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Posts posted by dhream

  1. On 7/4/2016 at 4:33 PM, KhonKaenKowboy said:

    Since it's a US Holiday, I am going to agree with Oscar's posts on this matter. No one needs to bow down to me, or even call me "Sir." I do expect people to do the jobs they are being paid to do, at whatever wage, to do them in a civil manner. Grunting, and ignoring customers is impolite in any language. Again, it's the "soft bigots," who tell us to expect less than we would from other humans..."they are Thai."

    I agree with Lawrence and Nancy, too, although the home improvement people leaving you alone is an improvement itself. But, I agree the good, classic places, that I would crave for, when in the States are more than slowly disappearing. As far as restaurants and bars..the number has been cut in half in only a few years. Too many "brain dead" staff, when a few caring, competent ones would be fine. Places getting squeezed on rent. Owners with obvious gambling debts. And don't get me started on warm, old beer in a dirty glass...it's much more of a standard and not an exception. I know of one place in the entire province that will consistently do a beer right, and that is my LG refrigerator in my 20K USD condo.

    A few Saturday evenings ago, I did about a 5 Km walk through Su Thep. I did not see one place that was worth stopping at for a casual beer. I just about decided that I would move to Bangkok and leave the Chines to enjoy Lanna slowness and underachievement. Chiang Mai will always be a special place, but I'm tired of dealing with bullcrap.

    Suthep? Thats the problem! CM is a big place. So is BKK, but as much as I love BKK, I'm under no illusions, you won't be waied much there, and you'll pay many times over the odds for that beer! My local tesco food court has smiling polite young beer sellers who do a fine job of bringing happiness to the people. Clean glasses, quickly topped up. Cold draught, sweet smiles!

    Oh and they're fixing the roads around here too! If Chiang Mai is changing, I just pray I never have to see Sydney again!

    Life is sweet where I am. Practice gratitude daily my friends... itcould be a LOT worse.

  2. I think the OP is a bit optimistic about Pattaya prices... Maybe transport is 'pricey' in CM, but not if youre willing to wait a few minutes, and learn enough Thai to get what you want (and my Thai is rubbish).

    Anyway these numbers are by residents, they're accurate. 

    Also, the cost of endless bargirls, although deliberately not touched on here, seem to be a hidden agenda, reading between the lines, that must cost a fortune! And I'm no prude, like a drink, and like going out more than twice weekly.


  3. 16 hours ago, balo said:


     Well it's cheaper to get get to other places from CM up in the north , Chiang Rai , Burma, Laos etc. You can't really compare like that.  

    If you do not miss the crazy nightlife and beaches , CM is just perfect for most people. 

    If a beach is crowded, scammy, and filthy, and the 'nightlife' is just relentless pussy bars, what's the attraction?

    CM has some outstanding Thai/Farang live music venues particularly around Nam Ping. Nimman and CMU area alone is almost limitless in choices.

    South East Asia is chock full of easy to get to beaches, many way better than Pattaya, Malaysia and Vietnam also offer great food along with cleaner (in carnal respects) seaside, plus you can skip your 90 day report getting to them from CM.

  4. On 8/26/2016 at 7:22 PM, Naam said:


    Air Asia is not an airline. it's a flying disease  :sick:

    Their constant 'add ons' on every page are annoying and scammy. 

    The actual sticker price far exceeds their initial offer. The one time I bought a meal for an early morning HKG flight, it was inadequately heated. Pathetic. Id rather pay more and go with a legacy carrier. They're safer too.

  5. On 8/25/2016 at 7:56 PM, bazza40 said:

    Perhaps the OP could be more specific about what he enjoys. He wants to know if there is enough to do IN CM not to be bored.  What doesn't bore him?

    Each to his own. I avoid social/expat clubs, because that would be where most bores are camped.

    Have to agree. Better to have a mix of friends. Saints and sinners, but not in big social groups of either. 

    I have favourite 'bars' one is just a table outside a convenience store in a gated compound. It's these tiny informal friendly groups that make it fun. 

    Non drinkers must have a quieter life, but would be interested to hear what, besides golf, or 'hogs' they amuse themselves with. Any down to earth wine connoisseurs want to share a few bottles at Wine Connection?

