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Posts posted by dhream

  1. Yes, the world is changing...more and more criminals looking

    for money for their drugs, more and more junkies on the streets,

    such pathetic losers!!   But life goes on:. Some will sit in a sad,

    paramoid haze of weed, others of us will golf, travel,enjoy concerts

    and good conversation.....The "Haves" and the "Have Nothings" but



    Somebody confirm the truth -as gently as possible to this person- that:
    1. Their concert performers and half the audience are usually high. Particularly if it's Classical.
    After all, young Rockers are the classical concert lovers of the future!
    2. Travellers visit Amsterdam to get stoned THEN *absorb* the glory of the Rijksmuseum, and;
    3. Golfers need to find a far cheaper less time consuming drug!

    Bless you Mary, your sobriety is so sincere.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  2. actually its been pretty extensively researched and they came to slightly different conclusions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphetamine

    You should have tried minute quantities of LSD to solve problems... now it's important to distinguish this is not your average 'touch the face of god' trip.
    But LSD in researched doses does open the human mind to incredible problem solving potential.
    Of course, all stifled by the
    control freak and disgraced criminal Nixon and his cohorts in boring suits.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  3. actually its been pretty extensively researched and they came to slightly different conclusions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphetamine

    You should have tried minute quantities of LSD to solve problems... now it's important to distinguish this is not your average 'touch the face of god' trip.
    But LSD in researched doses does open the human mind to incredible problem solving potential.
    Of course, all stifled by the
    control freak and disgraced criminal Nixon and his cohorts in boring suits.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk



    Medical meth use.



    According to one guy here modern airforce's feed their pilots meth.
    I think that qualifies as medicinal.

    Also I think he may be referring to the WW2 Luftwaffe and Soviet flyers who would have absolutely needed it in the desperate skies of those times.

    Drones now do a much better job of tweaked up air aces, but what would I know? [emoji12] I'm just a 'high junkie' as far as some nincompoops here are concerned...

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  5. So weed is harmless. I have seen the phsycosis



    No drug is harmless. Lets include caffeine and sugar as drugs, they answer the profile of 'abuse' as well as any opiate.
    The argument is and always has been, that treating all drugs on an equal footing as alcohol and tobacco would allow for sensible harm reduction, decriminalisation of addicts, which does society no favours in the long run (prison is a university for crime, turning Lebowski tokers into hardened recidivists). Decriminalisation lets governments control who how and when the population use, rather than gangs. Just like beer.
    To get there you have to accept most of what you think you know about hard-core drugs is sensationalised.
    If drugs are so awful, why do so many people use? Why is the trade value in the billions and yet addicts are barely visible?
    With the size of the seizures, our streets should be littered with diseased addicts, yet they aren't. So there's a disconnect between demand, use, and what we all accept as gutter 'junkies' or drunken bums if you will.
    The demand is growing, yet hopeless addicts in relative terms, are not presenting in corresponding numbers.
    So why?
    Because the harm or (abuse) potential versus the responsible usage by silent majority is completely at odds with the moral panic.
    Every country that has relaxed drug prohibition has seen the good far outweigh the bad, and yet the tired myths persist like bad religion.
    Even the press wording used to describe drug stories is hackneyed and perpetuates 1920s Chicago thinking.
    We need to move on.
    It's totally manageable if we, not the crims, are prepared to man up and bloody well MANAGE it.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk


    Come on, there isn't a guy on this forum that has not done some stupid things in their life when they were young.


    Youth, hormones and booze--take the luck out of that equation and we all would have been a headline somewhere.

    Ain't that the truth. I remember thinking I was going to drown crossing a bay at night in a wreck of a canoe half pissed... but im too scared of heights to have ever been a climber. Even sozzled. Thank god. We can swim up to a point, but we can't fly!

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  7. Back at the turn of the centruy,  say 2003, Outside Magazine or N.G. Adventure, could even have been  Men's Journal, started to do a series about the Police in Pattaya. A day in the life type thing. One article and then they had to close it down and leave. Turns out the they talked to people about all the suicide jumnpers they found  it likely that the couple they had reported on had likely been NOT a suicide but homicide.

    Oh My

    As you can imagine when they asked one too many questions about this, the police in Pattaya becamse less friendly, all the talk of a series went right out the window and they left.

    I'm sure that some people do commit suicide by jumping. That said would be a 3/1 or 5/1 ratio of homicide to suicide? When Thais joke about suicides jumpers with a wink and a nod, you know where the truth lies.


    Sorry Dhream ... . your were attempting to deflect too. Copycat mentally ill was it ..... sure happens all the time

    So in your learned opinion , what is this vast police conspiracy that literally dozens of unconnected tourists expats fugitives whatever are all thrown off a balcony.

