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Posts posted by Nielsk

  1. Freedom has been given to express opinions above but please be aware of crossing into the dangerous territory of libelous or defamatory remarks which can lead to criminal and civil charges brought against the forum and/or its members which is why this forum rule exists ...

    6) You will not post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

    Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. It does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.

    If necessary any posts deemed to contravene that rule will be removed for everyone's protection. Thank you

    petercool - moderator team

    Good to recall.

    So many posts are almost libelous to the Thai people and Thai institutions.

    The same and the same all the time and all over Again.


    Not very interesting, and not to please or informative to anyone.

    Does not get better by being repeated endlessly.

    Actually quite boring to Watch.

  2. Dear o dear.......27 year old and committing suicide over losing his job ? There may well be much more to this story - but it's still a terrible shame. I don't know what support services exist here - I hope I never need them personally, but I think it would be a big help if the " support services " were made more public for ex. pats - surely some of these suicides could be prevented . He had his all life in front of him !

    it might be something the expat community could set up themselves with out the usual leaches looking to get their face in the media every 5 mins.

    Shame about the lad. A case of letting Pattaya control you instead of you controlling Pattaya sad.png

    "A case of letting Pattaya control you instead of you controlling Pattaya"

    Well spoken Franky Bear !

    A very important phrase....

  3. I hope Russian will choose another place , when you see how they are treated in this forum by some sexpat thinking they are better than anyone else ...and who define themselves as more Thai than Thais , I would rather be friend with a Russian than a narrow minded arrogant Brit or yank who think he is someone in here but in fact is not better than anyone else. Pathetic .... bah.gifbah.gif

    I hear your opinion, but I am curious if you actually live in a place where the majority of people you are surrounded with everyday have been Russian tourists for YEARS. Because if not, it's hard to see how such a person could have an INFORMED opinion about Russian tourist behavior (as a generality) in Thailand.

    This post written in Jomtienski, Thailussia

    As allways in this forum: Generalization is a big problem for some.

    German, English, Australien, Norweigans Americans ,Russians or my cuntrymen Danes

    As among Thais their are good ones and bad ones.

    You choose Yourself who to mingle with. I myself mingle with people in Thailand I like from all nations.

    Up to You


    • Like 2
  4. Boy people what is the problem? put money in bank if you don't have the money you don't have the money to live here stay in home country geez. simple. Got enough cheap charlies and crooks here as it is.


    Just because the OP does not have 800,000 baht or 65,000 per month does not mean that he is either a cheap charlie or a crook. Many of us live here on way under that figure.........legally I might add.

    It annoys me sometimes that here on TV many posters think that just because they have a bucket load of cash or big pensions that they are the only ones worthy of being able to stay here. We are all contributing to the Thai economy every day no matter how small or great so please get off your high horses.

    You say: "Just because the OP does not have 800,000 baht or 65,000 per month does not mean that he is either a cheap charlie or a crook"

    If You not meet the requirements by Thai law and try to get around it by cheating. To me that is a crook.

    Sorry !

    • Like 1
  5. Well its good to get this crowd gone but that last only a short time, they will back after pay the fine( think 100b)This is a funny line:"This behaviour had destroyed the good image of Pattaya".

    When did ever Pattaya ever had a good image? Heck I like to live here because its "bad image".

    You like: the lady boy gang that are always prostituting and stealing from foreigners.

    You must be very special.....

  6. As allways a lot of constructive comments. And as allways a lot of stupid comments.

    I realy wish menbers there don't have no sensible bringing to the subject, would stay out with there feeble-minded comments.

    Although we may disagree on a lot, so let's at least agree that we must treat each other with respect.

    I know I put my neck out with this, but I cannot help it.wai.gif Sorry !

  7. Covers you for 12 months, but only in thailand! If your out of the country for 24 hours doing border runs etc, you are not covered! I'm presuming this insurance is available for any foreigner living in thailand and it doesn't matter what visa your on. In other words, you wouldn't buy an annual insurance for thailand if your a tourist as you can only stay for 6 months per year.insurance is a minefield and does my head in trying to read all the inclusions and exclusions. All the pre existing conditions etc. this insurance at least will give you a piece of mind when it comes to accidents, so long as your not pissed etc! Seems reasonably priced too, compared with some of the UK insurances on offer.

    You have to exit the country every two months too

    "You have to exit the country every two months too" What do You mean ????? Visa ???