  6. Who are your mickey dentists so we can avoid them?:D

    A website link that speaks for itself, and wording that is non accusatory, rather than actually saying anything 'defamatory' is the way to go.

    Think like a Thai when being critical...

  7. On 8/28/2016 at 11:55 AM, williamgeorgeallen said:

    Few thought that the huge corporations who take money for our milk at these shops should do something like call up the dog catchers that every local authority has to protect their customers.


    is there a service like this? we have about a dozen dogs around the beach where my business is located. they are breeding like crazy. no one wants to have anything to do with them. any ideas?

    Get a .22 rifle with 'hornet' cartridges and shoot them at night. Sniper style.


    As those above have said he will not get the pension while not being "an Australian resident". I had only lived part time here for 2 years and was refused. Three appeals (there is a fourth), refused a requested face to face hearing in Australia, similar time phone hearing as quoted. Born there, 45 years of paying taxes, and still do, and they do not care. My pension would have been minimal, maybe $50 per fortnight, but just wanted to get on the system before they changed the rules again.


    I know of another Aussie that had been living here for 5 years, went back 6 months before turning 65, got the dole until then and was given a full pension at 65.


    If anyone is in a similar situation get back there to show you are a "resident" on your 65th birthday.

    Sorry, but it is not as simple as that to game the system, your friend is bullshitting at some level.
    You cant pop in at 65 and get handed a wad for life (unless you're name is O'Chee, remember him? Served one term as a $enator and retired at 35 with a full lifetime pension!)
    That's more OFFENSIVENESS right there.

    As another poster mentioned, there are several tests and the 2 year residency requirement to fulfill. Ok if your single, maybe, and can go live in a humpy in Tassie, sucks if you're not.

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

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  9. some of us won't even get a pension living in australia because we have done a little too well, working, paying taxes, supporting bludgers, useless politicians and an overstaffed public service.

    but taking the government to court? no chance, none, nil! particularly not if it hits the public purse.


    did you follow the court case of the south australian whine grower a few years ago attempting to outlaw compulsory voting? if you thought banana courts only exist in thailand...


    You CAN take them to court and you CAN win. Luckily, it's not the Thai system, and Judges are beholden to the law of the land, not the parasites in the house on the grassy knoll.

    I say again, we should organize and have a crack at the bastards, if anything the underdog gets a fair hearing in Oz, you have to at least concede that.

    What have we got to lose in a no fee no win situation. The govt pays costs and pensions if they lose, we pay nada either way...

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

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  10. the australian government are great mid - game goal post shifters!

    when i migrated to oz in 81 as a non - assisted, self paying immigrant, just about every rule in place today governing pensions and superannuations did not exist.


    Yes, you are correct.
    They stopped people taking their super home with them, hey, it's their money!
    They stopped the UK reciprocal benefits, and everybody lost out, Brits and Aussies.
    I guess they needed the money for giant Canberra flagpoles, Bronwyns private chopper rides and bribing Cambodia millions in 'aid' to take on TWO raghead asylum seekers.

    Never mind the honest migrants who worked hard, fit in, and paid their dues.

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

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  11. On 8/26/2016 at 1:42 PM, z42 said:
    RIP, seemingly a very charming, beautiful young lady who had a really good job and everything to live for. But like many Thais, a severe lack of emotional maturity on the flipside. What a shame for her family and friends
    On 8/26/2016 at 1:06 PM, dhream said:
    This shit wont reduce in Thailand unless they stop reporting it.

    In the west suicides are deliberately suppressed in the media for this reason.

    It serves no public interest and is proven to increase copy cat behaviour in unstable minds.

    Thai Visa is part of the problem. Its a disgrace.

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

  12. Plus, ever increasing pointless forms indicate an 'attitude' that long-staying foreigners aren't very welcome.


    The government knows as well as the ex-pats that these additional requirements aren't going to bother the criminals - which is why some of us (myself certainly) worry about the way things are going.

    You're reading too mutt into this form - NOT "forms" - as I initially did- before filling it out at the airport to get my re entry stamp.

    Some jobsworth wanted to 'look good' by inventing it.

    His boss, who does not have to deal with it either, thought it was a good idea (these are bureaucrat minds, after all) now they're stuck with it, like we are, and they don't like it!

