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Posts posted by starky

  1. 24 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    So you believe they don't or won't add fertilizer or chemicals

    ( whatever) to the crop ( spelling ) that you will smoke or whatever.

    Actually by saying "if you want to go down that road" I'm saying the complete opposite. What's your point. There's chemicals in everything including but not limited to all the food we eat and all the drinks we consume but nowhere near as many as tobacco. What is it you are trying to say? 

  2. 56 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    Of course. And all the stuff you buy here will be as pure as the driven snow, sorry, I mean slush.

    Cool if you want to go down that road let's look into all your "farm fresh" vegetables, you know like Mosanto and all your GMO gear. Your arguments are getting more and more pathetic. Or I could just run with

    There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, cigarettes create more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are toxic. 

  3. 15 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Spare MB & phones ... far from dirt poor.


    You can be poor & uneducated, that's no excuse for stupid & irresponsible.

    How do you know it was spare? How do you know the phone was bought by her? Do you know the price of a basic phone in Thailand? Do you think poor people shouldn't have access to them. Thanks for further proving my point. 

     Zero clue.

     The <deleted> I did as a kid was outrageous should have got me killed many times over lost a few friends along the way. 

    What were you born 60?

  4. 14 hours ago, scorecard said:

    Hey slow down.


    I had no intention whatever to impose anything on anybody, I just shared one disgraceful experience, for a specific obvious reason, I made no mention about the cost or ability to afford.


    As above I am well aware that a very large % of the population wouldn't be able to afford a driving school, some very probably don't even know that driving schools exist.


    There's also the point that driving and the rules of the road should be compulsory in primary and high school. There's also the point that many parents are well capable of teaching their kids to drive (regardless of their income). And this would be enhanced by kids having well produced materials from schools. 


    I well understand that many many poor families rely on an old scooter to get their kids to school and to carry out the daily chores for survival. 

    Thank you for your response. And for taking it in the context in which it was presented. If most exchanges on this forum were in this format it would be a nicer place to be. Ironically you were the only person who quoted me that had anything reasonable to say most when straight on the attack. I appreciate your points and agree. 

  5. 14 hours ago, seajae said:

    I grew up in a poor family after our dad died after spending many years in hospital, the best food we got to eat was the left overs from the saturday night function hall where our mum had a third job, most of our clothes were second hand or hand me downs too. We had very little, school was a 45 minute walk or we could ride our bikes(second hand) there, any other travel was by bus after walking 10 minutes to the closest bus stop but we did it. The problem here in Thailand is a lot of people are just plain lazy and refuse to walk any distance, you only have to see how many double park blocking roads to go into a shop when they could park properly 10 metres away and walk back. If thai kids road bicycles there would be a lot less deaths of young riders too but again they refuse to do so even though bicycles are a lot cheaper than motorbikes/scooters and its down to being lazy & loss of face. The amount of idiot riders on that roads is over the top and most of them are to young to have a licence and shouldnt even be riding them but parents just dont care and neither do the police, it has nothing to do with being dirt poor.

    Yeah? Well when I were a lad we rode pushies and trail bikes with zero protective gear we ran in the streets played with bb guns and fireworks played tackle footy on concrete blah blah fixing blah. So what? ????????????????????

  6. 14 hours ago, overherebc said:

    I suppose in reality putting any smoke, tobacco or cannabis, into your lungs can't be that good for you.

    No that is of course true but then again you don't have to smoke marijuana do you?

     Also you might want to look into the harmful chemicals put into tobacco products during their construction compared to smoking a dried plant found exactly as it is in nature. Irony? Perhaps.

    • Like 1
  7. 13 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

    Your comment would suggest that they are concerned about Marijuana being legal, but not actually anyone taking it.

    My comment would be suggesting why are they not taking a stance against the family run monopolies that deal in the products  alcohol/tobacco that are known to kill people in scores and costs billions in healthcare. If you want to compare let's compare apples with apples. The faux outrage does nothing for me and they wouldn't dare speak out against traditional institutions. 

  8. 2 hours ago, scorecard said:

    When my Thai son was old enough to get his license he said he had noticed a driving school 10 minutes walk from our condo. I had already offered to teach him to drive but he was keen to go to a professional driving school.


    He had already found and bought a book of 'Thai Rules of the Road' in both Thai and English. He asked for my comment on the book, I scanned it, (about 20 pages, mostly quite nicely drawn graphics). I was impressed.


    I suggested he go to the driving school and make enquiries, he did that and announced he would start the next day.


    Following morning he went to the school, paid for all the lessons, and he quickly discovered the 'manager' he had spoken to the previous day was the only instructor and wasn't all that pleasant.


    The 'instructor' told my son to get in and back the vehicle out of the compound and onto the outside road. Outside road was 2 lanes only, one way and always a large volume of traffic. This was quite some distance in the yard and between several other vehicles with very little gap between the vehicles, and piles of boxes etc.. The vehicle was an old, big, dirty pick up with the engine continously stopping.


