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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Claiming nothing changed is so far from reality it's comical, "bro".
  2. 3 years ago the situation was very different. The virus has mutated a lot and is less severe now. Also a lot more people are either vaccinated or have developed immunity.
  3. If you click through to the study and read it you'll find the anwer to your quesion.
  4. Your own quoted text says there is no difference according to vaccination status. Of course if you are vaccinated and unlucky enough to still get Covid-19 (remember, vaccines don't protect 100%) then you still can get Long Covid. Shouldn't be surprising.
  5. It's an article from the Thaiger. Don't need to know more than that. I'd really like to see Asean Now stop spreading their crap.
  6. I quoted everyone that I replied to. Honestly, I'm confused by your posts. 🤔
  7. Because another poster wanted to know more about the retrictions on red plates. I can only guess but the red plates' purpose is to restrict normal usage of the car while not yet fully registered. They are supposed to enable the transfer of the car between dealerships, service centers or between whatever places but not to be used as normal vehicles. The system has existed for a lot of years and there's no real other way to limit their usage. It's a compromise. They should just get rid of the whole red plate system and ensure that registration takes a couple hours tops in this digital age.
  8. Of course there are restrictions: you can't drive with them at all.
  9. Red plate restrictions are supposed to be: 1. Max 30 days 2. Can't drive after sunset 3. Can't leave province The last two can be circumvented by having a log book where each travel is entered and the DLT signs off on it. All the above is in theory. In practice people don't care and enforcement is severely lacking.
  10. So the guys whose job was to uphold rules didn't want to follow rules. Maybe not the best fit for the job.
  11. He's not the OP and the OP can charge his car, just not in the condo parking space. I'm relatively positive a Ford Raptor would also not be able to fuel up in the condo parking space for what it's worth.
  12. Mine? You are confusing me with the OP. Anyways. No single hybrid needs a charger because by definition they can also use fuel. Some can use a charger (plug-in), some can't. OP's car obviously can.
  13. Not it wasn't a mistake. How did you come to that conclusion? The OP made no such indication.
  14. He does not need a charging point. He would like one for the convenience of charging while parked. He is ready to carry the costs. If they wont install a charging point then I doubt it'll be a big issue for him. He'll just refuel at a pump or charge somewhere else. But people here make it sound like it was a mistake to buy that hybrid and he should have checked regarding chargin in the condo before buying the car. It doesn't matter. It's a question of convenience.
  15. It doesn't need a charger. It can use one, it doesn't need one. It's a hybrid.
  16. Never taken cokain myself but I've worked with wood when I was younger and to confuse that saw dust for cokain powder is a bit ridicolous. The granularity doesn't match at all (apart from the color of course). It clearly has bigger pieces of wood throughout instead of being made up of fine grains...
  17. The costs for electricity during manufacture is of course already priced in. And nobody is going to pay for scraping the battery, they will get money because they sell it. What you really want to look at is the emissions created over the lifetime of a EV compared to an ICE vehicle and here the EV wins hands down: https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/electric-vehicle-myths#Myth2
  18. The fact is they (airplanes, ships) use different fuels, have their own delivery infrastructure including dedicated storage facilities, pipes, delivery trucks, pumps etc. Hasn't stopped them from developing all that infrastructure. That was the point.
  19. We always have enough of pretty much everything somewhere underground. The question always is if it's commercially viable to extract it. And many times the answer is no. There are tons and tons of diamonds underground. But it's still too expensive to dig most of them up.
  20. It's not a problem as currently mass produced EVs prove. The additional weight of Li based batteries compared to other systems is what percentage of the weight of a car? 20-25%? But they are 50%+ more efficient when it comes to power round-trip. That's already enough to make them supperior but add to that recouperative breaking and your point is beyond moot. Just to be crystal clear on this because I've tried to refute that claim before in this thread but it seems it didn't stick. There are three ways to waste power in a car: 1. air resistance (drag) 2. tire friction 3. heat loss from the motor. Batteries don't increase drag. Batteries slightly increase tire friction due to added weight but that's a tiny fraction of all the losses. The biggest difference in terms of energy loss is then due to point 3, heat loss. And guess what, Li batteries and their electric motors have significantly (2x or better) less heat loss compared to fuel cells, fossil fuel ICEs or hydrogen ICEs. Battery weight does not register as a real problem for cars. In fact it adds to a lower center of gravity which is good for handling and the massive torque from down low results in great acceleration. All that while being more energy efficient. A hydrogen ICE can never compete as they will always have massive heat losses, there is no way to do cold combustion and there is no way to use that heat. That's why ICEs need cooling systems with big radiators and good airflow. We already have that separation. Airplanes, cargo ships, semi-trailers etc. don't use the same fueling infrastructure as cars. When is the last time you've seen one of those at your local gasoline pump? Heck the airplanes and ships use totally different fuels.
  21. Right but I wouldn't say that the car is powered by water then. Water is just the source for the hydrogen. Same as current ICEs are not powered by crude oil. Especially not when Ammonia is added to the equation because you don't get that from water.
  22. Hu? What do ATMs (the M already stands for Machine) have to do with mobile apps collecting data?
  23. Uhm. The system clearly didn't work as it didn't prevent the transactions. Isn't that obvious? Why should the customers trust the system when it obviously is not working? Perplexing statements.
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