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Posts posted by dhream


    I don't give two hoots about Philippine women, but the booze is way cheaper over there, and if drinking is an important part of your lifestyle, Philippines beats Thailand hands down. And the food, Philippines beats Thailand hands down AGAIN.


    Carafe of house red wine = 140 pesos in a restaurant (just over 110bht). 

    Wine in Thailand, even with the ridiculous tax, costs about the same as Australia. Source: numbeo website.

    The old world wines are overpriced for the quality however.

    Because everything in Aus is now extortionate and the export value of the A$ may as well be renamed the 'peso'. So cosidering the other prices in LOS I'm way ahead.

    My leftover fridge pizza tastes great when I'm drunk too. Solution, stay inexpensively drunk in the PI and the food is amaaazing.

    To generalise about the women is unfair.

    I've known honeys and scummers in every nationality, but... pinays insist on disappointing me with bar change scams, or bait and switch happy hour tricks. In one place they were so relentless I lost it, and called the cops (Hong Kong) it was not seedy Wanchai, this was opposite the Intercontinental in Kowloon! (Fog Bar, be warned!)

    No Thai has ever fiddled my change, even in seedy Pattaya.

    I can only offer my personal experience, I do know there are ratbags everywhere, but Pinays seem to be serially scamming everywhere I meet them.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk


      It may not kill you; but you will have a psychotic break and be clinically insane for part of the 'trip'!

    Also LSD never leaves your cerebral cortex undamaged...your better off doing heroine, at least if and when

    you 'kick' the habit your brain will be in good working order!

    LSD is non habit forming.

    In fact repeating a 'trip' in less than 2 weeks does...
    You've wasted that dose.

    You'd have to do more than you could ever afford to get brain damage, however, do please cite this study, lest we are tempted to think you pulled it out of your arse. Not that you did, right?

    There are volumes about how to trip safely and pleasantly available in a few plain english clicks.
    This Sid fellow sounds mental to begin with frankly.
    LSD does not 'make you insane' he overdosed and lost control of the trip is all.
    Very unpleasant, but insane? No.

    You stay sequestered in reality, I'll enjoy intelligently and very safely not to mention (geographically) legally, exploring the inner most reaches of the human mind.

    By the way, LSD provides the only known cure for agonising cluster headaches.

    The current arsehat thinking to ease the pain (which it clearly doesn't -watching a sufferer on you tube) is hospital tank O2.

    Thank you, Mr. President arsehat Nixon for banning LSD scientific research. The good news is you're a very dead arsehat, and research has now very sensibly been re established!

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  3. So i've helped a Thai friend setup his business and it's going well except for the banking part.

    He has to do approx. 10 international business transfers per month to the US, but the bank requires him to visit the local branch for each single transfer.

    He needs to travel internationally for a few weeks every few months, so how will he then be able to do an international transfer?

    Kasikorn bank says no other way is possible, bangkok bank has been unhelpful as well.

    Anyone in with the same dilemma? Any ideas on how to solve this problem?

    I see no other option than moving the whole business to a more business-minded location like HongKong, or perhaps Malaysia if they have a good banking system.

    Bangkok Bank is never unhelpfull,perhaps they just weighed up the situation and didnt want to know.

    Going to a branch isn't a good way to get help and answers for this type of thing. Likely you won't talk to someone who is familiar with it. I generally call them at the number shown on online banking and they've always been very helpful. Both K Bank and Bangkok Bank.

    You'll find yourself shut out of Hong Kong if you don't already have an account there.
    It is now so draconian, businesses are starting to protest! So it may change, then again, China calls the shots now.
    Malaysia I'd avoid. 1MDB and the ratbag who everyone knows is guilty yet untouchable should warn you away!
    Singapore is still accommodating... but not if you're a US citizen with the FBAR crap, American accounts are just 'too much hard work' to be worth it to them.
    Australian branches of NON Australian Banks (HSBC) May take you on, but you usually need to prove residency there with local banks.
    Hope this helps you somewhat.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  4. The PI is an irredeemable shithole. That's why the locals have to leave to get ahead.
    Thailand is not perfect but its light years ahead in all but English skills.
    Im surprised nobody yet mentioned the ugly phenomenon where the pinoys/pinays just help themselves to your property, or come to visit and actually vandalise the furniture out of spite?

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk


    What you are actually seeing the results of here is the failed war on drugs in America, as they criminalize everything needed to make the drugs, the criminals have found new ways, dirtier, worse ways to make them, the result is sicker addicts.  Look around you, a large portion of the population is taking methamphetamine in Thailand but no one looks like this, no one has sores all over their face, and that is because they have not been able to restrict the producers supplies of chemicals and force them into making it out of poisonous crap like the Americans.  Lower the crime and make it at least safer for the poor addicts.

    Great post!

    And the methedemic occurred because they made coke too expensive.