    Son said 'I've never driven a car before or had any instruction before', which prompted much yelling from the instructor about 'try, try', but with zero instruction.


    Son got out of the vehicle, and then asked 'are you going to teach me the rules of the road?' Response: 'No this is a driving school and there are no rules of the road so how can I teach you the rules of the road'.


    Son produced the book of 'The Thai Rules of the Road'. Instructor claimed it was fake and then insisted on my son backing the vehicle out.


    Son walked out and came home quickly and shared his bad  experience and was quite upset.


    I then offered again to teach him to drive, to explain the basics of what the pedals actually do, how the brakes work etc., etc., and to spend some hours together to study the rules of the road, best driving behaviors, what / situations to be careful etc.


    He was a good student and grew keen to ask many questions about how the car worked etc. I encouraged his questions and made sure he always felt comfortable, no yelling or impatience from me ever.


    About 3 months later he went for the test and got his license. 

    Without sounding harsh. We arent speaking of monied people from well educated families that can afford driving lessons and cars for their offspring 

       For the most part we are talking about dirt poor people with a less than rudimentary education that wouldnt get anywhere without the scooter they ride. And truth be told who have very little to live for anyway. Dont project your life onto someone elses its one of the most unpalatable things about these threads. Its a tragedy and could have been avoided by 99% of the posters have zero frame of reference.

    • Sad 1
  9. 16 minutes ago, dr_lucas said:

    You can start from here and google for more, especially the terrible effect it has on young people's brain development and other effects

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK224396/#:~:text=Compared with nonsmokers%2C habitual marijuana,of the cells as nonsmokers.

    Thanks "Doc" now is that a threat to public health or a threat to the individual? Cos as a doc you would be all over what a public health issue is and not just show me one study that says smoking is bad for your health.

     I could also toss up plenty of studies showing the benefits of cbd, thc terpenoids and other cannanaboids but that isnt a public health issue either.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

     I just wanted people to be aware that just because they're not in what might be considered the high risk group currently in Western countries, doesn't mean their risk level is zero.


    For instance, this guy is reported in Thai PBS articles to have had sexual contact with a number of women while in Thailand which means there may be a risk of catching it from intimate contact of a heterosexual nature in this country.


    Thai police searching for monkeypox-infected Nigerian man

    No that's correct their risk level isn't zero. Your risk level of most things in life isn't zero.  However if they are not part of the homosexual community  thier current risk level is @ 2%. Covid and the media sure has changed the way people consider whether the sky is falling or not.

  11. 2 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    That's only in this latest outbreak in (mostly) Western countries. Historically, and in the areas in Africa where it's endemic, that's not the case.

    Yep and the latest outbreak is clearly what we are talking about.


      Not saying it's the fault of gay people or that it's some sort of STD but that in THIS outbreak it has been transmitted mostly through the homosexual community AT THIS STAGE. There is that better?

    • Like 1
  12. 14 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

    I was thinking of trying that.  I don't like the drip filter things.  I like the ca phe phin things from Vietnam.


    I guess I'll try a few different beans.

    Moka pot on the stove. French press is terrible certainly wouldn't waste hand ground beans on one. Or if you really want to go on with the delonghi machines are a great investment and work beautifully.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Smithson said:

    Sells papers. Why no name for the accused?

    It was in all the major papers. Tony Bagnato. He was already in bwang kang, on death row for the torture and murder for a HA in Pattaya and potentially involved in a major ice bust a few years back with a couple of other Aussies he's got plenty of form.





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  14. On 7/3/2022 at 9:49 PM, JustThisOnePostOnly said:



    Removing the smoke may not but the modality of inhaling vapor is very new to the human experience.


    That's my only point.  I'm not saying it's harmful.  I'm not saying I wouldn't do it.  It's just that, being so new, we can't say for certain what the long-term outcome is, because lungs are just that complex.


    There's a very good chance our species has already undergone the adaptations necessary to handle mj smoke.  People conflate mj smoke with tobacco smoke all of the time and the two couldn't be more different AND we have the medical research that shows that.


    Sorry to be so strident, but this is a pet peeve of mine.  Marijuana gets legalized in the U.S. and suddenly we see all of these other activities, and I don't know and have no reason to suspect that vaporization is harmful and should be in the same category as, say, butane explosions and cookie overdoses, but dammit we have a safe form of consumption and it's called SMOKING and it works every time.


    If it's not broken, don't fix it.

    I remember buying a dry table top vape in the early 90s not exactly new technology. 

      Tbh i didnt find it very satisfying as i love a bong but to say they are really new imo is not true.

  15. On 7/18/2022 at 8:03 AM, austhai said:

    Sounds like an asian & middle eastern problem. The answer is to employ pilots from other countries (westernized) also, maybe they kept some training going. Just a thought as the prices are high everywhere & would cover the salaries.

    What theres no airport chaos in Australia? Please.




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