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Samui Coconut

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Posts posted by Samui Coconut

  1. When your friend has a work permit, doesn't mean they didn't find something "else" on him! Especially when you're afraid to comment on it, no one knows you or your friend!

    If he was arrested as in "arrested", I am sure it has nothing to do with a work permit.....there surely is more to it don't you think ?

    I couldn't think of any reason being arrested for no reason (not even on Samui) !

  2. I'm arriving to Ko Samui on Aug 13-19 (maybe till the 21st if I decide to skip phuket) and was wondering what you all think about the possibility of finding decent accomodations on arrival.

    I am so confused as to where to stay, and past experience I always end up booking a place which is next to a much nicer one or quieter one, I thought maybe I should just come and see once I am there.

    I am also debating between staying in Ko Tao as well... Any help greatly appreciated.

    We (wife myself and baby) are looking for a nice location (picturesque) with nice views, not on chewang or too busy of a spot, serene, budget of $150.. (also would Ko Tao fit my criteria better than samui?)

    Thanks in advance!

    You'll be able to find decent accomadation but you might wind up paying a premium or as you fear, wind up next door to another place that is better. One thing that you could do is upon arrival only book a night or two at someplace cheap and then scout around for a better place to move to a couple of days hence. BTW, $150 is a big budget for a room in Samui.

    Baht 5,000 in high season is not that big, at least not for decent 3/4 star acommodation.

  3. Well, he does move pretty fast :D

    The Telegraph:

    David Beckham, watching the concert from his own personal box at Wembley appeared as a surprise presenter too introducing Take That, of whom the Princess was a great fan.

    This again is a rumour! but they do have police outside the hospital for 2 days know patroling who comes in and out, so somthing is up

    Blimey , so they have doubled security , now 2 blokes with whistles :D

    So how do the stars and VIP's get to samui. I've never seen a private plane here except for the"Alan Sad" and i can't see Posh getting into that in a hurry.

    Alan Sadd's (Sad :o ) has a rusty propeller thing parked there for ages. Schumi however and Mich Jagger both came with their private jets and I have seen others before as well.

  4. David Beckam was a guest at the "Concert for Diana" at Wembley Stadium, UK on Sunday evening, he must of hit a fast flight to get himself in a Bangkok hospital? :o

    In terms of timing no problem....he could have been here yesterday already....but otherwise sounds like a joke. Unless he has an upset stomach from the som tam at Laem Din.

  5. Dear Claude

    any news about this case?

    no word yet from the police or the tourist police?

    has nay one came to get ingotmation from your friend following the german consul intervention?

    He is recovering in BKK hospital, hope he will walk again in 6 months. If not, a plastic hip will be implanted. He lost his job and he lost a lot of money - more than he had got before. At least he didn't die. Two kids and a wife, no more money in the bank account after 15 years on Samui. So what? Where to go?

    Police? Forget them. If any actions will be taken against Nathon police he will be scared about his life.

    Tourist police? No idea if they have to be involved. As they know about this case they are free to help.

    The german embassy will help sooner or later (financially), that's what they have told me.

    Again, the questions are:

    Who do we farangs have to contact in case of accident like "hit and run"? Who will be willing to help us?

    i am sorry to hear about your friend.

    i think it is wise to have a valid insurrence even if you are only driving a bike.

    We had an accident 3 years ago in Surat. a drunken driver hit us head on. fortunatly nothing realy bad happened but my wifes nefew who was with us suffered from a broken leg.

    we did not call the police. we did call our insurence guy and he took care of everything including the hospitall bills and the fixing of the car.

    the only advice I can give your friend is to get a lawyer and press charges with the police about this case and let the lawyer take care of suing the owner of the car and his insurence company.

    Achim had to undergo another operation on his double broken left arm. He has a lot of pain, he is emotional unstable.

    If somebody has a couple of free hours in Bangkok, here is his address:

    Joachim (Achim) Krämer

    Lerdsin Hospital

    190 Silom R. Sriweang Bangruk Bangkok 10500

    Tel: 0-2353-9798-9

    Thanks for the up-date. Can you also advise on a valid e-mail to send him some greetings ( I know its against forum rules to post email, but a hint would do)

    Your welcome!

    I send his mobile for SMS - sure he will appreciate to receive some nice words from Samui!

    ***Please PM Claude for his number***

    One more thing:

    His wife called me yesterday. It seems like he is feeling demoralized because the hospital is changing the nurse team every week. Imagine that he is lying in the bed now for one month, the right leg and hips are fixed. Furthermore he has a lot of pain. His wife told me that it is every week a porblem to get the nurse team used to work with him.

    She asked me if members of Thaivisa would send an email to this hospital: We should demand that the nurse team he has the most confidence could work with him until the end of his stay.

    I have no idea if this complain is right or not and I dont know if it will make any sense.