  8. I look forward to your stories and pix, I used to do the same thing a few years back and had great fun, I was thinking I really ought to start roaming again!

    NO beer!

    When did this happen?

    I quote rak sa_ngop

    Travelling by train in Thailand has lost its appeal ever since they stooped selling beer.

    I used to love sitting in the restaurant carriage of the Nong Khai train sucking a few bottles of beer while trying to eat my splashing around Tom Yam Kung soup.

    Will those days ever return???


    Why is it that everywhere most men go, there has to be beer? No wonder there is so much alcoholcism.
    Why not ?

    Why not ? You got the answer: "No wonder there is so much alcoholcism" facepalm.gif

  9. I would try it if they could stay on the rails! I think last year there was around 200 derailments (maybe more) and I saw the Orient Express just "fell" of the rails a few weeks back.

    Hundreds of people are killed every day on the roads in Thailand.But most people still use them! (I try not to!) But apart from flying "travelling by train" is still a much safer option! F.J

    I will anytime prefer train from bus (minibus) "I’ve experienced far too many bus rides with a kamikaze driver – seemingly hell bent on risky the lives of all of the passengers on board – playing chicken with oncoming traffic to shave a few minutes off our journey" Copied from article...

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I bet tourism would go up if there were no ladyboys.

    Ladyboys give Thailand a bad image to the rest of the world.

    Wrong ! Thats sounds a bit parochial. Tourists has so many options i Thailand, where You woudn't even be close to a ladyboy. As they say "Up to You"


    Maybe I'm differnet to some, but I have never gone to a restaurant without asking for a menu card to choose from and allways just paid the shown price.


    Tips: At cheaper restaurants in Thailand it is customary to leave your small change behind. If you are eating at a small roadside place then you should round the bill up.

    In high end restaurants tips are more likely to be expected because the waiters are professionals. Here you should tip at least 10% for good service but only if there is no service charge on the bill. You should hand your tip directly to to the waiter. If you are served by multiple people give the gratuity to the most senior waiter who served you. Make sure that the other staff who served you can see this and indicate clearly to the waiter who the tip should be shared bwteeen.

    Sorry but I don't see the problem in the Jomtien/Pattya distrikt.                                 Jomtien/ Pattaya district


    Curious are these your words or quoted from somewhere? Especially as nothing to do with the subject at hand........coffee1.gif


    May be notof interest  for You TOPT, but maybe for some others .....

  12. Maybe I'm differnet to some, but I have never gone to a restaurant without asking for a menu card to choose from and allways just paid the shown price.


    Tips: At cheaper restaurants in Thailand it is customary to leave your small change behind. If you are eating at a small roadside place then you should round the bill up.

    In high end restaurants tips are more likely to be expected because the waiters are professionals. Here you should tip at least 10% for good service but only if there is no service charge on the bill. You should hand your tip directly to to the waiter. If you are served by multiple people give the gratuity to the most senior waiter who served you. Make sure that the other staff who served you can see this and indicate clearly to the waiter who the tip should be shared bwteeen.

    Sorry but I don't see the problem in the Jomtien/Pattya distrikt.                                 Jomtien/ Pattaya distrikt




    Moving to correct forum


    Thank You ! Where can I find that please ?



    It has already been moved by a MOD, so just wait for answers


    Did you obtain a Foreign Exchange Transaction form from either your bank or the agent ?


    If you don't know there should be a copy of it with your Chanote for the condo (the original will be retained by the Land Office).  If you did then there should be no problem in transferring the money back to your home country


    If you didn't you may have a problem 


    OK I understand,  Thank You Langsuan Man :-)

  14. Somebody know if new rules has emerged lately ?


    Bought condo in Pattaya  6 years ago and have now put it up for sale.  Condo paid by transfering the salesprice to the estate agent's bank, from my  Danish bank.


    Will there be any complications after the sale, transfering the whole salesamount or part of the amount to my bank in Denmark ?

    I have read I only is allowed to take out the same amount you transfered  buying the condo ?!?

  15. This thread raises an interesting question


    I noticed (if understanding the posts correctly) that an embassy letter doesn't necessarily need to be from your own Nations embassy - e.g. a UK citizen could avail themselves to the services of the Australian Consulate in Pattaya  to produce the letter if they provided the UK bank statements and paid the fee

    I wouldn't take that chance !

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