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Posts posted by dhream

  1. 20 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

    i thought they already scan bags before they hit the carousel…doe that mean they don't at present….thats mind-blowing.

    Not x-ray, but they certainly have drug sniffer dogs down in the guts of the place, they then discreetly mark any suspect bags, and wait to see who collects... of course, in some ports, there are more drugs leaving than entering, but that's how it's done.

    In Australia they almost routinely line up the entire jumbo jet load of passengers from South America, right on the airbridge, and have the drug dogs sniff every carry on bag, even the crew get the once over.

  2. 21 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:


    The people who buy things from them, and therefore encourage them to be there?


    Just accommodate them better and it's win-win. The vendors are actually a relief from the baking, concrete, wire-strewn environment of a typical Bangkok street. Removing them would make the streets barren and soulless as well.

    Until, one day, there is a panic stampede... but let's wring our hands after we've had our cheap pad kapow and sat there on our plastic stool like a hip sweaty lumpen fool "soaking up the *real* asia street life", eh?

  3. On 12/11/2016 at 6:24 PM, chainarong said:

    I often think about these vendors and what they are doing now,  their little enterprises have been taken away , a typical Thai knee jerk reaction, why didn't they organize an alternative

    You're conflating the issue.

    The PRIORITY is safety and convenience for the majority. 

    By your logic, lets wonder how all the petty African drug dealers, pickpockets, and corrupt rentseekers will survive now their 'environment' has been removed.

    There is nothing to stop these vendors taking their grievances to city hall and getting a dedicated space, such as the Singaporean basement solution, employed all along Orchard Road.

    As things were, we had fire traps, gangster landlords, parasite pickpockets, pirate vendors, trash, filth, discarded food scraps, rats, and the shambling bargain hunters all solved in one smart move.

    Long may it last!


  4. 20 minutes ago, smutcakes said:


    Stop being so dramatic. Control certain areas like between Asok and Nana sure, but they provide a much needed food service in the city.  The local Thai people use them daily and they are an everyday need for many workers.

    Ok I won't be dramatic. When the fire trucks can't get to a blaze because human casualties litter the streets from the first panic escape, on a sidewalk where at the best of times its single file each way, you can write a lovely prosaic eulogy, how the dead died happy with a fired chicken leg in their hand.

    How is your unicorn today? Trained it to skip over its rainbow yet?


  5. 19 hours ago, mcfish said:

    I agree with you about wider Bangkok, especially the little old ladies selling chicken and rice or fruit. As long as they are not interfering with foot traffic then leave them be. But that nightmare stretch down Nana way is a whole different scenario

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

    Ever heard of give an inch and they take a mile?

  6. 19 hours ago, smutcakes said:


    Oh, you are talking about a 400 m stretch of road in Bangkok. I thought we were talking about a Bangkok wide issue.


    I have not walked between the two stations in the evening for a number of years. I do remember walking through there and finding it a nightmare getting through when it was all blocked up, and generally i like street stalls, food carts etc. I enjoy having them, it is part of BKK life for me.

    All well and good, but not when there's a fire or other access emergency. Apart from the blatant rentseeker gangs. so long as Lek can sell her pirated Viagra or fried crickets,  who cares eh?

    It is a city wide issue.

    Siam Square and Upper Silom are 'Hillsbourgh Stadium' disasters waiting to happen.

  7. On 11/12/2016 at 6:34 PM, Moonmoon said:

    I agree even if i dont agree with the coup n junta. this is 1 good thing that has happen since he took over. the streets with night mrkets r cleaner n theres more room for pedestrian to walk in safety. the traffic is much better after the roads r freed up. the street vendors r being relocated as well. there r many many night train markets being newly opened all over bkk as well. 


    The payment of bribes to mafia is also real. who gives the authority to mafia to collect money for a space they dont own? 


    Even in chinatown yaowarat, the police r coming down hard on illegal parking at night for the night markets. they will wheel clamp your vehicle if u park illegally. it used to be cars will park by the road out all 3 lanes creating a jam from midnight. now u have to find proper parking spaces which r available all around in chinatown. 


    Chinatown now from midnight is less jam with cars n its a good change.


    Its a good thing n the police r enforcing the traffic rules in the right way n they take no bribes, how do i know, i experienced it 1st hand. just obey the traffic rules n u be alright.


    What r u trying 2 say? Ur English readz like a teenaged prettys txt screen.

  8. On 11/4/2016 at 3:53 PM, mania said:


    Who was the last Russian Citizen you heard of being stripped of their citizenship?


    as for Seagal good for him....These days is nice to have multiple citizenships


    People who  left the USSR both defectors, and a lucky few with permission, WERE stripped of their citizenship. Google before you comment in future?

  9. so what did you say ?

    "a falang that initiated it."

    That farang being you, to drunk to remember what you said. Wasn't a nice thing otherwise it wouldn't trigger someone. 

    Thats the problem. Smudge can't 'think' what he said would cause offence, admitting he's a poor judge of what's acceptable. Is he by chance related to the obnoxious motormouth Dueterte?

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  10. On 6/24/2016 at 6:06 PM, cocorico2558 said:

    Thanks so much Pib for your detailed answer. I was just wondering about that 2.5% 'currency risk' fee which Bangkok Bank charges on Visa and Master Credit Card whenever we pay something which is not in Baht.

    Now, do you happen to know if they do the same lovely practice when using a Debit Card?

    I happen to know Thai Air Asia, one of the most common online sites TVF members visit, are no longer accepting DEBIT cards. It's credit card, 7/11 payment (maybe?) or catch the bus!


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