter Mitty lies peddled by so many foreigners in Thailand makes for pretty good odds that unless you set the above rule in place you are going to wind up with a dysfunctional foreign in-law.

    thats probably very true what you say, but the ratio of men getting screwed over vs ratio of women ending up with "damaged goods" id say is higher.

    When people are in love (men and women) they do stupid things, like many of the men in thailand, however, if the 25 year old woman cannot see that the 60 year old, balding, fat, ugly, been divorced 3 times, relies on a weekly pension, who knocks off 40 beers per week, gets abusive when he is drunk, uses bargirls behind the gf/wifes back is "damaged goods" then id say thats even more stupid!

    • Like 1
  9. Can't blame them for being smart.... Would YOU marry a typical Thai man?

    I know women, and people in thailand have a different view to my upbringing, but id rather be with a girl that I really love who is normal, then a filthy rich bottom feeder

    Have dated a few filthy rich women, and their attitude stank, a few dates max for each

  10. I agree its a lose-lose situation,

    write him a short letter, outline all the problems,

    and say at the end, keep this list of all the danger signs, and read it everytime something happens,

    do not throw this letter out and thank me when you have woken up to yourself

    and then just let him be, if he wants to screw himself over there is also this thread


    if he wants to lose more money

  11. When I went to Patonga about two years ago I was shocked how expensive food and alcohol was compared to pattay and bkk

    It was almost back home prices eg $17 for a small fish dish which was about 8-11 in bkk and patttaya

    Probably won't go back there

    Hope the fish was not caught locally. Last time I was there I saw a group of maybe 20 locals hand pulling a 1/2 mile long gillnet towards the beach which they sell to local restaurants. It was set out where the runoff pipes end offshore.

    nothing would surprise me in these asian countries,

    and btw, 9am, even at 11am, the places aer empty, as its a lunch too late night destination, of course its going to be empty!

  12. When I went to Patonga about two years ago I was shocked how expensive food and alcohol was compared to pattay and bkk

    It was almost back home prices eg $17 for a small fish dish which was about 8-11 in bkk and patttaya

    Probably won't go back there

  13. The OP in this case has displayed hints of racial superiority and jealousy because a race or 2 that are similar in this case koreans and japanese that he deems inferior to farang and why would thai people choose them over farang. The funny thing is he then brings in indians into the equation and tries to show case how a thai hooker who is obviously lower on the spectrum reject 2 indians that he considers to be higher up all because they were "good looking"

    The fact of the matter is this. Thais have a pretty good opinion of koreans and japanese and to be honest most people the world over hold the same opinion. Japanese people are seen as one of the most advanced asians compared to their "heathen" cousins from other less advanced asian nations.

    Anyway OP's view of racial superiority isn't due to how advanced a country of origin is but more on "innate" superiority. That is he is basing superiority or inferiority due to a person's external appearance. Take note he asks why do thais choose japanese over farang since japanese people look more similar to thai people in which he is wrong as japanese being east asian have a pretty distinct appearance from the thais but all because they are grouped as "asian" they would look more similar compared to a farang and that line of thinking sounds rather stupid to be honest. Anyway back to innate superiority he obviously thinks that people with a more "caucasian" appearance are superior compared to those with an asian appearance and so was actually indignant that the thai lady rejected those 2 indian dudes who looked more caucasian because according to his view it was like someone from an inferior race rejecting people from a superior due to external appearances.

    The biggest problem with people with his type of mentality is that he totally ignores the fact that different people have different preferences but actually hides it by going along a "moralistic" route. So let's say 2 asian looking men were rejected by a street hooker saying she prefers farang and guess what OP would do when he observes such a scenerio. He would have absolutely no problem with it because in his mind farang are superior and asians are inferior so it would be natural for asians to be rejected.

    Take note that east asians seem to be the only group that farang can be openly racist to and suffer the least consequences.

    ^^ haha, ive never read so much text of which was so much garbage in my life!

    on another note your examples of superiority , mentioning indians also makes no logical sense,

    its generally known that the indian race isnt very looked up to in Thailand, my observations of that situation were reflecting,, that I was surprised that someone would yell out something so racist, plus the reaction of the guys was surprising and humble,

    nothing to do with superiority, you just have a bit of a wild imagination

    • Like 1
  14. well did you consider that

    I agree with you but how many Thai girls do you know to come to the conclusion, "I know for a fact that the thai girls that prefer Asian men."

    not many I must admit, but there are a few around, and thats straight from the horses mouth

    Just like I know some japanese women that would never consider dating a white guy, when 99% of the japanese ladies would outdo thai girls and their obsession with farangs

    They are around!

