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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Sounds like it wasn't a phone call but over some messenger like Line or Facebook Messenger. That would explain the "artwork" part too. Then they sent her a link to some website or app which exploited her phone and once they had all the access they needed, they probably just had to wait until your wife logs into her bank app the next time and the rest is history. Probably too late but speak to the bank and police ASAP and see if the funds can be frozen. After all this is over I think the wifey needs some lessons in basic security practices.
  2. What VAT artwork? I thought this was a phone call. And as mentioned, there is no "the VAT" as in department or agency. Chatting while asleep? ????
  3. The story doesn't make any sense as presented so clearly you don't have the full picture of what happened. Either she gave out way too much information for the bank account / debit card or that call has nothing to do with the lost money. First go to the bank and collect proper information as to where the money went, by what method and so on. Then second step is to check every available avenue to get the money back. For example if there was a charge on the card then open a dispute with the bank. Talk to them in english so you understand it all, don't let your wife translate it because things get lost in translation. Third step after having all possible information and trying to get the money back is to go to the police and open a report. And then teach your wife never to answer any questions from people she doesn't know about anything finiancial or better yet anything apart from the weather and what you had for food today.
  4. Like I mentioned you can use a cloud server in two different ways for your purposes. You can have one with e.g. Windows where you remote connect to it and then start a browser on that server and do your thing, that's what the guy in the Youtube video did. Or you can install a VPN server software on the server and just tunnel your internet traffic through it while using your local browser on your laptop similar to what you get from Nord VPN - it would be a private VPN. Don't think that would help the OP much.
  5. Nonsense. Plenty of legit traffic coming from datacenter ranges. Blocking whole ranges is a hammer that should only be used when absolutely necessary. Even Apple with their Private Relay service would then be blocked.
  6. You can either do what the guy in the Youtube video did and get a machine with a whole graphical user interface with Windows or whatever and connect to that computer and then remote control... that's not a VPN though. Or you get a smaller machine which has no graphical user interface, has a VPN server software installed which you then connect to with your VPN client on your machine. The second option would be your own little private NordVPN so to say. Pretty much every cloud provider will give you servers with dedicated IP addresses and you can set it up in whatever locations they offer when creating the server.
  7. Why all that fuss? For what exactly? Nearly no one has static IPs these days from their home ISP. And why bother someone to set up a VPN in their router so that some other guy can use their connection? How about he just installs a VPN client on his machine and either gets a dedicated IP from Nord or sets up a small VPS as suggested.
  8. They were just stating the TCP and UDP options as a solution to connect two devices at the same time to their VPN because that's how their setup works. Not sure why they need these crutches but doesn't really matter for the OP.
  9. Maybe they can. Maybe they can't. You can give it a try. If it works then it's the least hassle at around $10 per month all in. For me a small VPS for less than $5 gives me more peace of mind and is cheaper. So there you have it, two possible solutions.
  10. That depends on what IP range NordVPN would put you in, If that range is known as belonging to Nord or any VPN then you might still run into issues. There is no way to tell that without trying. And the range might get detected at any future point in time. It's the same cat and mouse these VPN providers are playing with services like Netflix etc. Now maybe they put the static IPs in a totally different range that wouldn't get detected. But who knows. Why risk it? If you get some small cloud server for $5 bucks or so, install a VPN server like Wireguard on it and connect through that to your accounts then chances are very low that you'd run into issues because plenty of companies run all their employee traffic through company VPNs like that and you're not sharing a range that's used by only other VPN users. Hetzner for example offers a small VPS for less than $5 and they have a preconfigured Wireguard setup so you don't have to do much to get it going. I wouldn't spend $22 a month on a Windows machine for no reason. I'm sure others like Digital Ocean and the other usual suspects offer something similar.
  11. You don't even need lab tests, many EV batteries are based on tech that's been around for quite a while in standard Li-Ion cells and we know how they degrade. And manufacturers who actually are confident in their tech give 10 year warranties which imho is the exact right thing to do in order to help with consumer confidence. I wouldn't buy an EV without such warranty. That being said, I don't see warranties like that from small not well known manufacturers and even if they did I'm not sure I'd trust them to be around in 10 years and to honor it. Deco says the batteries need replacing every 3-5 years which is not great.
