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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Not doubting the stats but "x% per 1000 population" is a bit of a weird stat as the "per 1000 population" is useless. Usually they have an absolute value before "per 1000 x".
  2. So the real amount is about 0.3% of the amount of the deposits that Bolivia is producing from and not even enough to cover the need for EV batteries for cars in Thailand itself. Again a "misunderstanding", why do these happen so frequently?
  3. Humans are tribal so not sure what you want. Doesn't matter if Putin is doing real or fake elections - the russian population is letting him do his thing. It's their responsibility. Can't just throw the arms in the air and shrug without taking any responsibility.
  4. The average Russian by definition started the war as they elected Putin who is acting on their behalf. Blaming NATO and west for Russias invasion of Ukraine? And then using this as an excuse for Russians to be unhinged and behaved like d**ks? What?
  5. I disagree. Neither I nor my friends ever behave like that. And I do think we can judge <deleted>ty behaviour. It's not like the Russians here are the ones suffering from the war. A war their country started for no reason. Sorry, zero sympathy.
  6. The problem is that her mother as the legal guardian can do pretty much anything she wants with her daughters inheritance. A friend of mine is facing the same issue and hasn't found a cost effective solution yet. If it's more money then a reputable law firm setting up a trust or acting as custodian until she is 18 can work but it costs proper money.
  7. What happened to rule of law? He is saying a president can't function without breaking the law? Complete absurdity. Trump wants to be an all-powerful dictator. Super scary that it has come this far.
  8. Was at a restaurant last weekend. At another table a russian man was shouting at the people sitting with him. He had injuries on arms and legs as they were covered in bandages. When I looked at him he started to shout at me as well for a good while. Completely unhinged. After a minute of shouting around and posing threatening he went outside and shouted on the road. A few owners in my moo baan were happy about the influx of russian renters. Now two of them already said they wont rent to russians anymore because of the problems they cause. WTF is wrong with these people?
  9. Once again a low quality suspect study from you. It was published in an open-access journal with extraordinarily low Impact Factor of less than 5 which measures the number of citations the papers in the journal get. 5 basically means "garbage". The "Journal of Clinical Medicine" is a pay-to-play journal meaning that they aceept pretty much anything as long as the authors pay for it. Why would the authors pay for it? Hm let's look at who funded this. The study discloses "G.A.Q.’s, R.C.’s and W.S.’s contributions were partly funded by the Center for Environmental Research and Earth Sciences (CERES)". Who Is behind CERES? It is a man called Willie Wei-Hock Soon who is a climate change denier and has published widely debunked research. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willie_Soon MDPI who owns the "Journal of Clinical Medicine" is known as a garbage publisher with predatory business model. Wikipedia on them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MDPI A truly impressive roster of controversies and scandals. The co-author Norman Fenton that you seem to point out (why? he was not a primary author) has a history of anti-vaxx conspiracy theories. The study was not accepted by any reputable journal.
  10. Popular myth but untrue. https://www.noaa.gov/stories/fact-vs-fiction-3-things-you-thought-you-knew-about-jellyfish
  11. Yes, nowerdays it is common that airlines submit Passenger Name Records (PNR) to the arrival country in advance. No need for paper bording passes or showing something on the phone.
  12. I have read the other thread as well. It all reads a bit strange though. Nobody in such a frustrating situation would write reports which go into details like who looked whom in the eyes or who was grinning. Then there is the weird stuff like immigration staff or helpers telling him what other ports of entry he can use or refusing land entry because some weird bording pass remark? An immigration officer saying never to go to Phuket? It just sounds off and I hope it's still ok to voice ones opinion here. Quite a few people think the same way and some have asked for some supporting evidence which the OP could have easily provided to shut us all up. It would substantiate the OPs story and help readers put credence to it.
  13. Come on now. A bit real world experience and common sense. Not sure why you are so combatative in your recent posts.
  14. It has all to do with cash flow. Higher collision repair costs -> lower profit margins -> worse cash flow. The CEO explicitly mentioned the contribution to free cash flow in the earnings call.
  15. Smash your head as hard as you can against a concrete wall. Now imagine doing that but way faster. That's what you get by crashing at 50kph and hitting your head on the surface or a wall. Don't underestimate the forces at play when there is no protection (helmet).
  16. They did go broke in 2020 and filed for bankruptcy. They did come back though. But they are still struggling with cash, hence they are taking measures like the sale of cars.
  17. Not really, Hertz is just a unit of frequency (once per second) which would equally apply to internal combustion engines as it does to EVs.
  18. Maybe read the article again. The reason for the sale is not that "people do not want EVs". Hertz just wants to improve their profit margins. The company has cashflow issues which are widely known. They are trying everything to generate free cash flow.
  19. I know the place the bus crashed. It's roughly 27km from the Tha Chat Chai checkpoint. No idea where the 70km came from. https://www.google.com/maps/@8.3918057,98.2625841,3a,75y,307.5h,98.25t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCDFwa2ANCuJmwAVwWIIr_g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  20. Honda Transalp could be a decent choice. Myanmar would be a bit too risky for my taste.
  21. I have fuelled up with 97 octane and a Thai registered vehicle near the border just fine a year ago.
  22. If you chatted with them then why didn't you ask them why they didn't stock it? If your claim that both were removed is even true which I highly doubt.
  23. You are misrepresenting everything. Your short video excerpt is leaving out the broader context and additional discussion of the inquiry as explained by various outlets. Dishonest.
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