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Everything posted by hellohello123

  1. Is it pick on swedish people this month?
  2. "Police say that the full name of the man reported as “David” is Mr Urh Beat Fehr" 😝 no way thats his real name sounds like "woman beat er"
  3. There is nothing i despise more than people who claim/demand stuff thats clearly not theirs Zero sympathy
  4. Check his internet google search history "imitation neck sympathy brace"
  5. Ive heard of these mystical female creatures...... that want to take you out and pay for your meal.. But i also believe in santa claus
  6. Isnt that what you did in high school english exam? Just fill up the essay with lots of text hoping the teacher will be impressed and give you a decent grade, I did
  7. Shes filippino, shes calling up life insurance to make sure his life insurance is up to date
  8. Is it even possible to cough up litres of blood unless youve been stabbed ?
  9. At least the steroids he took werent fake
  10. Im 99.9% sure the bottle on the right is johnnie walker blue. So $200 usd give or take
  11. "he was met with a savage onslaught" And the only person who could save the day was Bond.....James Bond
  12. Maybe only the "GENIUS' women stare into your eyes?
  13. Any faster theyd go back in time. Einstein would be impressed
  14. Police: "we've come for a surprise check up for mr thaksin" Hospital: " yeah its in our schedule, ill let him know if hes available"
  15. "woman had unexpectedly fallen into a lift shaft within " You mean there is ever a time when someone expectedly falls into a lift shaft!
  16. A foreigner who has run out of money
  17. Another drunken/bad behaved foreign male...... wait its a woman
  18. Maybe his acting skills of being sick arent up to scratch
  19. Closing down arrival duty free stores= people will spend the money inside the country they are already in! Wow, who would have thought! Einstein would be happy with that
  20. I thought every millionaire, both real and 2 week, owned a tiger or lion....
  21. Great plan....they will focus on local tourists until the end of 2023..... a lot can be done in 18 days
  22. A foreigner in thailand being a nuisance!??!?! ....... call the FBI
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