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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Hehe. Tesla's autopilot is fake anyways. You also have to be there and nudge the steering wheel from time to time or it'll disengage and stop the car. My mom drove all her life manually geared cars. She tried to resist quite a lot when I told her to go for an automatic for the new car a couple years ago. She thought it would be complicated, not work well and use more gasoline. She picked up all kinds of nonsense FUD from the internet. I insisted and a couple months later she said she couldn't be more happy. It's so much easier and uses less gasoline around town. Point of the story is people naturally will resist change for no good reason if they are used to their ways for many years. I love manuals on bikes but I really don't like them in cars.
  2. NC750 Integra? Yea that and the X-Adv are maxi-scooters. Honda uses the word scooter when talking about them.
  3. Our definitions of scooters are not the same then. For me a scooter is defined by it's frame and shape mostly. A scooter is a small motorbike but not all small motorbikes are scooters. Can be fully manual, gearing doesn't have anything to do with it imho. You still need to differentiate scooters and bigger bikes in the era of electric drivetrains so you can't go by drivetrain. The part that is auto in the semi-autos is the clutch actuation.
  4. Are you counting semi-autos as having clutch and gears? Because they certainly have those and are plentyful in Thailand.
  5. But there are scooters with clutch and gears. If the thread was supposed to be big bike or scooter than the easiest way to title it would be... "big bike or scooter" ???? But I think the OP is more interested in manual vs automatic. For me personally I enjoy DCTs a lot. Though not for the automatic - I use it in manual mode. It's kinda the best of both worlds. I manually choose the gear but the shifts are very well done, better than any quickshifter I've ever experienced. Starting and stopping doesn't need a pulled in clutch - the gearbox does it for you. Is it perfect? Nah. But I believe it could be very close.
  6. Up yea, no problem. Actually works amazingly smooth on my CBR500R. Pretty much like a good quickshifter! Down though I wouldn't recommend for most gearboxes.
  7. Given that most motorbikes sold are probably CVT scooters these days, maybe 'standard' is not so clear. Dunno. I think it makes the most sense to use 'auto', 'semi-auto' and 'manual'. Though some blur the line even there. I guess my DCT Africa Twin is a girly bike then. Oh well... ????
  8. Would be good if you could post which insurance company that is.
  9. How do you know a real motorcyclist? He loves everything with two wheels. From a small Fino to turbo charged rockets. When the sight of a Honda Monkey fills your heart with joy the same way as it does with a Panigale V4. When the thrill of the racetrack, the mayham of riding off-road or gentle cruising through rural roads on a scooter makes you feel equally happy. That's when you truely love motorcycles.
  10. What does that accident have to do with the topic? Can we please not drag every topic about motorbikes offtopic with same "it's too dangerous!" stuff? Cheers
  11. Probably considerable import duty on that since it comes from the UK. Seeing the R3 for $1.2-1.3k online. So the 36k THB on top is not crazy. But I'm not sure if that's really the best for a Forza especially if the forks are not touched at all. Something from YSS might also do the trick and could do front and back while being a lot cheaper since locally made. Also since you didn't buy the Forza yet I'd also check the ADV 350 and the CB500X. Rides to Cha-Am from Phuket are a full day so better get the right bike for the job ???? Could even get a second hand Africa Twin for not that much more (less than 300k) but that's tall and heavy. X-Adv also not too far off.
  12. He's done with proper geared bikes and wants a scooter. What else is there? An X-Adv? Maybe too heavy. I guess an ADV 350? X-Max? Just to be clear, Forza isn't for me either.
  13. Depends on the components. You can also buy suspensions that cost more than the Forza itself. Is it only shocks though? Nothing done to fork internals? If it's really lower end Nitrons and only shocks then yea a bit expensive. Couldn't find exact changes for this model.