  12. @KhunLAwhat's the range you see in reality on your bike? We'll see a lot of improvements on the battery tech in the next 5-10 years, for now they're not good enough for my taste.
  13. Sorry I'm not going to chase people on some messenger. Can you please provide the source information for your claims here?
  14. Use the SWIFT details to be safe. The one where it says international (from outside US) payments. If the payee was using a US bank then the ACH version for US internal transfers would probably be cheaper.
  15. Can cost more than 3000 baht if the value of the bike is high. Don't think anyone would provide first class insurance for a Goldwing for 3000 baht ???? It's analogous to first class for a car. Exact details depend on the policy of course. Many big bikes either come with first class insurance or offer a deal when purchasing. Not common for scooters though. OP: You can also check Roojai or try a broker like Mr Prakan
  16. Please provide the ruling or the source where you read about the ruling. I could not find anything. The reason why I'm asking is because it sounds not very credible. The Freedom of Movement does not compell private companies to provide you with service if they don't want to. It's your own job to see that you have some mode of transport or you can walk. Private companies like airlines can refuse service if they don't like your attitude. Banks can refuse service if they don't like your clothes. Freedom of Movement and Freedom of Medical Choice does not mean I can walk into your house while I'm sick with a highly contagious disease whenever it pleases me and then ask you to drive me to Bangkok. BTW I also could not find anything related to a Freedom of Medical Choice in the 2017 Consitution of Thailand.
  17. I've done Wise to Krungsri for years and I usually get a notification from Krungsri that the deposit arrived before the Wise page even finishes showing that the money was sent, no joke.
  18. How a society behaves is exactly what defines cultural behaviour. The reasons for why the people do it don't matter in that respect. Neither does it if the thing they are doing is good or bad.
  19. Neither the OP, nor edwardandtubs nor probably every other guy in this thread are tourists though. And even as a tourist I try to observe and conform to local cutoms as far as I reasonably can. It's just a matter of respecting the hosts. I don't walk shirtless into a temple and make a fuss because staff tell me I have to wear something that fits their required dress code.
  20. It is totally fair to point out in this thread that transfers other than to Thai banks are also delayed in Wise like I did when I mentioned that even a USD transfer from Wise to Wise was recently delayed. This information helps by getting a bigger picture of the situation even for people who are interested only in Wise -> Thai bank transfers. It's like people talking about a power outage in their soi and then someone saying hey the whole district has a blackout. It adds more context.
  21. I did a transfer in USD *from Wise to Wise* and it was not instant yesterday. So it's not even related to wire transfers or Thailand. They must have some technical issues. A few weeks ago they suspended the business account of a company I work with out of the blue with no real explanation apart from "violation of acceptable use policies" and then stonewalled. Two weeks later they changed course and re-instated the account without ever stating why they did the things they did. Their chat support seems to be unavailable for a couple months already. Something is up there.
  22. What about [insert random other problem]? And don't you think classifying what happened as "harassing" is a bit oversensitive? ????
  23. Yup exactly. And the fact that virtually no-one is doing that shows that people are OK with wearing a mask for a few minutes and it's just some small loud minority that complains. Yea I also don't get why some people can throw such a hissy fit for such a minute thing. ????‍♂️ Maybe because smashing your head onto the pavement is not a virally spreading disease?
  24. The torque increase matches 100% the increase in CC and the power increase above what you get with the bigger CC is due to torque curve being different (max at 5000 -> 7000 RPM). Maybe different cam lobe? Not sure.
  25. It's every good humans job to try to set good examples unless you want to live in a society where no one cares about the others around him especially if there may be kids around. On virtually every public bus ride I took there were children or elderly people. Why is it such a big issue to wear a mask while in a confined space with others if asked to? We also know full well that as foreigners we should maybe think a little bit how we are perceived and how we treat our hosts.
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