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Samui Coconut

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Posts posted by Samui Coconut

  1. I guess I have to eat my shorts, but I could swear I saw Beckham at Suvarnabhumi this morning, well, at least he looked very much like him.....but no sign of Posh though... :D

    Keep ya shorts on Coconut:-

    Joe Cole, David Beckham holiday in Thailand:

    http:// www.bahtsold.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1208

    I am very glad ! Not that I saw Beckham, but that I can keep my shorts on :o

  2. A few things not known till now about the home...

    It will be shaped as a soccerball(Football) There will be flower gardens that when viewed from above

    are the faces of Beckham and his lovely wife former spice girl Lady Posh. A recording studio will be built

    in the shape beckingham place where David(to his close friend..Me) and Posh will record their multi platinum hit album ..Bend it in me(Back up vocals from Britney and K-fed)

    More info to come

    I guess I have to eat my shorts, but I could swear I saw Beckham at Suvarnabhumi this morning, well, at least he looked very much like him.....but no sign of Posh though... :o

  3. It is sort of included in the Koh Samui & Koh Phangan forum. Guess George thought that Samui, Phangan and Tao was a bit long for a forum title.

    Could make is Samui/Phangan/Tao Forum

    only 1 character more than Southern Thailand Forum

  4. Does any one know of a trusted Dry Cleaner on the Island where i can take my suit to be dry Cleaned with the safe knowledge it will come back in one piece.


    I think we had that before, try the Boathouse. I normally use Santiburi, so far no problems. Hope it comes back in 2 pieces though (unless you are sending a jumpsuit)

  5. I've just spoken with Beck 'n Posh and they are NOT buying in Samui.

    I bumped into them in Laem Din market - seems they're over here doing some early Xmas shopping as the stores in LA are crap.

    I dropped them off at the airport this morning.

    p.s. any jobs going at SE :o:D

    I can confirm that, I was sitting one row behind them on PG 102. Posh had a whole bunch of Tesco bags and Becky wore a 'Same Same But Different' Shirt from Versace.

  6. What are good Koh Samui websites to look for jobs?

    Not sure if there are any specifically for Samui ....

    What are you looking for ? What nationality ? What back ground ? Its easier to approach establishments directly.....

    Managing job for resort/shop/spa


    In this case better approach the businesses directly. just prepare a proper CV incl. pic and salary expectations and send to the places that interst you. It won't be easy to secure employment at this stage, but you never know. Good luck !

  7. About Achim - here is his view of the accident.


    Thats what he told me. Just say: "A german living with his family in Samui for 15 years"

    Sorry for my bad english translation, I am german.

    On may 18 2007 about 2:30 am I drove in Bango Po area on my motorbike.

    Suddenly I pickup car wheeled over to my lane and hit me right in front.

    I hit the bonnet and my left arm broke through the windscreen.

    As I can remember I was thrown over the drivers cab on the load area. Then I felt unconscious.

    By the way the neighbored police owned video camera has taped this accident.

    The driver did the normal "hit and run" with or without knowing me laying on the pickup.

    About 5 am I woke up and found myself in the shrubbery close to the ring road.

    As my mobile was still working I called my wife and told her that I was hurt and unable to move.

    This moment I didn't realize that I was far away from the place where the accident happened.

    SO nobody could find me and I had to help myself: I robbed backwards to the ring road and

    luckily I could grab a cane and could make myself noticeable.

    The guy who finally found me could then call my wife and tell her where I was located

    - 15 km away around Ban Saket.

    Friends of my wife hurried up to bring me to the Nathon Hospital -

    I lost a lot of blood meanwhile and felt unconscious again.

    Meanwhile the pick up involved has been seen in front of a 7-11 with a broken windscreen

    and with two drunken thai men.

    About the police: The found my motorbike and they secured it - where ever it will be now.

    Some witnesses of the accident have called the police and told about what happened.

    But in the report the police is just talking about

    "Male have accident with his motorbike and has to be threatened in the local hospital".

    My wife and my family in law visited the police and have cleared out that the pickup-

    drivers obviously thought that I was dead and that they have "disposed" me close to

    the ring road. The answer of the police was: "We don't have time for this, he should come to

    see us after he has recovered already".

