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Everything posted by BadBouy

  1. They only let Winnie play in the backyard, no dogs in the house!
  2. https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcSIHaoyZiFkN1dwi5-JC247BJzCQiKlTqK6YLGgifzw9j3ViAmSu6-PFSCDlcPDn0BR92WIcIjXxfe2-9SrmOnHtBem5Vl2AY5YO3S7LX5ASvX5sAKj2I_1ww
  3. you can port your existing # to www.twilio.com
  4. Where do you find quality shorts?
  5. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F5b7HpkXwAQUlPm?format=jpg&name=900x900
  6. Index mall next to Big C 2 extra has a bunch of sets and a wall full of pots and pans.
  7. Not to worry Thai taggers will have it covered over in a day or so.
  8. https://cdn.dealeraccelerate.com/imperial/1/130/9592/790x1024/1968-chevrolet-chevelle 1968 bought used in 72
  9. I've been in CM 10 yrs no regrets but my exit will be in a couple months. Smokey season, traffic, worst driving I have ever seen, and now road destruction on top of it all. I live in a good spot but air traffic noise is picking up and who ever lives above me has started a 24 hour laundromat so moving was in the cards if I stayed. I've had enough. I already know the next spot, heading there to avoid smokey season to find a place to lease. Just come back pack up and go. CM has a lot to offer but for me but the scales have tipped. I suggest you take a vacation and visit some other places. You might discover a place you like or maybe a holiday is just what you need.
  10. I'd be more likely to believe this if it happened in the snack isle somewhere.
  11. The Brits have a couple billion pounds invested in that sub. A subs best defense is stealth. Confirming your signature and surfacing (especially on a spy ship) to verify exactly what class of sub makes it possible to be easily identified in the future. This could easily be done by a surface ship while giving nothing in return. It does not take a maritime genius to figure that out.
  12. Royal Navy sub surfacing on Russian spy ship so Russians can confirm the subs signature. 45 miles off the coast, no surface ships available? Once great Royal Navy in hard times.
  13. I spent 8 days in Oa Nang last July. I almost went on one of these tours until I saw people coming back beet red. Your getting sun from above and reflection off the water as well. The boats have canvas roofs but you spend time in the water too. If I ever go back I will be better prepared and would definitely take a tour.
  14. If you had experience you should have left before the sun came up. Valuable experience anyway.
  15. This guy is an great Toyota mechanic, he has many other videos on hybrids you can search for.
  16. How can it e a slower delivery method when nothing is delivered?
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