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Everything posted by flexomike

  1. So if I am going to buy a three million baht Condo I have to do sixty transfers, I don't think so
  2. First time in Thailand visited it in September of 68
  3. recently read that Medicare premium will be going up 15.9% next year
  4. Kiwi shoe polish was getting to expensive, shaved mine to the bone - 555
  5. so my sister in law who is a moderate drinker ended up in ICU and my brother who is a very heavy drinker didn't get it, my opinion is that alcohol kills Covid
  6. long time Netflix user with Bangkok Bank Debit card I got the non payment message today, they gave me an option to pay through True which I tried and it went right through, lets see what happens next month
  7. Been required on every online 90 report that I have ever done
  8. Won't be an cancelling mine, I beat them to the bunch and cancelled it myself - 555
  9. two months before, and three months after, my immigration office, Rayong, requires a twelve month statement, different offices have different rules
  10. I used my pink ID card for the whole process, only issue now is that on the certificate my name is in Thai, which I now will be a problem if I go anywhere, where do you think I have to go in Rayong to get a yellow book and hopefully get my name in English
  11. My advantage plan with Humana was only good for six months out of country, after that you were on your own
  12. I had an Advantage plan when I moved here in 2016, plan administrator informed me it would not be good after six months out of the US
  13. I am in the same situation as you, next extension is in April of next year, I don't think there is any way that I would be able to afford a three million baht policy, was going to do a border run when all this Covid <deleted> started and just missed out on doing one, My biggest concern about switching visas is at some point I think they will make everyone have insurance. At least I have a little time to think about it.
  14. The good old days, I was stationed in Bangkok from 68-70, probably the best two years of my life
  15. we have four dogs in the pack, they are nicknamed the weapons of mass destruction, the driver wasn't in the picture - 555
  16. I have a Chocolate Labrador that will just lick them to death
  17. South Eastern Rayong, rained all night, almost twelve inches half of our property was under water, pond is at the highest level ever and we had a very dry July and August, one more rain like last night and some will be entering the lower level of the house, had one submerged water pump this morning, hopefully it will be ok, pulled it out and its drying off now, we are still getting a lot of runoff from the hills, road by my is under a lot of water, worst thing is the septic system is now full to the brim, still raining here but just lightly
  18. first night in Bangkok in 1968 i visited Thermae after hours, remember it well was my first physical encounter in Thailand
  19. you forgot Aztra Zeneca for first vaccine, waiting for second
  20. don't know anyone in Thailand that was on an every other year, if so, good for you
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