    I stayed 5 days in Nathon hospital before having been transported to a hospital in Bangkok.

    Never the local police - the headquarter is just 10 minutes away - have shown up.

    I suffered the following injuries:

    - fracture of the left hand wrist

    - double fracture of the right shinbone

    - fracture of the right tighbone

    - splitting fracture of the right pelvis

    - fracture of the right hip joint

    I will have to stay in a Bangkok hospital about 6 weeks -later I will have to

    learn to walk again. It is unclear if there will be an remaining damage of the hip.

    Appendix by Claude Feller:

    I talked with his wife today. She went to the head of Nathon police and tried to

    get a better answer why the police is so shitty here. The answer was:

    You are glad he didn't die, you have "chook dee".

    Be aware that she is a local Samui but she never could imagine this full amount

    of irresponsibility.

    Costs so far:

    200.000 B for treatment

    loss of income about the same

    I have contacted the german embassy - seems like they are willing to help.


    I sent you two mobile numbers yesterday, you didn't call. Now this translation.

    Hope it is possible for you to make a story about this case.

    Please go to the Nathon Police and make an interview with the head of the police.

    Anyway your newspaper will publish in english, nobody of the police will read your story.


    Even if SE publishes this article without his name, everyone will know who it is.

  8. :o I would like to meet some of my neighbours in BanRak on the 23rd.........for some drinks.......anyone interested ????

    OK, why not the Ting Tong Corner.......never went there, but it sounds like a good place to start....... 7pm......

    Master 7 PM What day :D


    23rd. as per original post.....Looks like you have been there already waitig for him for the last few days. :D

  9. Which boxing stadium holds the best fights

    out of :


    chaweng stadium

    Puu Yai now Stadium ( lamui )

    Lamui Bar

    Or temples fights in genral.

    for me it is still chaweng stadium. if you want to see good fighting with Thai on thai. then for me i reckon chaweng stadium makes better fights. thais like it there more also.

    petchbuncha have a alot of forang vs thai fights which i find disopinting. i normally see a large forang well built against a small thai old and fat with a forang calling him the champian of the south. I think yes that is right about 50 years ago.

    Temples fights can be really interesting. i went to one where all the fights were for about 60 000 baht up to 400 000 baht.

    mainly a thai crown and not expensive.

    then u can go to normal temple fights about 100 baht to watch or you can put your name down and fight the next night.

    lamui bar have some good fight sometimes. normally good boxers who don't train and run out of puff early and need the money. not bad becuase it free. wel sorte of.

    Poo yai now. ( lamui stadium ) haves some good fights. not too expensive.

    i reckon chaweng stadium is best if you like to see blood and strong hard fights

    You answered your own question......

  10. better you will looking for something in Bophut Area... because SAmui Airport is not far.

    Anyway Thais says "Mai mi pangha" ...... (not problem) and they will sugggest to you Chaweng or Bophut Area.

    Manu Chao :o

    Mermaid still the best option, 7/11 just down the road, restaurants as well....no other place springs to mind.

  11. Bubbles Launderama :o:D sorry, the name still cracks me up

    Soi colibri opposite central hotel chaweng , industrial machines and dryers, will do quilts.

    Curtains you're better of with the curtain service , in maenam i think, their advert said they come and take the curatains down and refit them after cleaning. Never used them so you're the ginny pig :D

    ......or contact some larger hotels with their own laundry i.e. Santiburi, Boathouse, Nora etc...

  12. PLEASE HELP!!! BLOOD DONOR URGENTLY NEEDED (A Rhesus Negative). An accident happened to Mr. Joachim Kraemer and now admitted at Bangkok Hospital Samui awaiting a major operation on Friday. He needs 8 units of the blood but the hospital has been able to arrange for only 2 units.

    If you have this type of blood (A -) and are willing to donate, or if you know someone who is willing to help, please call 0816201646.

    Too late as usual and wrong info yet again.....

    Enough blood has been donated already as of yesterday and it is in BKK by now.....

    quote at Bangkok Hospital Samui, we have been successfully finding blood A Rh -ve for Mr. Kraemer by total of 8 units as the hospital in Bangkok has requested for the operation this Friday and all the blood is on the way there as we speak. end quote

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