    Just a suggestion but perhaps, "in my experience" should be substituted for "I know for a fact."

    I may be korean or japanese

    or I may have lived in korea all my life,

    or I may have lived in japan alll my life

    or my friends are korean/japanese

    my siblings are married to a korean/japanese

    I am married to a korean/japanese

    I am dating a korean/japanese

    Ya. Unless you are a researcher with access to thousands of people to survey it is still only your opinion.

    well yes thats true, but then no one would have be able to have an opinion, unlesss they surveyed every single person in a country or the earth,

    that would make life quite boring wouldnt it!

  15. I know for a fact that the thai girls that prefer asian men do put the Japanese at the top of their rankings, I'm not too sure where the Koreans get ranked thought I suspect below the Japanese but above the Thais

    I have met a few thai girls that have been married, divorced and lived in Japan,and have come back to thai and still preferred a Japanese man

    One thing for sure is if a thsi girl says she is dating/married a Japanese guy, the response is usually positive and never negative, but more a humble respect instead of "omg you are so lucky, does he have any single friends" that you often get with farangs

    I agree with you but how many Thai girls do you know to come to the conclusion, "I know for a fact that the thai girls that prefer Asian men."

    not many I must admit, but there are a few around, and thats straight from the horses mouth

    Just like I know some japanese women that would never consider dating a white guy, when 99% of the japanese ladies would outdo thai girls and their obsession with farangs

    They are around!

    Just a suggestion but perhaps, "in my experience" should be substituted for "I know for a fact."

    well did you consider that

    I may be korean or japanese

    or I may have lived in korea all my life,

    or I may have lived in japan alll my life

    or my friends are korean/japanese

    my siblings are married to a korean/japanese

    I am married to a korean/japanese

    I am dating a korean/japanese

  16. I know for a fact that the thai girls that prefer asian men do put the Japanese at the top of their rankings, I'm not too sure where the Koreans get ranked thought I suspect below the Japanese but above the Thais

    I have met a few thai girls that have been married, divorced and lived in Japan,and have come back to thai and still preferred a Japanese man

    One thing for sure is if a thsi girl says she is dating/married a Japanese guy, the response is usually positive and never negative, but more a humble respect instead of "omg you are so lucky, does he have any single friends" that you often get with farangs

    I agree with you but how many Thai girls do you know to come to the conclusion, "I know for a fact that the thai girls that prefer Asian men."

    not many I must admit, but there are a few around, and thats straight from the horses mouth

    Just like I know some japanese women that would never consider dating a white guy, when 99% of the japanese ladies would outdo thai girls and their obsession with farangs

    They are around!

  17. I must admit, I've seen my fair share of drunks in thailand but they are usually young drunks having good time and are harmless,

    Probably because I don't hang around older people

    What sort of behaviour are these older nasty drunks up to and what do they do

  18. I know for a fact that the thai girls that prefer asian men do put the Japanese at the top of their rankings, I'm not too sure where the Koreans get ranked thought I suspect below the Japanese but above the Thais

    I have met a few thai girls that have been married, divorced and lived in Japan,and have come back to thai and still preferred a Japanese man

    One thing for sure is if a thsi girl says she is dating/married a Japanese guy, the response is usually positive and never negative, but more a humble respect instead of "omg you are so lucky, does he have any single friends" that you often get with farangs

  19. My piece of advice, even if you are built like Arnold Schwarzenegger, and look like a gangster,AVOID confrontation at all costs

    <deleted> your ego, <deleted> your pride, even though the guy is half your size

    Cos if he pulls out a knife or a gun, your muscles, fight experience and hormones won't mean shit, and you'll be dead

    Worth it? I think not

    • Like 1
  20. It's a running joke at my office as to why do all the farang guys like such ugly Thai women.

    I must say a lot of farang I see do seem to be getting the chunkier uglier or too skinny older hard faced lb looking etc Thai girls compared to some of my Japanese friends.

    yeah, I agree,

    and so many of them walk down the street with them, hand in hand, and think that other people are staring in envy, and then they go and tell their friends about how good they are, and that she loves him for his awesome personality and how she thinks is such a "Hansum man"

    not only do some farangs leave their brain back home, they seem to lose their hearing when being laughed at

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