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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. Most people who do not have kids don;t have them for selfish reasons

    They prefer the freedom and the ability to do what they want when they want

    Being a parent is not for everyone

    I suggest you keep wearing a helmet

    Yes i agree.

    don't tell me you are one of those people that think having kids is doing a favor to the world?

    having kids is just as selfish.

  2. Poor kid!

    Four pages of replies to his post and not one serious one yet!

    He has probably got the point by now guys.

    Maybe we should give him a break ?

    He has probably learned a good life lesson here.

    Well ive probly travelled in the kingdom ten timesbmore than any of these <deleted> and have probly had ten timesbas many thai women and never even considered marrying one of the blood suckers .

    Seems im one step ahead of 99.999 percent of thaivisas members.

    and my wife has can speak 8 languages, and has 6 masters degrees, and is doctor/manager.........well thats what the role play at the gogo bar was supposed to be!

  3. Magnum Force wrote:

    I was chatting with a lady in Hua Hin yesterday. She's originally from the back end of Udon. She wasn't a stunner by any means but she was attractive and she was about 34. She was very pleasant and easy to chat with and we got on very well. She was brutally honest with what she expects from her work. She told me her "Angel" (some sort of shamen or local witch doctor) told her that this year she would be very lucky and meet a rich man to "take care" of her (and her family).

    I asked what she meant by "take care". I nearly fell off my chair with her answers.

    She wants a salary to live with somebody as their girlfriend of 30,000ThB per month. She wants the lucky guy to fork out 3-4 million baht for a house for her. She also wants a dowry payable to the mother of 1 million in the event that the guy wishes to marry her. She might even want a house built for mom and dad. After that, comes the car etc.

    I was very surprised as didn't appear to be your usual hard case bar girl. She came across as the girl next door type.

    How realistic are these expectations? Is there actually somebody who would willingly pay these amounts for a girlfriend/wife?

    Up in Udon, those "expectations", can, and are fulfilled all the time. Yes, MF, there are some guys who have done exactly what you've described up in Isaan.

    Have a look here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/783029-35-million-thb-home-burglarly-in-nakha-udon-thani/ Especially the video on page two.

    True story: A 65 year old guy meets a girl via the internet, comes to Thailand, meets her, thinks he's in heaven because this decent looking 33 year old girl wants to have have unprotected sex three times a day. Never thinking she's trying to get pregnant.

    Long story short: within three months she is pregnant. A few years down the road she has a 5 million baht house, the obligatory Toyota pick-up, and a bouncing half-farang baby boy.

    To add insult to injury, this guys house budget was 3 million baht, but she wanted a 5 million baht house, so this guy ends up borrowing the balance, to build her dream house.

    This guy also didn't want a kid, but he thought at 65, he "didn't have any sperm left." So he didn't bother with birth control.

    im not a bar girl so Iwouldnt know but wouldnt the easy part getting a 65 yr old guillable geezer to have unprotected sex three times a day,

    and the hard part would be to getting him to pay/maintain the upbrining of the child?!?!?!

    if he just takes off then, she has a baby that now she has to take care of, which makes her list of demands even less likely!

    or do they not think that far ahead like car loans?

  4. The question I was trying to ask is whether or not there is a particular country(ies) whose men in general terms are more tempermentally and dispositionally compatible with Thai women than others.

    Has anyone noticed that men from a particular nationality seems to get along with or understand Thai women better than most others?

    Just meant as a light-hearted discussion topic.

    one thing ive heard repeatedly from bar girls and non bar girls is they really dispise arabs/indians

    the usual, they dont tip, shower, think everything is negotiatble, rude, is a very common comment

    I was walking down a street a few months ago, and two young quite good looking dark skinned guys approached a girl standing on the street (most likely a hooker)

    and as soon as they approached she screamed 'get away from me, I dont do chocolates!!'

    I thought all hell was going to break loose, but they just looked at each other, chuckled and kept on walking,

    I assume its not the first time its happened to them

  5. If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. If you can, pay it.

    My GF and I share everything 50/50, but i would still pay for a big thing like that. That's what men do.

    no offense, but how old are you? 50+ I assume?

    that sort of mentality is not very common in the younger generation,

    women have jobs and education these days, especailly in the western world

    this thread isnt about western women. if he wants 50/50 he should hook up with a western woman.

    well true good point. I wonder if he uses the same mentality back home? I doubt it though

  6. If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. If you can, pay it.

    My GF and I share everything 50/50, but i would still pay for a big thing like that. That's what men do.

    no offense, but how old are you? 50+ I assume?

