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Posts posted by dhream

  1. Thailand have very strict laws regarding to what you can write about others on the internet, and the laws is not new.

    6 years ago, one falang wrote not nice things about another falang on Facebook. The falang who had bad things written about him took the matter to the police.

    The Facebook post was not in Thai and had to be translate so the police could understand. The falang who wrote on face book had to pay a big fine or face jail.

    You can talk a lot about "freedom of speech".

    But you have to ask yourself, is it fair that somebody can talk bad and about you or your business. Yes you can say if it is true, but there is many lies out there.

    You see many examples of how a business write false reviews about a competitor on reviews site like trustpilot .com. I have worked with internet reputation management, and a real cash cow for me was to get false reviews and lies removed for my costumers.

    So maybe Thailand have better rules than you will find in many other countries. One of the black arts in internet marketing is called deception management. It is very easy to spread lies on the internet and make people believe them.

    So i think Thai rules are fair. If somebody write a lie about you and your company it is not cheap to get the lies removed from the internet. And many times a lie about you can be on a site you do not know, so you have virtually no chance to defend yourself.

    In other countries the law allows 'test cases' that are used to create 'fairer' laws, jury systems, which means trial by ones own peers, and strict rules of evidence. Meaning the police version of this account would be inadmissible in court as hearsay. Also, if the police need the courts to defend their fragile reputation. the big question nobody is asking is Why?

    This is why, until you understand these UNIVERSAL principles, there will be no rule of law, just rule by decree.

  2. the whole point of social media was for the public in general to be able to express a point of view without fear of intimidation,i guess it did n't work out.Governments dont like being criticised and clampdowns will get worse as security is deemed to get worse.

    Welcome to 1984.

    While I agree with your Orwellian concerns, I'm pretty sure social media was created to keep across each others banal lives, not as a tool for freedom of speech. You're thinking of the mostly misunderstood logic behind the now shuttered and always 'dark net' Silk Road. Principally it was about individual sovereignty. What better way to express that, rightly or wrongly, than to sell highly illegal substances freely, and complete with customer reviews, and escrow protection. One of the brightest young minds this century has seen now rots behind the supermax bars of one of the worst police states in the world.
  3. I don't know if the law has changed in Britain, but in the eighties, it was technically impossible to insult a Police officer. Verbal abuse was seen as part of the work that so many people here allegedly 'don't understand' according to Boss man BiB on here. Clearly those expensive learning trips to senior police colleges overseas were a waste of good tea money. In all seriousness, the slide to totalitarianism continues, inch by inch. So slow nobody notices, until the truck pulls up outside the home...

  4. I need to get up and pee several times during the night, being an older gentleman. These guys got lucky; I have heard of guys drugged and passed out for two days. It is very serious if one cannot pee for a long time and can cause permanent damage. And these guys were already out drinking, so I can't see how their bladders didn't explode!

    Being unconscious or asleep won't stop anyone peeing, puking, shitting, or swallowing. After all ones body truly does have a mind of its own.
  5. Don't the Tea Party freaks want to do the same thing?

    Well they both believe in Jesus. Yup this is an unbelievable fact. Daesh follow the Qouran to the dot. They believe Jesus will 'return, lead them into battle in Syria, against 'Rome' and he will spear the emnemy leader. BTW they will spare Christians and Jews who pay a tax and an homage to them, but amazingly, they are not required to convert. Other Muslims are considered apostate and must die. Don't argue with me on this, Mo and his mad mates wrote the damn thing, go look it up.
  6. It would be wonderful to stop calling those morons ISIS, which indirectly approve they have a state, and call them

    Daesh? which they hate, but since that has no verbal 'loading' with English speakers, they're oddly hard to train. Then again FOX 'news' not the sharpest tools in the media shed, and that's saying a lot, since quality reporting on both sides of the political divide ended with the watergate generation.
  7. It is complicated...at the moment there are many Muslims groups linked to terrorist activities...IS may not even be the most formidable...they do get most of the exposure because they know how to use the internet and how to make provocative videos...

    If ever the different terrorists groups unite under one banner...the world will be in for a seriously rough time...

    There is a window of opportunity right now for western armies and politicians to unite in a joint effort to combat these inhumane thugs where they live...

    If we fail to act soon...then the west will be fighting on their own turf and likely be unable to muster a decisive army to eradicate this evil...

    Thailand will not be safe...no country of significant size and resources will be safe...

    This fight is for world dominance...whose culture will rule the world for the next several hundred years...

    You can convert and become a slave...or resist and lose your head...those are the basic choices offered to a non-Muslim infidel...

    can I have a truckload of this commentary, my roses need feeding...

    If you bothered to Google or Wiki Islam, and read for oh 5 minutes, you'd understand that what you describe is humanly impossible. Even the Commies could not agree for long enough to dominate the world, what makes you think several shades of Islam will Unite? You are right in only one respect, for the nutter extremists in all groups, it's convert or Die, and that includes other Muslims, who are only too aware of this.

    Where they win is when ignoramuses get their panties in a bunch, instead of stopping to formulate a strategy of getting moderate Islam onside. One good place to start would be taking down the Royal House of Saud, who created and fund these Wahhabist criminals to the point that over 80% of the population there support deash, but good luck with that.