  14. This one is not standard. 36k THB for a suspension upgrade with proper components does not sound too outlandish.
  15. Did you mean "CBDCs" (no apostrophe)? Let's not play stupid games. Going a bit too much off topic imho. OP is asking what he should invest in. Given that he is an unsophisticated investor (not using that as a negative term) I would suggest he invest in something easier to understand and with relatively low risk, something passive which in the long term will likely result in decent gains. Maybe OP can also state what the groups appetite for risk is. The Youtube option doesn't sound great because they probably would have to actively be involved in the business and it didn't sound like it has growth ("steady base"). Plus 50k users is not that much on social media.
  16. Fair enough. BTW did they also upgrade the fork internals or is it just the shocks?
  17. I've had a lot of deliveries these days. LEX, Flash and Kerry. LEX and Flash have been pretty good. Flash especially was fast and very friendly. Kerry seems to have messed up the delivery. Arrived yesterday before noon in Phuket. From the central Phuket distribution center it went to another Kerry distribution center and then 1h later back to the first one. Since then nothing. Still says will be delievered yesterday.
  18. 220k for a 350 scooter sheesh. Paid less for my 500 hah. Heard good things about Nitron shocks. Hope that thing will make you happy if it's the last bike for you. I remember you were riding much bigger caliber.
  19. Wonder how many more COD scam threads will be needed before people move to pay via card. @remobb have you opened a dispute with your bank? Just get your money back if the seller plays funny games. This not just returns the money to you but also makes the card processor punish the merchant which can really hurt.
  20. Don't think the institutionals expect to make profits during that time. But they pulled out before the worst hit and pretty much all the stuff you listed would have far out performed ARK, including sitting on cash and just eating the inflation. I don't think the right crypto currency has arrived yet. But Bitcoin doesn't even try to be a replacement for money at this point. Deflationary, slow and inefficient/expensive. Just. Can't. Work. They had no meaningful developments in the past 10 years to fix it. They clearly have settled trying to be a store of value. The billions of dollars invested in miners will do their best to keep it that way. And if it were a replacement for money then it would by definition be a <deleted>ty investment because it would be like sitting on cash... Do you meaby mean CBDCs? You are aware that the vast majority of the currency transactions nowerdays already are digital, yes?
  21. Sure everything got a beating recently but these are actively managed funds and got a much harder beating than the general market while not showing more upside before that. Her firms AUM went from over $50B to $12.6B in less than 2 years. Big Investors have pulled out and I can understand why. Show me exactly why people should listen to her when it comes to predicting the price of Bitcoin. It's marketing, let's not kid ourselves. No, certainly not.
  22. So far her funds have performed remarkably badly with most of them losing money over the past 4+ years. No idea why people give her any credibility. Any passive investment into the SP500 would have far far outperformed her actively managed <deleted>. And for that her firm charged clients dozens of millions of dollars, ha! True in the sense that the limit is "lose pretty much all funds". And it's equally possible that the bottom is not yet in. You might as well flip a coin. I say all that as someone who thinks crypto currencies have still a lot of untapped potential. The OP clearly does not know much about investing. It would be pure speculation. I suggest he puts the funds in SPY or QQQ as those are down a lot recently and will eventually recover even if it takes years. Much better than investing in something he doesn't understand unless he is only putting in money that yoheu doesn't care to lose and see it as what it is - speculation and not investment.
  23. Insist on an investigation. At least. A1 - no. A2 - do it yourself, it's easy to do via settings apps. A Youtube video can help. Make a backup before - again, Youtube videos. The reason why I don't like these "expert" phone shops is that on a few occasion I've whitnessed these people installing malware on the phones are copying private data. I don't trust them a bit. Maybe ask the daughter or other young relatives/friends to help? Should have a little more more knowledge of modern stuff hopefully. A3 - not a question?
  24. They might have had cables just dangling around without isolation? Low chance but it is possible to start a fire that way. You know how creative they can be when it comes to creating electrical hazards ???? That being said, solar cells don't have a ton of flamable material so the fire shouldn't be that huge and cause the whole rest of the car to go up in flames. Maybe stored with some other more dangerous material in the boot?
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