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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. I wonder if these news articles are written by an AI. How could any normal journalist keep on writing in this overly bombastic style? Can't take anything written by this outlet serious. It's like a satire magazine but without the punchlines.
  2. That is not universally true. You can for example contractually force arbitration before a suit can be issued for example. The whole point of contracts is to limit or grant rights. What would be the purpose of contracts if you could not limit rights? Of course they can't limit every right. You can also stipulate stuff like penalties to be paid in case of a suit. Or you can force a certain party to carry costs etc. There are many things that are possible.
  3. I have to note that I also have received a few weird calls, one for sure a scam in the past week or so. Two other people in the houshold also received scam calls, both of them from oversees numbers. I usually don't receive calls like that. There seems to be a big scam call campaign going on.
  4. Also worth checking if AirBnB ToS prevent people from sueing others for reviews. Seems like something they should have in there to protect their users, hosts and guests alike.
  5. Attend the court summons and invite local media to it. Present your case honestly and state that you are the actual victim. He wants to pressure you and you can pressure back. See how he likes the public attention. Then again I would make sure that you actually on the right side of the law regarding rentals of villas via AirBnB which is a whole 'nother story in Thailand.
  6. I would expect the bomb disposal guy to wear a bit protective gear. Not sure if the white latex gloves will do the trick. I have also doubts that the guy mentioned and pictured in the article is 40 years old.
  7. I was there a few weeks ago, they were already open but called it a "soft opening". I don't think one can call it a 360 view as it is not on the top of the mountain and it has a big hotel complex attached on one side. 500 baht to walk on there is a bit hefty. There is the Samet Nang She viewpoint next to it where you take a pickup truck up the mountain and pay 90 baht. Just as good if not better view as it's higher up and you see more from the area to the left. Feels also more local and the people running it are very friendly. That huge concrete blob on the other hand is not interesting to me.
  8. I'm getting close to quitting Lazada as well. I had to return something and the only refund option they allowed was Lazada Wallet. I did not sign up for Lazada Wallet and can't use the funds for further purchases. They are essentially trying to blackmail me to sign up for the wallet service. Not going for it. I got used to many things being broken on their platform on desktop but If they don't manually refund me the money to my bank account I'll be too pissed off. As for the unreadable messages. Yea I got those a lot as well. They even show notifications in the browser but when you click to read it, it just says unreadable message. What a sh**show
  9. Yup, and so a real bag having a price tag of 500k doesn't mean there's 500k damage due to a fake one for 500 baht being sold. That was my point because the article claimed there was 10M damage from 500 items and I find that unrealistic.
  10. If these fakes were not available, would the buyer of such a fake buy the original?
  11. That's an average value of 20k THB for a bunch of bags, purses and shoes. I doubt it.
  12. If only they knew that the President of Germany is mostly a ceremonial figure who doesn't have political power and that the Chancellor is the equivalent to Thailands Prime Minister.
  13. You should change the oil annually according to the maintenance schedule.
  14. Looks like the landlord refuses to return the full security deposit so he's breached it first.
  15. If the registration expired (3 years) then yes it'll get a new plate. I have a bike with this issue and it's going through completely new registration now.
  16. What happened in the 2.5h between those times? Nobody noticed them?
  17. When it comes to RAM there are multiple different frequencies. The 2666 MHz is the bus frequency and vendors like to quote that. The actual ram chip runs at half the speed, that's what CPU-Z is showing. From the ram chip frequency we get 2 data transfers (Double Data Rate - DDR) per clock cycle which is how you end up with twice the bus frequency. There are many standard modes (JEDEC) with different speeds - forget about them and the SPD tab. For you what is important is to check on the Memory tab: DRAM Frequency (should be 1333MHz) and Channel # should say Dual (it does). So you are running at the full speed and in dual channel mode. You are getting the full potential of the RAM. You can also see the RAM bus frequency in the task manger which should show 2666 MHz. The bus frequency is a bit misleading. It's not a real frequency like CPU GHz or anything like that which usually shows how many clock cycles per second it's doing. With RAM bus speed they show how many data transfers they get per second which is more correctly stated in MT/s (mega transfers per second). "per second" is a Hertz. And so 1000 MT/s can be stated as 1000 MHz "frequency" but it's not clock cycles. CPU-Z shows actual ram chip clock cycle speed instead of the inflated data transfer frequency (bus frequency).
  18. That's not true. Some put photos on them and some don't. Random example from Google but I've had plenty with photo on them.
  19. It's not 2666 MHz RAM. It's 2666 MT/s RAM. The default of 1066 MHz is without enabling XMP. XMP = outside of normal standards but supported by the dimm. You can see all the JEDEC standard modes are below 1333 MHz and the XMP one is doing the full speed for the Apacer dimm while the Kingston one does 1333 MHz already in the standard modes without XMP enabled. Again, what you see in the SDP tab or under "default frequency" does not need to show what it's actually running under. For that, look at the memory tab.
  20. You are confusing the info in the Timings Table. You are looking at a single dimm in slot #2 there and the frequencies and timings under the various standards it can run under like JEDEC #5, JEDEC #6 etc. The SPD tab shows that the memory *can* do, not what it is currently doing. Look at the Memory tab. Your ram is of standard DDR4-2666 which means it can do 2666 MT/s. It's Double Data Rate which means for each clock cycle it can do two transfers. So RAM that can do 2666 MT/s needs to run at 1333 MHz.
  21. The frequency you see in CPU-Z is half of what you see in "DDR4-2666" where 2666 is the data rate in MT/s and not frequency. DDR is Double Data Rate. You get twice the data rate as the frequency. It's all working as it should.
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