    that sort of mentality is not very common in the younger generation,

    women have jobs and education these days, especailly in the western world

  7. Sometimes; not always. Don't you want to lavish your love with worldly goods? Or do you just want to bed down and walk on the beach and be a cheap-ass? If you had a child you loved, I'm sure you'd want to get him or her the best things in life you could afford from clothing to iPads. Perhaps, you'd prefer to send your kid out in rags with a Samsung! Same goes for a woman. Do you want your woman living in a 9x9 room with a mat on the floor? If she's good enough to sleep with, she's good enough to treat like a princess.

    yes, I want to lavish my love with gifts and other things that make her happy, whether it be the most expesnive thing or something thats sentimental (lets say a hand wrtitten love note for arguments sake). And I will do it on my own accord, on special occasisions or when she has been good to me, or I feel deserves it for whatever reason

    I do not want to lavish anyone who doesnt deserve it, doesnt appreciate it, expects it, and probably will be thinking its not good enough

    if that was the case, I might as well go and spend it on myself !

  8. Well in her line of work, she is playing the lottery.

    If she wins, she will end up with a house etc. If not, she will end up as just another old former hooker with no respect, back in her village.

    Most bargirls do not have the brains to win the lottery. They are first of all uneducated and trained with only thinking about "fast and easy" money from their old business. They do not understand about investments and maintaining and growing ones assets. She might get a farang to borrow money and buy a house in her name. Then he dies and she is left with missing payments, which she can not pay. House is gone and she is worse of than she started. Happens all the time. It is far from always that the farangs gets cheated.

    The bargirls do to, because they have no financial understanding whatsoever. Some do, but they are very few. At her age and with her looks, she will have to be pretty lucky and most importantly smart (which she most likely is not).

    that maybe very true, but in my mind, not knowing that a house loan or a car lease costs money every month, is not to do with financial literacy or education or inteliggence, its PURE COMMON SENSE

    if you think that payments are going to disappear when farang dies or leaves, then thats just stupidity to the maximum, no different ot a woman saying 'oh I didnt know a newborn baby required food and attention'

  9. OP must have met up with the same lady I met in BKK some years ago, who insisted she was not a prostitute, but she then proceeded to demand a "contract" with me as follows:

    I pay the all the rent for her apartment and the rent for the beauty shop she ran downstairs, plus all the utilities.

    Buy her a condo to the tune of THB 1 million.

    While she continued on with various other financial terms of this contract, I consulted with my "attorney", Mr. Jonathan "Jack" Daniels, and left while the lass was in the middle of a sentence and stopped all further negotiations and discussions with the young lass...If the OP would like a referral to my attorney, he is welcome to it.

    a lot of women, partcularly/especially in the western world think that as long as they dont get paid per hour, then they are nt whores

    its funny to listen to them justify it

  10. She's deluded, but many of them are. I mil sin sot for a <snip> of 34, hilarious, but sad really. You should have asked her what she is offering in return!

    the thing is, even though she is deluded, if she knows of or has heard of some loser offering this to her, and if she does get lucky, she might just get it.

    as for offering in return, im sure the answer will be something like 'the opportunity to care for me' 'for me to love you' 'someone to cook' 'someone to service you on your bi annual visits'

    everytime I heard stuff like this I think 'well, so can a hooker' 'well, so can a hooker' 'well, so can a hooker' 'well, so can a hooker'....and it would be so much cheaper and less hassle to get a new one each time! and more exciting

    • Like 1
  11. it took you a trip back home to realise??????

    didnt you know that when you catch a plane , due to the water and air pressure in the cabine, you suddenly become very HANSUM,

    but when you go back due to the reverse effects, you lose your HANSUMNESS

    showing them a empty bank account, also has this effect for some very strange reason too......even though you dont catch a plane

    • Like 1
  12. im 34, never been married, not living in Thailand, dont have jasmine fever, currently have a non-thai girlfriend, have had a Thai Gf before , my none of my family have been divorced, best friend divorced from a vindictive nutcase

    I read stuff on Thai visa, hear and read about divorce cases in my country, have read up on the ridiculous divorce laws in my country, I am asset rich through blood, sweat and tears over the years,

    and the concept of marriage scares the bejesus out of me,

    no marriage for me, and if the girl cannot accept it, I am happy to let her move on

    if she accepts me for who I am and isnt one of those girls that says 'oh because you dont marry me, you dont love me' type of girls, then I have a keeper for life!

  13. Tipping is a western culture

    I only half agree with the culture of tipping, why should you pay extra for good service,

    good service should be a given as a standard

    do you tip when a retail shop eg clothes shop gives you great service??? never, so why does it apply to hospitality?

    also, call me cynical, but if too many farangs start tipping, then all the thais will start expecting it, and if you dont tip or tip big, they will call you stingy or a loser, thus defeating the intentions of tipping!!!

    edit; I was getting a normal massage in a shop that ive been to a few tines, this time there was only a fat unattractive masseues about 40 free. Ive had massages from this shop before by older women and they had been good. Anyway, about ten minutes in, she starts offering me extra services, to which I decline. She tries a few more times including sticking her hand down my pants, to which I tell her not to.

