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Posts posted by dhream

  1. Um, you seem to forget this is also about ya ba, and also "eventually" could be decades away.

    Thats not whats happening in the USA with weed.
    Thailand is in lockstep with the USA on drugs, defense, everything.
    Meth is being put into section 2 to allow science to study it.
    Are you able to mount a coherent argument based on science and legal precedent, or are you here to push last centuries drug propaganda at us?

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  2. Sorry mate, I fail to understand what you are getting at, are you smoking something.

    Anyway, read this, it's  interesting.


    Ha ha yes of course I must be high, because you 'fail to understand'.
    I'm not your 'mate'. I usually spend time with people who can follow simple logic.
    I can't make my question to you any simpler.
    Maybe YOU should try a smoke, blow away the cobwebs of 'reefer madness' thinking.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk


    The killings I think you spot on as I researched it on CNBC and BBC but 600,000 arrested sounds very high to me as the official number currently stands at around 150,000.

    Even so 150,000 in jail, costing society money in lost manpower, in incarceration costs, Unable to find work as ex cons when they get out.
    Then go deep into organised crime because, what else is there?
    All because some rich guy doesn't want some other poor guys to put a chemical into their adult bodies, to escape their daily grinding miseries for a few hours.
    Madness personified.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  4. Wrong, means they can now find "legal" means to sell more.

    Eventualy, weed will be grown in almost every home plot.
    The only industrial application will be hemp and medicinal edibles (thc removed).
    Just let the people relaxxx.
    The majority will no more abuse dope than they do beer.
    And as has been said forever, I'd rather meet a bunch of smiley stoners at a late night venue, than a pack of borderline angry drunks.
    God knows this uptight world could use more mellow fellows.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  5. Weird in the sense I wouldn't of expected it from Thailand and moreover, the current government.  I'm a bit unsure about the inclusion of Yabba, but certainly agree with a shift from incarceration to treatment for those who' haven't committed a crime beyond possession/use.   

    Exactly. Billions of us enjoy a drink, we may even get happily plastered. The law does not bother us so long as we don't break the laws of society whilst intoxicated.

    Why drugs are viewed any differently is a mystery to me.

    The ratio of addicts to alcoholics, in the case of most drugs is in fact significantly lower.

    It gets disproportionate press to the damage it causes, like terrorism.

    The current thinking of most global authorities is hopelessly behind the science of addiction.

    The reality is that the majority of the worlds population could try most drugs many times without ever developing a dependency.

    Nicotine is the worlds most addictive substance, period.

    Yet smoking is mostly marginalised, and uptake falling, except in countries like China and Indonesia, how very ironic considering their firing squad stance on "drugs"!

    The facts expose the lies. But the world has to re-educate a mostly indoctrinated population to actually reverse the damage propaganda has done. Another irony.

    Drugs are far from harmless, but like alcohol, factual scientific education on dosage, and safe enjoyment (make no mistake drugs are consumed mainly for enjoyment!) will always be needed, but the answer is not prohibition. That's only made a social problem far worse by magnitudes that we can no longer effectively manage.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  6. @grubster, The big DuPonts have made their case, the vested interests have to decide what cost they're willing to pay... is the destruction of American inner cities high enough?
    That spteads eventually, to the picket fence suburbs, like cancer
    And it has, that's what made 'Breaking Bad' enormously realistic, and popular television.
    Back in reality, the world is waking up to the need to change course.
    Prohibition doesn't work.
    Decriminalisation means more control, not less.
    Saying that a change of heart on drug prohibition would lead to criminal chaos has not been proven by the example of alcohol, a very dangerous highly addictive and anti social drug.
    All other drugs combined would not be as bad as the alcohol problem, and yet the world gets by just fine.
    Its all lies and fear. Not a jot of evidence to back up their wild claims of social chaos.
    Show me a family ravaged by meth I'll show you ten ravaged by booze.
    Where is the moral panic on beer? Its glamourised by football heroes!

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  7. you know going hard or going soft does not seem to make much difference. meth is destroying parts of america. it is called 'P' in nz and is doing a lot of damage there as well especially in lower socioeconomic and maori communities. maoris make up only 10% of the population but full over half the prisons. have to wonder if there is not another if there is not some better way to deal with this problem.


    Why would that happen?  Softer penalties means less risk for dealers which means more dealers which means lower prices which means less crime.  Unless of course you are assuming that a softer approach will encourage new users which there is nothing in the way of evidence to suggest and plenty to suggest that it will discourage new users as demonstrated in various countries.

    You don't have to 'wonder' both Portugal and the Czech Republic have successfully decriminalised possession, but not dealing, for over a decade.
    Nothing but good has come of it.
    Its the pig headed string em up stupidity of the countries with the worst drug problems such as Indonesia, US, and PI. That make me wonder just who is really raking it in. Because even neo cons can't be that dumb - for that long. In the face of all evidence the WoD has been a costly abject global failure.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk


    Depression, weight loss and possibly social anxiety disorder. 


    In California, where medical marijuana is legal, getting a prescription for it is not a problem for hundreds of thousand of people in the state. I fear methamphetamine will become easy to obtain legally in Thailand for truck drivers, bus drivers, taxi drivers, pilots, etc. and anyone who wants to work long hours. If you think Thailand's motor vehicle fatality rate is high now . . .  Guess they're shooting for the #1 spot.  