    With so many camera phones, and the likelihood of a victim screaming blue murder going over the edge, why has not one 'flyer' ever been filmed going down as a murder victim. Not One.

    The bib are secretive anyway. Their handling of any death scene is keystonian.

    I don't buy your mass unrelated murder theory. Its not logical.

    My aincient background is among many other things, serving in three competent police forces. I have personally handled entire sudden death cases as the senior investigating officer, albeit in my tender twenties. And yours is?

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk



    What about easing the restrictions on real meds like the Diazepam family ?? Making them better available in Thailand and/or legally bringing them from overseas.





    Are you joking? Any pharmacy on Sukhumvit will sell you just about any pill that has a big pharma brand name on it. If they don't, try the next one, you can get almost anything with enough legwork and a semi convincing back story. Same goes for any city in LOS.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  9.       More internet BS....probably by some pot head justifying 

    their own addiction......oh a pot is not addicting....neither is

    booz 555555555

    The world is changing sunshine!
    Only dullards cling to broken solutions.
    Whether you approve or not, regardless of your infantile insults that all progressive drug campaigners and psychonauts with more brains in their fingernail than your entire head, are 'junkies' You just read like a muddled and frightened troll.
    Go away and teach sunday school to girl guides or something.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  10. 1 hour ago, Rorri said:

    Damn there a some dickheads on this site, not saying you are one, it's not allowed, but where does your comment relate to my reply, you have truly gone off the rails,  mate, your well and truly off the bloody planet. I'm afraid I can no longer reply to your tripe, it's just too ridiculous.

    You said the cops would sell weed 'legally' to which I replied, like they sell beer 'legally'. Which is of course as nonsensical as your brilliant opine on legal weed. But not saying you're an idiot that cant even remember the <deleted> you post to begin with... maaate. You DOZY plonker.

  11. 9 hours ago, retoohs said:

    I wouldn't. Many toads secrete some of their venom through the skin as a deterrent to other animals eating them. Small doses usually just create hallucinations not death but I would still not be touching them

    Only one or two South American toads have hallucinogenic venom, and yes, you have to lick them... I guess there's not much to do in the amazon these days but lick toads and watch the bulldozers change colours as they rip the rainforest jungle into profitable pasture for McDs.

  12. 1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    Don't early buyers of new series aircraft usually get some discounts...to get off to a good start and build momentum for the program?

    There are discounts for first in, discounts for upgrades to type, discounts for bulk, and many other deals. In addition, many fleets are simply leased. Although the Toulouse delivery visit would indicate a significant deal was inked.

  13. 1 hour ago, LuckyNo4 said:

    Flying to the UK? EVA Air Business, Premium Economy or even economy beats THAI every time. Better service & better prices. Me, my family and friends use them all the time.

    I was lucky enough to fly business with Them for free once. Not impressed.

    The problem is it's all nepotism with the service crews, daddys little hi so girl getting a free travel the world job for life.

    Not, as with other asian carriers, based on the best of the best in terms of customer service. The Thai (national) cabin crew Qantas employed out of BKK in the first decade of this century were hired on merit. They were nearly all outstanding. Cut away tragically of course, by the changing fates of global aviation. 

  14. Another thing about the airbus aircraft layout is the close similarity of the modern 'joystick' flight deck across all models making pilot training more efficient therefore cutting training man hours without sacrificing training quality. 

    By all accounts the offset armrest joystick is surprisingly popular even among conversions from the boeing 'yoke' layout.

  15. 9 hours ago, z42 said:

    What part of the cost cutting exercise is this then I wonder. As far as I am aware they are still massively in the red and barely profitable even in a time of extremely cheap fuel costs and unprecedented numbers of air travellers. A joke of a purchase given their current circumstances

    Not necessarily so. Fleet planning is best done decades out. The most profitable legacy airlines have the youngest fleets.

    Both maintenance and fuel efficiency savings are vast, the weight reductions in both modern cabin fit outs and composite materials further add to savings, as do early and robust order forms which can carve millions off the list prices. 

    Maintenance is often also heavily discounted to enable airbus engineers to get 'free' access to study how new models are holding up in real world flight cycles.

    The sooner they can shed the deservedly beloved, but fuel guzzling 747s the better off they'll be long term.

  16. On 8/30/2016 at 2:58 PM, boooker said:

    I just had counted 176 jump/fall from balcony over the last 2 years.......some cannot be right as those numbers wake even the most crazy up.

    Yes, the numbers are hugh because the idiot media here, including this shitty 'news' site, REPORT on jumpers, encouraging more, which is a medically proven fact among the mentally ill, who copy cat suicide.

    In this case, he was drunk, and sadly now, dead drunk.

    The fact remains, these stories serve only to bring out the ghouls, copy cat suicide sickos and idiot alex jones type armchair homicide 'dicks'.

    They need to be redacted from the news cycle in the interests of public safety.

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