    She aso tells me she doesnt make any comission from my massage (yeah right) and would like a big tip. the massage was 250baht, I give her 300 and she looks at me, sulks, and mumbles something in thai and storms off

    no more tipping for me at massage places

  14. Funny thing is ....all the white farang want to be darker ...so they lay in the sun for hours trying to get a tan! But as they say ...beauty is only skin deep...it's what's inside that counts....so white or dark...what's the difference. Why you want to be white! Whitening products not good for you.

    OP....I'm shocked that since your a free women now you didn't try to reel him by saying that "for you I'll go back to my natural color if that makes you happy!"

    Possibly can get a monthly check for support from him or money for that sick buffalo your family has....cheesy.gif

    you just reminded me the funniest quote from one of my favourite movies

    sorry, just had to ;)

  15. I don't agree with that. A man in his 40s is very desirable for several reasons in the eyes of women regardless of nationality.

    Only one in Thailand....money
    You're right. Money seems to rule over all else however, there are many girls that have money and are not actively seeking ours...predominantly Thai/Chinese girls.

    That's quality girls of 'well to do' families who have access to money.

    Several girls who are friends with my wife have made their own money.

    These girls are educated, determined and classy. Even they admit these attributes were instilled from their Chinese ancestry.

    They are somewhat fearful that their equal class Thai/Chinese male will take on a Gik for fun, and a Mia noi after marriage. They are now more averse to pairing up with this man.

    What many are wishing for more than their Thai equal, is a western man who exudes the same attributes as themselves. Their parents understand their wish and will respect their decision to establish a relationship with a western man on the proviso he is of similar standing.

    The problem is however, so few western men here are in their class.

    It truly is a shame.

    I pine for the day when I see more genuinely well partnered couples of different ethnicity.

    No Thai girls with money or respect for themselves would be seen dead with a white foreigner.

    If they were that foolish their parents would disown them, so money gone.


    Plenty of hill tribes with Chinese ancestry, usually the poorest and most primitive people in Thailand.

    I have a question, that Ive really never got a straight answer out of

    I used to know a very attractive girl from Udon Thani, I believe their family is quite well off

    she lives in Bkk, with her son from a previous marriage to an American Asian,

    Had her own business before, that did well,, now works in an office

    she has no interest in thai guys or white guys,

    she seems to be interested in japanese guys,

    pays her own way, didnt care if the guy was rich or not

    so whats teh mindset behind this????

  16. You don't get it dude. He didn't start the thread for the reasons you indicated but yes mate, if you must know, I do have the attributes these girls are seeking.

    As for you, Mitty, I have no idea whether that long resume you just typed out is the truth or a load of horse manure - I don't really care - but what I DO know is that you're vulgar and with little in the way of class because only someone with THOSE attributes would go to such extraordinary lengths to convince people on an anonymous forum of his "pedigree".

    You're a berk

    ahh good old thailand, just about the only country in the world where your average , old multiple divorced, socially awkward, physically unattractive loser can feel like a rockstar for a price, and then proceeds to boast about himself on an anoynmous forum,. followed by posting "how long have you been here" thread

    while people laugh at me, while he thinks people are laughing with him at his success in life

    • Like 2
  17. its easy.

    find a girl on the same social standing as you.

    if you are a fat old sexpat pushing 60 who wants a 20 year old petite and attractive Thai girlfriend, and you want this relationship based on something other than financial security? Keep on dreaming.

    Date girls who have a job and a hobby. Date girls in your general age range. Date girls not "out of your league" in attractiveness. Date girls who you can connect with socially (learn thai, share hobbies / interests / personalities) etc

    You can't just say "oh you will find X girl here" as it is all subjective. My experiences and options as a young and confident western man in Bangkok is not going to mirror those of the aging retiree.

    Problem is a lot of older guys live in delusions of reality. They get a bit of attention from some poor girls or hit the bars and suddenly think they can play above their station with a girl "who doesn't want money"

    I can add one to your list of the deluded: there are the young potless bucks, that kids himself that he gets all his pleasures in life for nothing,and believes he is an Adonis reincarnated,and just needs a continuation of the all important work permit,to remain one of the worlds top ten desirable males!.... any of that ring a bell??

    until he returns back home to his country where he is still the same loser as when he left,

    its just now he has had the services of a few bar girls , which must make him more Hansum than when he left!

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