    Pilots on meth?
    Where? When?
    Plenty drunk pilots to be googled.
    Where's the moral panic about that?
    Anti drug propaganda has been so well funded over the years, most TV posters are as brainwashed as North Koreans.
    Brainwashing includes denial you're brainwashed!
    Brainwash comments are easily identified by the unscientific lame old arguments they echo in their blind accepting ignorance. Proudly on display in this and countless other drug threads.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  9. This could be Thailand's 'Portugal' moment.

    Portugal decriminalised EVERYTHING back in 2000. Sixteen years later they have their drug problems under control, uptake has plummeted, HIV has plummeted too.
    The Conservative lobby seem to see anything other than total prohibition as 'giving up' on drugs.
    The wilfully ignored reality is that Portugal stopped the war, and won their battle.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  10. Well, maybe you should stay in Pattaya where there it's more acceptable to have an exploitative attitude toward foreigners and use the "f" word to describe them.  I just returned from a day at Suan Dok Hospital, the teaching hospital associated with CM Univ where I was assisting some elderly foreigners and I can assure you that when speaking about foreigners, the doctors and nurses use the words "kon dtang chaat"  or the exact nationality of the person and not "farang".  Even the name of their special line item for dual pricing uses the proper name and not "farang room price".   (After all, Japanese, Korean, Chinese etc patients have to pay that "special" room charge, too.)

    Like it or not.
    Thailand has a century of political correctness to catch up on.
    I lived through enormous PC changes in my own life, we all did. I'm a lib, but I think PC has gone silly to be honest.
    Lioness but not actress? What garbage!
    Locals still portray 'white skin = beauty' many 'farang' males would beg to differ!
    The government using the word 'foreigner' officially, is personally offensive to me, but TiT.
    Lets face it Uncle Sam is little better with 'aliens' what the...
    Other governments have found 'friendlier' terms such as 'overseas nationals' etc.
    Any local who uses 'farang' in derisive tone is a 'keenok' and I use that term in reply. They are of course, and indeed, too 'bird shit' scared or astonished, to make anything more of it. [emoji12]

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk


    I know this is off topic but i get fed up with so many Posters on this site on every topic using the word 'Farang' This is an English speaking site and the great bulk of Posters are from Western countries. It is not an English word! On top of all that a significant percentage of Posters think it offensive and (whether you agree or not) that should be considered before using the word.  How nice it would be to see it used less often.

    Oh come on. English is a dynamic language that constantly 'borrows'.

    I've used South African, Singaporean, Antipodean, and American English in my time. They all have local words long accepted as part of the lexicon.

    Find something worthwhile to worry about in what little time is left to you!

    'Farang' may not be used with polite intent. But that says more about the gibbon using it abusively, than their target.

    Nobody here need police their language to please an online pedant or two.

    Pathetic use of your time really...

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  12. I think the problem is that CM has little or nothing to offer except a nascent gay scene. So, given your parameters, answering you is very difficult. You are asking for positive views of a place that has little to offer.

    Gays bring a lot of money, culture and genteel development to anywhere they congregate. I have no problem with civilisation advancing in that respect. Bring it!

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

  13. Went to CM once, never again. Took me 30 mins to look around old town. Diced with death every time I tried to cross a road. Boring and expensive girly bars with ugly and unfriendly girlies. Same sort of markets you get anywhere in Thailand. Expensive second hand book shops. Expensive everything else. Expensive/dodgy taxis and no baht buses. No cooling breeze. Smog bound. Too far from Suvarnabhumi. No beaches. Horrendous immigration office according to reports. Unfriendly expats. Kissed the ground when I arrived back in Pattaya.

    Apart from that it was ok.

    I love CM. But I landed on my feet here with a great lady of similar age and shes also generally self supporting.
    I have to agree with a lot of what you've posted jesimps, but there's going to be sh!t to deal with everywhere. It all depends on what one can live with.
    I tried pattaya 3 times in my younger days. Each visit it seemed to get worse.
    There was a 40 something Brit guy there about a decade ago. He really seemed to live the life. He had a witty blog and pictures of himself with a series of stunning mea noi (his legally wed mrs was hot too!) Many here might recall 'Shagmeister' he mysteriously died of a pill and booze 'overdose' in his prime.

    Shag's story sums up Pattaya for me.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk


    Pretty accurate.  I would add that the Thais in Chiang Mai are pretty genuine and decent.  Most are from CM or the north in general.  Most do not work in the tourist trade and don't have a negative view of farangs.   Contrast that with Pattaya, where it seems most of the Thais there are more mercenary.  It's not their hometown and they're there to make money.  They've seen the worst sides of foreigners and don't think twice about fleecing a farang. 

    This is exactly what expats say about the Algarve region in Portugal.
    Its a universal thing. Resort towns attract the worst of the indigenes and expats everywhere it seems.

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  15. I'm actually thinking in reverse. While I enjoy CM most of the time, mid-February through March in the smoky season is fairly ordinary.

    So next year, I will be spending that time in Pattaya/Jomtien. I understand condos are easy to rent short-term at that time.

    Yes. This is definitely a must in 2017. Seal the house too. The soot is a shocker, still cleaning it up all year round... its not expensive to do if you're not tied to CM for business. Other half has family in korat, they're still country friendly there, don't burn thier lands anymore, and have a huge inexpensive waterpark near the city. Or... lovely unspoiled Trat province.

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  16. could be...but there has been a sign up of a life size AA hostess at 7-11, and it's in Thai, but looks like they will give you 60 thb in stamps if you pick up a ticket priced between 480 and 855 thb...I've almost recruited an interpreter in front of 7-11 to find out the exact deal...maybe I will take a photo...

    But to where!? And when! How about why!!? I need to save on my travel agenda, not merely on 3K s deployments of strategically marketed metal.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

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