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Everything posted by hellohello123

  1. I am not familiar with Iceland Law but in my country, restaurant is in a public place, but the business is owned by a private entity. so the private can accept/reject anyone they want, however if its discriminatory its a different law, eg no women, no particular religion/race What he said ^^^
  2. Well, it's his restaurant, he can choose who stays and goes.....
  3. Is this one of those modern driverless cars, that theyve been talking about?
  4. Maybe this is their attempt to create an ice skating team
  5. Has he not heard of a ............... bribe! What a dingbat
  6. If the human being has mammaries and a penis does that count?
  7. I want to see the corn flakes box he read that from....
  8. How on earth are you going to quantify the damsage to your kid before its even born???
  9. Sounds like those eastern european dating sites where you have to pay for every message and to send virtual flowers and for every interaction
  10. Not another drunk british or aussie idiot. Wait!! a japanese tourist behaving badly.....
  11. I live in a western country but ive noticed that oriental asians do often talk alot at cinemas
  12. He'll be promoted to king by the end of the week!
  13. Shes one of the biggest idiots on that site. A nobody who writes an article every week (or some idiot publishes them) with some clickbait title . Every article is titled "newest dating trend that needs to stop" or " men/women need to do this dumb thing to be successful in dating"
  14. The force is strong with this one
  15. Lots of alcohol improves my kung fu skills too...
  16. Hahha what a photo Its like a high school graduatiom with the principle on the middle!
  17. Gossipping and talking garbage uses a lot of calories!
  18. Cop1: hey boss arent those 3 international terrorists with 37 murders to their name, what do we do? Boss: i dunno, maybe if we pretend we didnt see them no one will notice cop2: they look kinda of dangerous with their phones boss: look there is a camera, smile
  19. Youre a complete weirdo.......
  20. Ive noticed more and more The trashier the news outlet, the more and more they use the words "outrage" "new trend" "you need to...." "viral" "trend" Maybe i need to stop noticing them or journalism is so trashy these days
  21. "Note: Generic landscape stock photo used due to the original material from the venue being potentially offensive to some readers." Those erect umbrellas could be deemed as "potentially offensive" too, shame on you????
  22. So now where do drunken tourists practice their pole dancing routine after visiting a gogo bar?
  23. And dressing up as girl scouts is a problem because.........??? Author must have never been to japan
  24. Not if she spent all day watching jerry springer....
  25. Maybe customer dodged a bullet, and the delivery driver was intending to eat her Plenty to go around it seems
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