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Posts posted by dhream



    I lived in Spain a long time and still have an ex wife and property there.


    Its a good place to live in general but I do prefer tropical weather.


    You will have a good time. 

    Spain has scammy government property dodges easily googled.
    Portugal has better rule of law.
    I came from there, never looked back.
    Its gripped in depression, they can't even afford to turn on the shops display lights in many cases, assuming they're still in business!

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

  2. "Not sure which straw was the final weight!"

    Could be the end of the beautiful relationship?

    To the OP, you're on a false crusade, everywhere has hi so oppression in some shape or form, that's why Trump, that's why Brexit.
    As for the relationship. Good luck finding that in any other country, unless you're loaded, or some amazing in other ways, guy...
    The Thais will sort out their own troubles without help from us, any Thai interfering in western politics would be rightly slammed.
    So leave them to it.
    I think you're making a very expensive mistake.
    I'd suggest spending the time and money to go wherever you're going for a 'staycation' it may quickly make you realise and remember why you came here to begin with!

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk


    Never been an issue for me, The only addition I filled in one month ago was a single page if I remember correctly, wanting some extra info.

    I agree totally with the above, I File 90 day report online, yes, it IS doable, if you have a little ingenuity. And an attention span bigger than a Fox News consumer.

    The 'extra' form is, like most things, not that dreadful in reality. I left most of it blank. The cops themselves don't care! Its just more shit they have to deal with for no real benefit to them either.

    Like I said, try Cambodia's 'too easy' visas, filthy streets, and scammy locals, then come bitch to me...

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

  4. I know of a guy who just sold everything, including condo, and moved back to Hawaii.

    He was sick of 'the Government'

    He lasted a month.

    Now he 's heading back here, what a huge waste of time and money, family in upheaval, etc.

    I myself looked at Cambodia, meaning, I actually went there before selling up.

    I lasted a few days! Here is not perfect, but there, it sucks. Big time.

    Be very careful about the green green grass over the fence my expat friends!

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

  5. "Achievements in terms of suppressing..." 555 hilarious.

    No kingpin = no nuthin'

    It's all just the usual BS, back-slapping and kidding the gormless general public that they're 'winning' a war that didn't even exist, until they 'created' it out of the summer of love in 68' now they're up to their nex in meth pandemics because they
    Idiotically created a hyper demand for, by suppressing, of course, cocaine, among other substances. Chemicals that most people ignored for most of human history. Nice going you <deleted> clowns dicks.

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

  6. now appointments with Khun Somchai will be 4 hours late instead of the usual 1-2 hours.

    I think it should be allowed for medical use, but if they don't regulate it more and more kids will be hooked - its already bad enough in the current state with rampant use among high schoolers where schools don't carry out drug tests

    I think you're confusing nicotine with thc.
    It's not physically possible to be 'hooked' on pot.
    One can become emotionally or psychologically dependent on the buzz of pot, but that is NOT addiction, not even close.

    Legalizing weed paradoxically makes it a lot harder for kids to get! Just as they can't easily access alcohol right now.

    Just imagine how prevalent and dangerous illicitly pushed moonshine would be if we banned all alcohol tomorrow.

    When you quell the moral panic, ending prohibition on everything, is just common sense.

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

  7. The leap from legitimate medicinal use of Cannabis and its associated products, to  recreational use by some in here, exposes the selfish hedonistic demands of the uninformed.

    Making comparisons with alcohol and tobacco is facile; there are dangers in every drug not prescribed by a competent medical practitioner.

    Anecdotal and shrill advocates for legalizing recreational use of illegal substances need correction. Just because you promulgate  a pro-drug use stance doesn't make your opinion  worth anything

    Hey 'Doctor'!
    Contrary to what you believe to be correct, I don't want or need another humans' permission to medicate myself.
    Google Portugal and drugs.
    It rebuts your arrogant, dated, and ignorant stance rather elegantly.
    I am LEAP just as qualified to hold an opinion (shrill or otherwise) as you. You can google that too!

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

  8. I just got back from Scambodia yesterday. Every guy I met there is ex Thai expat, had to leave as financial refugees. Every one of them miss Thailand, and say Cambodians are worse than Thais by almost every measure.
    I myself was victim to attempted scams large and small every day there.
    I returned to Thailand and all its faults with renewed gratitude I can still live here.
    On arrival, I heard about an American who sold everything and returned to Hawaii with his Thai wife. He lasted a month, and is reportedly heading back here again...
    To those thinking of leaving. I'd suggest you visit the place you have in mind first, including your old stamping ground, before you make an expensive mistake.

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

  9. 10 minutes ago, dontoearth said:

    There was an even better scam going in Central America where all you had to do was show up for photos for your brochures and website.  The orphanage was nothing more than a daily rental movie set.  A number of organizations got caught when the same kids and same workers and same building appeared in multiple "charities."

    Greed gets them every time. Greed got the 1MDB scandal exposed. All because one bloke stiffed a 'mate' over chump change. It makes me smile...

  10. On 8/3/2016 at 10:12 AM, Srikcir said:

    If the 2016 draft charter passes, Thais will lose the ability to sue the government to stop such projects for any reason. Meaningful public participation in governance of the nation currently is not a hallmark of the junta's reforms.

    The PM has told parliament that. Free internet and dabate is holding the nation back. Come on, Sirkcir, be reasonble why doncha? ?

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