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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Because they are in their right to stipulate any requirements for their premises. You have no right to force others to adhere to your own point of view. And no, main point of masks was always to protect others. That's why some people wear a mask in public when they have a cold for example. They do offer some protection for the person wearing them as well of course. No one is forcing you to wear a mask for the rest of your life, where did you get that idea from?
  2. Well I think we're transitioning from bad faith to ridicolous ????
  3. And I think it's bad faith argumenting and clearly wrong too to call some high ranking official low level bureaucrat. You haven't linked to any "final word" that is free from translation misunderstandings either. Don't think that no one saying anything before indicates a mistake by the conductor. The conductor didn't even tell you they are mandatory, she just rolled her eyes. She even offered you a free mask. I call that courtesy.
  4. Why are you trying to attack the person who announced it as "low level bureaucrat"? He's a Deputy Director of the department of health, not exactly low level. That's probably the third highest rank in the country when it comes to health matters after the Minister of Health and Director. The article you linked to speaks of "outdoor and public places", unclear if that includes the inside of buses where mask wearing obviously has a much higher effect. BTW there were plans to cancel the mandatory mask rules end of Oct but still had to go through the process, was anything published in the Royal Gazette?
  5. A bank is a private company and can set any policy for their premises that they want. I really don't get the people who still stubbornly refuse to adhere to simple conventions. @edwardandtubsYou didn't set a good example with your behaviour. The staff could have easily thrown you off the bus imho. And no, the law was not on his side. He had no right to break the banks policies.
  6. Just looking at the specs between 125 and 160 it seems to have roughly 36% more power (15 vs 11 HP) and 28% more torque (10.8 vs 13.8 Nm). That should be noticable. CC ain't everything ???? Weight of the rider also can easily account for 10%+ difference in acceleration times with these lightweight bikes. That being said if he was really flying by then maybe what Kwasaki said could be the case. The guy might have already came in rolling instead of starting from a standstill.
  7. That's what people used to do (not pay the fines). But I remember reading they were changing the system so you can't renew road tax if you have outstanding fines. Not sure if that was actually rolled out yet. Haven't heard of anyone being refused renewal. The police in BKK even talked about issueing arrest warrants when fines are overdue but again, haven't heard of that actually happening.
  8. Instead of wondering what kind of camera can or cannot prove speeding I would man up and pay the fine when breaking the law. Nowerdays you don't need radar equipment. You can measure the speed of a car with sufficient accuracy with a little bit of "AI" which just compares the distance of the car between two points in time considering that there is really a lot of leeway and they usually trigger when you are exceeding the limit by quite a bit. Now if you were sure you didn't speed and want to contest a fine then a good starting point would be a dash cam that can record your speed at all times. The claim that most cameras are not capable of recording is wrong. They in fact record video footage continously, otherwise they'd be pretty pointless. I've been to one of the central police surveillance rooms for traffic cameras when I wanted to identify someone who did a runner and they can switch to any camera and time for some limited duration (not sure how far back they can go but easily 24h) and examine what happened.
  9. At this point it looks like you're just advertising that service with all your affiliate links. Makes me less likely to choose them. Seeing that they are using stuff like Google Analytics to track users actually is a no-go IMHO.
  10. He iterally told the model in the first sentence ???? Semis are still sold in huge numbers, plus Clicks were always fully auto.
  11. I don't understand how you can have an input form with an IBAN field where you stick in instead the SWIFT code and it can still do the transfer. Is there another field for account number? Because SWIFT code alone is not enough to send a wire transfer. So the form would have to have two account number inputs. IBAN plus just account number? Seems weird and confusing.
  12. You can't translate a SWIFT code to an IBAN as the IBAN has more information in it. The other way is possible though. SEPA is imho superior to SWIFT as it's usually faster and much cheaper. SWIFT can be absurdly expensive and you sometimes don't even know the full costs when initiating a wire transfer. SEPA supports also features like direct debits which SWIFT can not. IBAN is a much better banking number as it contains all necessary information like the actual account number while a SWIFT/BIC code only contains info as to which country/bank/branch the transfer is destined for. Also has checksum digits so typos can be detected.
  13. Even if they are not connect to SWIFT directly they can use corresponding banks to send the money.
  14. A bank not wanting to use SWIFT? Makes no sense. The bank wouldn't care if the transfer goes over SWIFT or SEPA/IBAN. SWIFT costs more but the customers are paying that. The bank should know they can't use IBAN to transfer to Thai banks. Either the bank is extraordinarily incompetent or something is up. As mentioned, Wise could also be used as a cheaper alternative. There he can fund with EUR via SEPA transfer. But I'd be a bit cautious paying for him lest you risk sitting on the costs. Why risk it? It's not like all the property is booked out.
