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Paul Henry

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Everything posted by Paul Henry

  1. Great way to solve a national problem "MORE TALK and MEETINGS ." Then no action. Employ some highly trained foriegn police officers to run the police academies and don't let them graduate till they are police officers not an idiot who buys a job and then spends all his time getting his money back plus some.
  2. The Thai Government can never complete an act and introduce it in a clear precise manner. There is always "IF,BUTS or MAYBE" Never say. " This is the act it is now passed into law." End of message.
  3. No explaination just a statement about what is happening. In most ORGANISED countries penalties are put into the contract if work is not completed by the date in the contract. Another half baked way of doing business.
  4. The polymer notes were deveploped by the CSIRO* in Australia and patented. They are now supplied to many countries around the world. They are almost counterfeit proof because of certain anti counterfeit marks witin the polymer. * Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
  5. I spent most of my life in Western Australia. West Australians are called SANDGROPERS because the state is mostly sand. I have never had a problem and never heard of sand on roads being a problem. Maybe lack of driving skills.
  6. May be good business people but down to earth idiots that advertise they have all that money at home. What are they wait for? extortion or kidnapping something will come their way.
  7. He/They put the bag over his head to deprive him of oxygen. Whether to scare him or otherwise depriving somebody of oxygen is fatal. I am sure intimidation or torture are both illegal in the Thai Police Force. So by breaking the law of intimidation or torture there is no doubt he/they are culpable of the death of the suspect. The other police officers in the room are all complicit as they took no action to stop the illegal practice.
  8. Don't see why Thaksin says the pork in freezers can only be stored for six months when the standard is up to 2 years. Even bigger profits, its all in the timing. Smart busines I am sure the owners, shareholders are not complaining . Simple law of supply and demand.
  9. Time Thailand started using RAT tests on arrival. This would be a lot more attractive to double ,triple vaxed tourists than this ridiculous overnight quarantine which could end up several nights if too many tests in pipeline. RAT test have been proven 90+% effective. PCR test are not 100% accurate so what is the difference other than not there is not enough money in RAT tests. The Government would be far better off putting the time and effort into vaccinating the Thai population and supply tests for the public to monitor themselves. Guess they will eventually follow the rest of the world in moving in this direction but only when tourism has fallen further down the drain.
  10. The only ones winning are the vendors. The Government are like headless chooks. Run around can't see a thing and do nothing.
  11. Thailand will contiue to follow the rest of the world with the retric and new policies. Generally takes them two weeks to interpret before making big announcements.
  12. Dumb Falang, just shut up and pay. We need your money not you.
  13. No mention if ATK/RAT test results will be recognised by the Government.
  14. Jonathon Smith omitted one similarity between the 700,000 deaths in his country and the current situation in Thailand. THE ABILITY of the person running the country to tell the truth and know how to Manage the PROBLEMS.
  15. "TRYING" to stop the spread of Omicron is like trying to catch flies with chicken wire. Meanwhile the rest of the world is taking a sensible approach and educating the people how to live with it and take care of themselves. When the tourist industry in Thailand is decimated for the next 5 -10 years who will the Government blame. They will not accept the responsibility.
  16. Concideration is being give to RAT tests prior to travel. Eventually these RAT test will become the standard. As Omicron takes hold and numbers balloon the labs will not be able to cope and will be under so much pressure there are bound to be stuff ups caused by human error. Already there has been close to 2,000 lab results that were wrong in one state of Australia. Resulting in a class action aginst the Labs. Rat test are 95 - 90% accurate and inexspensive.
  17. Typical hypacritical nonsense. Suspend all Omicron/Delta/New strains of Covid so a jetski gathering is happening and the Government approve all visitors will only need to pass antigen test. The blind leading the blind" Another super sreader event, not all bad news hopefull another 100,000 will gain herd immunity.
  18. Absolute irrefuteable nonsense. Gatherings of up to 500 ok. With the rate of transmission of Omicron if only 10% of the 500 crowd has Omicron within one week these numbers will spread to inexcess of 3000 and these are conservative numbers. BAN all gatherings if you want to go down this failed model or open up and manage the pandemic.
  19. No relationship between drinking alchol and Covid. Its the environment and disregard by the few who cause the spread of virus. Have large gatherings for "FESTIVE" occasions is ok just dont drink alchol.
  20. Time and the people will eventually get the Government to plan and act with reality. As more and more Thai people lose income and more businesss close the pressure of knee jerk decsions and ill thought out plans will hopefully get the HISO'S in government to follow the lead of other countries that are planing ahead and accepting that the world is /has changed.
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