    Its not compulsory to fill most details at all, and the guy going on about photgraphs of his condo and atm card... sounds like he needs to move to a friendlier police district, or change out from a marriage visa.

    Even so... let them play their stupid games, there will be another change of guard eventually.

    As The west declines, they'll see the money to be made in retirement visas, and make it more friendly, not less.

    Enough money trumps EVERYTHING, the one thing expats forget here... if you can't afford here you can't afford anywhere (worth living comfortably in) so why worry?

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

  13. What has Prayuth said to make you think that?
    Quote please...
    We all know Deuterte, has publicly called for vigilante executions, which is an invite for anyone to murder anyone they don't like, no comeback.
    We all know hes called western diplomats sons of whores. Etc etc.
    Give me evidence of Prayuths actual targeting farangs, I'll accept that.
    Until then quit trolling.

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk


    I'm using the term loosely. But people do get attached to weed and constantly want that high/buzz feeling. So its not an addiction, but some do get hooked to it where they need/want to smoke it everyday.


    I don't see how it makes it harder for kids to get, especially in Thailand. Minors can easily purchase alcohol in Thailand even though there is an age limit, but most cashiers don't care. 

    Then that's an enforcement problem, not the drugs or alcohol per se.

    Drive anything underground, it can't be measured controlled or eliminated, it creates a inflated price which drives criminality.

    Governments simply can't be THAT stupid for 5 decades, so they must be corrupt.

    Again, no kigpins, apart from a few down Mexico way, clearly its all just smoke and profits.

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk


    I'm using the term loosely. But people do get attached to weed and constantly want that high/buzz feeling. So its not an addiction, but some do get hooked to it where they need/want to smoke it everyday.


    I don't see how it makes it harder for kids to get, especially in Thailand. Minors can easily purchase alcohol in Thailand even though there is an age limit, but most cashiers don't care. 

    Then that's an enforcement problem, not the drugs or alcohol per se.

    Drive anything underground, it can't be measured controlled or eliminated, it creates a inflated price which drives criminality.

    Governments simply can't be THAT stupid for 5 decades, so they must be corrupt.

    Again, no kigpins, apart from a few down Mexico way, clearly its all just smoke and profits.

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

  16. They've not been made to repair since the Trinitron days. Throw it away.
    Also forget the Japanese and Korean overpriced brands.
    Chinese TCL brand is better and cheaper now. Google it.

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

  17. I shall give you my two cents. Thailand is definitely not the same as I first encountered it 50 years ago but where is. In addition, I am not the same. On both accounts some things are better and some are worse. It is our perception of those things that either gives us pleasure or pause. IMO Thais are still basically the same people they always were but many of us couldn't discern what tht was.

    -Thais always wear a mask hiding their true feelings and the longer we are here the more we are able to unmask them- sometimes what we see is not what we like and at other times it is great.

    -Thais worry about their future jut like us- but they most often keep it to themselves or suppress their feelings- a difficult concept in a relationship.

    - The cost of living is much higher for both Thais and Foreigners making both of our lives more stressful

    -It is not the government per se that bothers people- it is what the government may or may not do that creates uncertainty

    -The internet and social media have placed before us more of a cross section of the good, the bad and the ugly- where in the past we only were aware of the good.

    -Thailand does not have that fun feeling like before because more people are poor, stressed out  and we have also grown up.

    -There is no real anti foreigner feeling but as Thailand starts to enforce laws some people are having adjustment problems. The days of living dangerously are coming to an end.


    In my mind it is still a good place to live but we have to let live.  Based upon what I see in my birth country of America- I have no desire to return and miss very few things. Thailand has and will always be my home but it is not for everyone.  I wish the OP well and I hope he finds his peace whether in the UK, Thailand or somewhere else.

    A measured, and thoughtful response.
    Worth bumping up to the front page again.

    I went through exactly what the OP went through, just last month.

    One inexpensive week out of Thailand brought me to my senses fast...

    That's why I'm harping on.

    Don't burn bridges, there is nowhere like this anywhere, not any of the ASEAN neighbours, and definitely not the PI.

    Which is a fools paradise, with an exceptionally dangerous buffoon in charge.

    That guy could declare war on all foreigners tomorrow, just based on what he says, and the way he's going... Thailand's political leadership are not that psychotic.

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

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