  15. If it's not much coolant then refill and ride slowly to next dealer. If it's quite a bit as pooling sounds then let it get picked up by a truck. Good luck
  16. Ford gave up selling their normal passanger vehicles in Thailand a few years ago. They had serious quality issues. My friend had a Focus and had to get the gearbox I think it was fixed twice. Not fun. There's a reason why they dropped in second hand resell value so much. Stick with any of the japanese in Thailand and save yourself some headache.
  17. How much shocks are transmitted through to the rider is a function involving multiple inputs like: 1. The suspension type and quality 2. The suspension travel 3. How much the tire absorbs 4. Weight of the bike 5. Weight of rider compared to what the suspension was designed for A suspension upgrade is not just worth it if you travel mostly 2 up. In that case a simple spring replacement could make sense. The difference between a really good suspension and primitive one is massive. My Ducati Scrambler has the latter and it's really bad sometimes. On the flip side the Aprilia Tuono V4 Factory that I rode recently with the Öhlins semi-active suspension was marvelous. Wheels size does not differ much and in both cases it was me as a rider with no pillion. The Aprilia is slightly heavier, does not have all too much suspension travel (being a sporty bike). And yet there are worlds between these two when it comes to how they handle road imperfections. And the main difference here is simply the suspension. One is bottom of the barrel and one is near top of the line. Now, coming back to the Forza: upgrading the suspension can make a noticable difference, just depends on what one upgrades to. A good suspension can be expensive. Never experienced a YSS suspension but I'm pretty sure they have a wide variety of quality as well.
  18. My go-to tire shop in BKK is 29 Tire: http://www.29tire-motorcycletire.com/en/ Owner speaks english very well and is super friendly. Prices are good too and they properly balance the wheels. Best to contact them over Line Other people on this forum have been happy with them as well. https://www.google.com/maps/place/2power+%2F+29tire/@13.745796,100.5895571,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x30e29f1f62ad32ad:0x8d0d6810a993f6fe!8m2!3d13.7457974!4d100.5917266
  19. A 50 meter wide strip of land eroded? If you really want to find out you could try Google Earth and go back to previous years and see how much got eroded away. The officials already dispelled his claim to the land based on GPS. GPS coordinates don't get eroded. The simplest explanation as usual is the right one: lots of illegal construction.
  20. If the sea is eroding his land then it's very clear because one is not allowed to build on land less than 20m from the high tide mark. And the following 30m must remain 75% undeveloped. Judging by the pictures he's very far from complying with the law. To me it seems greedy and they are risking having all their buildings demolished if someone really wanted to put his foot down...
  21. Oh yes I totally missed the mobile phone part. Thanks for the pointer and thanks for posting your results!
  22. So much wrong in this... 1. There is *one* *mine* which will be slightly expanded. You made it sound like they are flattening a wind farm to put there 20 coal power plants which is nonsense. A total of 8 wind turbines are dismantled. But guess what? They are building even more wind turbines elsewhere and solar on top. Much more. 500MW more. And do you think the dismantled turbines will be just thrown into a bin? No, they will of course re-use them elsewhere so in reality they are just moved. First part of moving is dismantling but people for some reason like to stop the thought there. 2. They are not limiting their budget for renewables due to that. How is that connected and clearly it's wrong (see 1.). 3. Even in Winter there is sunshine. Germany is not northern Sweden or something. 4. Wind doesn't blow all the time? Well duh. But it blows often enough and they build these farms in places which have wind currents most of the time due to natural temperature differentials. And if you build enough wind farms in different places you are pretty much guaranteed to have wind at all times. 5. Most hydropower stations last summer were running just fine. Glaciers still melt in summer. Also they are used for... 6. Energy storage. It's a real thing and actually trivial. Running your whole economy on renewables takes a bit of engineering and planning. I know a certain country that is actually pretty decent at engineering and has a sizeable wind turbine and solar industry. Hm what was their name again? Ah yes, Germany ????
  23. Yea it's a sad fact that renewables were not expanded more and instead reliance on Russian gas continued. Germany could have been 100% renewable by now. There were too many naysayer dinosaurs and misinformation compaigns by the oil industry. Well, there is still a chance to reach that within a few years and there seems to be a commitment to get there by 2035: https://www.reuters.com/business/sustainable-business/germany-aims-get-100-energy-renewable-sources-by-2035-2022-02-28/ Currently Germany is approaching half of energy production from renewables and by 2030 the goal is 80%. It might become the worlds first major completely renewable energy economy. And if done properly then it's even possible to achieve superabundance, lowering prices for energy greatly and allowing whole new industries: https://rethinkdisruption.com/europe-germany-can-reach-100-clean-energy-by-2035/ For all the bad things the war is bringing, I think one good thing that'll come out of it is that countries will finally see energy sovereignty as an important matter of national security.
  24. Maybe a direct message to Sheryll would be better? Hover over or click on her username somewhere and you will see the option "Message".
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