  8. The r soles in the Philippines are aligning with Daesh in name only, it's a stunt because they are weak, and know that stupid western media do all their propaganda work for them in the guise of stirring fear, outrage, and sensational stories. Likewise weak and frightened westerners drink the kool aid. Common sense (a term the right love to throw about) would dictate it's a stretch to think daesh are empire building with both the French and Russians on their backs. Both not known for playing nice when the chips are down. As a white man, I'm not going to stand by and let my kind have the podium to spew fear and hate against Muslims in general. Listen up turkeys, the more you rant, the more you incite people who would otherwise mind their own business to react in self defense. Think if the shoe was on the other foot. Would you sit there and take abuse every time a white guy in the usa goes Postal? So why blame all Muslims for Paris? Because you lack intelligence, education, and common sense.

  9. The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology

    I understand where you're coming from with your statement, but can I modify what you just said:

    The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology right now

    IMHO, the Muslim activists in southern Thailand are ideal recruits for ISIL.

    It will happen

    But only if right wing idiots fuel the fire. Finally, the world is waking up to the divide and rule tactics of daesh. BTW daesh is a derogatory term for these clowns that call themselves an Islamic State. They are no State. And few Muslims regard them as Islamic.
  10. That's a relief...

    Thai Muslims are some of the nicest, kindest people I've ever met. But some of their people have shown they're capable of terrible violence. And IS is just a bunch of hired guns. Seems like a recipe for disaster.

    Substitute Christian for Muslim and your comment is still valid. Two words. Northern Ireland.
  11. And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

    Don't be ridiculous. That's like saying the Pope is linked to the ira. When you going to understand that deaesh kill more Muslims than farang by a magnitude of 1000s when you going to wake up to the fact that when you lump all Muslims together, you are playing into the hands of the Terrs?
  12. Well, if they really wanted to protect the tourist. They would investigate accidents where people are left in the road to die, after a hit and run. There was a camera at the light just down the street at the light. ( and yes it was working they said) It was a BMW, we have the Mirrow off of it. They wont do anything about it tho. Why would they? they won't make any MONEY investigating it that why. IT may take a real Policeman to do that.

    What is a Mirrow? I even had to ignore my phones spell check to ask that. Amazing.
  13. Only the insane think that more firearms would increase safety.

    Only the ideologically-twisted deny the undeniable fact that many, many crimes of violence have been prevented by firearms in private hands, and that depriving the law-abiding of the means of self-defense whilst the criminals use whatever they want to inflict violence is morally indefensible.

    In Thailand, it should be easier for a farang to to have a gun at their own home. There are too many crazy b****ds here who will do anything to get money. M79's and firebombs included (no names mentioned, but you know who you are).

    But it should be a criminal offence to take it off your own land without notifying the police - who should also do inspections every month.

    Just stop it. You're giving everyone whose English, and everyone called John, a bad name!
  14. Let all foreign nationals purchase firearms. This country would be a much better place. As it stands these criminals know that foreigner can not easily poses guns. So let them buy them freely. Good for the economy and takes the criminals edge away. This is the only way to curb the current trend. The only way......

    Only the insane think that more firearms would increase safety.

    http://www.thaivibes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Foreignershot.png Really? so you would rather be unable to protect yourself like this guy who was recently shot in the head and died.... I think your the insane one quite frankly.
    you ever stop to think what if the bad guy didn't have easy access to guns the good guy might still be alive? A scenario where everyone has open carry would be nightmarish. People would be getting shot for having long hair, or looking at someone's wife, or forgetting to turn off their phone at the movies, or for talking too loud. The relatively few guns we have out there are trouble enough. Try thinking about absolutely everyone having a gun, not just 'responsible' you, and you can see the world would be a war zone 24/7. Apocalyptic, nothing less.
  15. Your all concerned about what? Firearms dont do anything by themselves accept create a deterrent and a great equalizer. It's a proven fact an armed society is a polite society. The more violent cities on the planet are the ones with strongest gun control laws. Undeniable fact.

    It's an equalizer all right. Putting the power of life and death in the hands of stupid people. We already tried that with motorised vehicles, and what a success that's been!
  16. Your all concerned about what? Firearms dont do anything by themselves accept create a deterrent and a great equalizer. It's a proven fact an armed society is a polite society. The more violent cities on the planet are the ones with strongest gun control laws. Undeniable fact.

    Please show me your factsheet. Quoting 'facts' without data is commonly accepted as the waste product of male bovines.
  17. Only the insane think that more firearms would increase safety.

    Only the ideologically-twisted deny the undeniable fact that many, many crimes of violence have been prevented by firearms in private hands, and that depriving the law-abiding of the means of self-defense whilst the criminals use whatever they want to inflict violence is morally indefensible.

    A fact. Really? So how come not one single US gun massacre has so far been stopped by law abiding gun toters. Not enough Guns Yet? What happens when one clown has an accidental discharge, and jittery John Waynes all blindly Respond? What you are describing is a world where everyone is armed, so car park disputes would be settled by duels. 1776 or 1863 were a long time ago, time to reboot that thinking.

  18. Let all foreign nationals purchase firearms. This country would be a much better place. As it stands these criminals know that foreigner can not easily poses guns. So let them buy them freely. Good for the economy and takes the criminals edge away. This is the only way to curb the current trend. The only way......

    Yes, that's working so well in the USA isn't it? The last time I looked the only citizens using guns openly there Ware deranged homicidal maniacs. Armed Citizen Takedowns are a nice fantasy. Must be why the Pentagon sent all those brave militiamen patriots packing when they showed up at recruitment offices awhile back.

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