    But I will add a proposal for the email text (in my german english!). Whoever believes that it is a good idea is welcomed to send this to the:

    Lerdsin hospital, Silom Road, Bangkok

    The mail address is "lerdsin[at]lerdsin.go.th" (replace the "[a]"!!!)


    Concerning: Mr Joachim (Achim) Kraemer, patient in room # 1806

    Please forward this mail to the management of the Lerdsin hospital.

    Dear Sir,

    Mr. Joachim Kraemer is a inpatient of your hospital in Room 1806. He had to undergo some difficult operation following his accident on Samui in may 2007.

    To secure a quick recover we ask you politely to stop changing the nurse team every week. As he told me, the following nurses are very competent to help him to recover:

    Miss Gunipa Laow Wiang

    Miss Amonsee Deetawang

    Miss Jetsaporn Djaypoona

    Miss Suphana Worasing

    Miss Plaphaphan Saontorn



    I just tried the mail address, seems like it is working.

    Like I mentioned before - I have no idea if this is helpful or not.

    Not sure if I udnerstand correctly, but sure the team of nurses may change from time time as they work different shifts, take leave and have different days off.

    Is the Lerdsin Hospital specialized on his kind of injuiries. May be moving him to Culalongkorn Hospital might help (also cheaper I would assume)

  6. Dear Claude

    any news about this case?

    no word yet from the police or the tourist police?

    has nay one came to get ingotmation from your friend following the german consul intervention?

    He is recovering in BKK hospital, hope he will walk again in 6 months. If not, a plastic hip will be implanted. He lost his job and he lost a lot of money - more than he had got before. At least he didn't die. Two kids and a wife, no more money in the bank account after 15 years on Samui. So what? Where to go?

    Police? Forget them. If any actions will be taken against Nathon police he will be scared about his life.

    Tourist police? No idea if they have to be involved. As they know about this case they are free to help.

    The german embassy will help sooner or later (financially), that's what they have told me.

    Again, the questions are:

    Who do we farangs have to contact in case of accident like "hit and run"? Who will be willing to help us?

    i am sorry to hear about your friend.

    i think it is wise to have a valid insurrence even if you are only driving a bike.

    We had an accident 3 years ago in Surat. a drunken driver hit us head on. fortunatly nothing realy bad happened but my wifes nefew who was with us suffered from a broken leg.

    we did not call the police. we did call our insurence guy and he took care of everything including the hospitall bills and the fixing of the car.

    the only advice I can give your friend is to get a lawyer and press charges with the police about this case and let the lawyer take care of suing the owner of the car and his insurence company.

    Achim had to undergo another operation on his double broken left arm. He has a lot of pain, he is emotional unstable.

    If somebody has a couple of free hours in Bangkok, here is his address:

    Joachim (Achim) Krämer

    Lerdsin Hospital

    190 Silom R. Sriweang Bangruk Bangkok 10500

    Tel: 0-2353-9798-9

    Thanks for the up-date. Can you also advise on a valid e-mail to send him some greetings ( I know its against forum rules to post email, but a hint would do)

  7. since it is already pouring rain for a good portion of the past few months on koh phangan (at least where i live), i am wondering if it's just going to be like this for the rest of the year, and if there is any way to predict just how bad it will be this year? i plan to be gone during monsoon season, but am trying to figure out if i should have someone stay and watch my house/bar/dogs or if they would abandon the place due to suicidal tendencies brought about by monsoon, and thus i should make other arrangements for my stuff.

    Simple answer: NO !

  8. I wouldn't care if the drunks did it to themselves but they always seem to take an innocent person or two with them.

    You're right on there, PaulAllen. :o

    I came past a motorbike accident the other day on the road down from the junction Chaweng/Choeng Mon down to the airport.

    3 Thai guys injured (I guess they were not local). At least 2 cars in front of me slowed down and then drove on.

    I stopped my Suzuki Carribean and saw that one guy was unconscious, the other bleading on the ankle and the third was okay. Both guys put the unconscious fellow on the back of my Suzuki and the injured sat next to me. Made a u-turn in the middle of the road and took them to Samui Inter. Dropped them off and stayed for 20 minutes to make sure they are okay. Left my card with the nurse too.

    In retrospect I could have gotten into some trouble thinking about it now, but on that day it made me feel good.

  9. ciao ,everyone...

    i don't speak english much, my italian lots of better than my english.

    i live in italy now but i am planing to go to live in thailand, maybe samui.

    is that easy to find a job there?

    is there any italian community on samui?

    hope i can hear some onfo from here. thanks a lot for your help.


    I am not Italian, however, it goes for all. To find a job is difficult to say the least.

    There are plenty of Italians on Samui and during August especially you will feel just like at home.....

    May be come for a holiday first and then decide.....