    And coke took off because sex is awesome on it, and IT WAS ILLEGAL THERFORE 'NAUGHTY' THERFORE INSTANTLY MORE DESIRABLE (Google how Singapore ended mini skirted girls table top dancing by LEGALISING it -alas they seem to have missed the 64 million dollar point. Girls stopped doing it because it was no longer 'naughty' See, the majority of kids and adults think that way about everything, Dutch kids do much less weed and other drugs than British kids, still the arsehats don't get it).

    Most people can cope with coke on weekends and function as valuable members of society at other times.

    But there's always one arsehat socio-political group whose 'addiction' is power.

    Telling the rest of us what we should be doing or not doing with whom with what and how.

    Well beyond the norms of simply protecting innocents.

    They're the busybodies who ultimately must answer for the scourge of uncontrolled drugs.

    They hand the entire drug industry to criminals, then spend trillions 'controlling' it.

    If thats not arsehat thinking I don't know what is!

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  6. It would be a interesting social experiment if data was accurately and transparently reported. 


    Declines alone could potentially be measured in, alcohol sales, road fatalities, violent crimes, drug dealing. Could be a great opportunity to move to a more modern society.


    Don't know about the Meth though thats a bit far fetched.





    Why is meth 'far fetched'?

    Portugal and the Czechs are coping just fine with decrim meth. Have done for over a decade.

    Please, everyone, stop swallowing the tired old horror stories and do some proper research.

    Of course meth can destroy you.

    So can hamburgers if you eat them every day for a year.

    The point is, there will always be yahoos who'll abuse anything.

    That does not make everything automatically 'bad' for the great majority of us.

    Almost all drugs are self-limiting for normal people, you'll either try it or not, walk away, or eventually need help.

    Its just like booze. In many cases even less of an abuse risk.

    We don't need a big brother to dictate what to use in the majority of cases, and those who do, need government mandated dosages, not street pushers.

    The solution lies in the problem as it stands. End prohibition. End the problem.

    The guys who benefit most from prohibition are criminals.

    Society wont turn to pharmacy sold meth as one, no more than most people drink every day of their lives. Why is that so hard to get the average joe to understand?

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  7. Does the oligarchy really want Thais to learn.... anything?

    What do you think?
    Educated serfs cause the elite endless headaches. Never mind the country wallows behind the likes of Singapore (who had to get smart or perish -so lets not give them too mutt credit for educating their OWN serfs!)
    Since the elite win no matter what lowly state the workers are in, why should they give a ratz about the advancement of the masses?

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  8. I, for one,  am glad to hear they are going to make the effort.

    I don't know if I feel more sorry for the kids that don't get good teachers, or the expats who make fun of it all.



    Hey, if the cap fits, wear it!
    You think we laugh out of spite?
    These people's own strange system of 'no child left behind' as explained by overseas educators, the people who are at the coalface (god knows how they do it, hats off to them!) expose the self defeating pretence of 'meaningful' grades for what it is. My own other half used to do all her dopey friends university assignments for them (or they just copied her, whatever) every one of them has a worthless tourism degree, none of them speak English or any other overseas language.
    Needless to say, they don't work in tourism.
    Thailand has a lot of growing up to do!

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk


    What do you suggest? Seriously?


    The Shins aren't remotely interested in anything other than getting their family and cronies back in control. Their red shirt non elected goon leaders continue to spout out and their bail braking is ignored. They won't change.


    I doubt Suthep, the Yellows PAD or whatever their latest incarnation is, would be interested in becoming best pals with the Shins either. Unlikely to change.


    It took many years for the Povisional IRA and Britain to negotiate an agreement. And a key factor in that was when the Americans declared a war on terror and the Provos suddenly realized they were on the list of bad guys. 


    The only hope is for a new crop of untainted, unsoiled honest ethical lot of politicians to emerge. What chance of that?

    Let me consult Douglas Adams' 'deep thought'
    The answer is...
    ...bugger all to the power of none.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  10. Bury the hatchet....that is yellow/elite talk for; "Lump it & learn your place! You'll never get justice or equality, red buffaloes!"

    They're all ratbags. Whatever shirt colour or ideology some cosmic force needs to knock their greedy grasping heads together!

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  11. There are many reasons Embassies are sold and relocated. Just as you would a home. Many of these buildings are old and outdated. Expensive to keep up. Sadly, in our age, security becomes a major concern. Never been to this embassy, but from the picture, it doesn't look too secure. US relocated a number of embassies, including (if my memory serves), the one in London.


    OK. My two cents worth. Cary on bashing the UK. [emoji6]

    Oh I never knew the Seppos left Grosvenor Square until now! I spent many a youthful hour discouraging swarthy alien gentlemen from storming that august building, wherein lantern-jawed jarheads were calmly waiting to cut them to pieces.
    I love democracy!

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

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