  10. I called the numbers SBK posted and they answered.

    the tourist police actually had somene answer that spoke english.

    claud feller. can you tell us how is your friend?

    did any police samui or bangkok come over to get details from him?

    did he file or press charges against the driver? you said that the camera in nathon got a picture of the car. did you get the car number?

    please upfate us if you have some new news. I have lived in samui for over 9 years and never heard a story like this before. I have heard of police doing things slowly but this story is out right nelegence.

    Samui Express may not be good enough and One may consider calling on the national papers.

    Perhaps a letter in BKK Post "Post Bag' column...to start with

  11. A nice rant for Saturday Avo. :o

    My experience on Koh Samui over the last 10 years with the police ranges from nul to pretty good. No serious complaints at all.

    I rarely get into trouble, they are not interested from that point of view.

    When somebody causes me and/or mine trouble we normally sort such issues out ourselves and not go bother the cops. Our house got burgled, we went to our landlord, she went to the Pu Yai Baan, he went to the (construction worker's) village, we got our stuff back and the lads got a decent wollopping for the troubles.

    Sometime though we must resort to contacting the boys-in-brown.

    The tourist police have, to my knowledge, on many occasions been of great assistance in cases involving visitors from afar. However, I am one of those who criticized them heavily for allowing boy racers to wear dangerous weapons, handcuffs and pretend to be "real" cops.

    I saw a cop in Nathon once, he stopped the traffic so an elderly lady could cross the road.

    When I had a bar in Nathon the local cops used to drop in daily just to have a cup of coffee (fresh brewed of course) and see if things were OK. They always paid for their coffee.

    Once a drunken Welsh lady got wasted in our bar, collapsed in a heap on the floor and made a bit of a mess. When we tried to remove her she got violent, there was a fight with her and my g/f. Her hubby was a (Thai) cop. Next morning they came and arrested my g/f. By midday I had gone and talked to them, they went and got the Welsh woman and told her "her b/f has now counter charged you and you will now have to go into the same cell as his (Thai) g/f - along with about 4 other Thai women. She dropped the charges. The whole show was directed and produced by myself and some senior Nathon cops at the station. They were, at that time, of great assistance to me and the g/f.

    Generally I find them slow, not to interested unless it is a big deal. But that is just the way it is here. This island has its very own culture, it was cut off from the world until the early 70's when the first rough / backpacker tourists arrived here. The culture is based on agriculture, fishing and living in small villages with a village head telling you what's what and what's not.

    I think it takes years and years for local cultures like this to adapt or collapse. I think we have some waiting time yet before they sort it all out. This goes for cops, roads, planning, development, infrastructure, big-family corruption, local govt. corruption and the host of other evils confronting them today. Remember, 30 years ago the whole thing here was coconuts and fish. Now it's billions of Baht worth to touro-dollars.

    There is nothing that we, as visitors, can do about this. Even trying to tell them there are problems goes totally against the grain of their culture. To admit there is even a small problem is to loose face. Herein, amongst all this cultural and societal schtuff lies many problems confronting not only Thailand but the whole of Asia as it slowly but surely moves into the new world of global economies and societies.

    The cops? They're OK in my books. I stay off their turf, they generally stay of mine.

    One of the most interesting, true, eye-opening and fair comments on this forum for a long time.Thanks

  12. Just tried to log into the Samui Express Web Site and had the following response:

    This Account Has Been Suspended

    Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.

    Let's hope it is just an oversight and nothing more serious

    May be the SEX editor can clearify.....

    Looks like someone forgot to pay the monthly hosting charges

    It's back !

  13. i am sure this has beenn broguht up already.

    but the new man holes they put in the road are at the wrong angle. i knew this along time ago. when they cause traffic chaos installing them.

    i already new that they would break when the lorries dumped there crap onto them. so now you have motor bikes bloking half the raod trying to avoid them and people and cars fallingn down them. when it rains you cannot see them. so u drive along then disopear down the trap doors.

    maybe me fustrated to see the thais do all that work installing them then just doing the simple thing wrong and install them side ways rarther than length ways.

    in dunno T.I.T

    This is Thailand

    So what else is new ?

  14. In another topic about an accident with a drunken thai driver, SamuiExpress has suggested to submit any good experiences about Police and Tourist Police. I think it is worth a new topic.

    I want to start:

    Last 15 years (mostly for holidays) I had to deal just two times with the police:

    A car hit our rented jeep car. I called the jeep owner, she called the police, the police came quickly, I didnt have to pay for the damage.

    Then another time I got fined 300 Bahts (with receipt) for driving without helmet.

    So 100 % of good experiences!

    Please share your own experiences.

    I have no first hand experience with the police which I guess is a good thing.

    I did hear a rumour though that the farang tourist police volunteers have been disbanded following the 'disaproval' of some local influential Thai's.

    Has anyone heard this?

    Coming to think of it, I haven't seen them around lately.....

  15. I guess we all love Thailand in our own individual ways for what it is.

    Just think if all those gripes were addressed, all the faults corrected and everything made just so what would you have?


    Apart from the language........okay lah !

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