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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Sorry, women aren't 'friend material' IMHO. I expect friends to believe in duty, honesty, honour, loyalty ...... which aren't female attributes.
  2. I always ask them what country their god came from?
  3. I believe it' a problem caused by the writer not being a native English speaker. (or Australian)
  4. I know that feeling, my former Brit wife of 30 years suddenly thought I was the devil and invited me to leave. Of course for those men who always want to hear 'her' side of the story, I freely admit she might have been right.
  5. Thai husbands have Mia nois, and visit brothels at every opportunity. My 3 BILs tried to take me to a brothel, they said "you don't tell our wives and we won't tell our sister" I made an excuse and went home.
  6. Bkb debit card is very hit and miss for buying online as it's not really visa/MasterCard, but part of TPN (Thai payment network) Ttb debit card works everywhere.
  7. The (second) Thai girl I had been living with for a year had already gathered all the documents. But we broke up after she 'mysteriously disappeared' for a week, and I needed a new VISA. Seemed a shame to waste all the paperwork! The (first) Thai girl I moved to Thailand to be with omitted to mention her American husband, who returned unexpectedly after I'd been living here about 4 weeks. Gotta love the Thai girls and their games. Love freely, pay a fair price, but keep your hand on your wallet!
  8. For me, 2 weeks from meeting to Amphur wedding ......... been together 13 years now.
  9. I did the same. I she can't get a mortgage, live in a rented house. Scooter was good enough or us, they don't cost enough to worry about.
  10. Your mistake is making eye contact with them. Pretend they're not there, and they won't bother you.
  11. I've not met any foreigner with a Thai wife in a different position. Plenty of guys claim to be in a different position, but when I meet them they're either lying or delusional. I'd really like to meet a foreigner with a Thai wife that loved him for himself. Been looking for the past 15 years without any luck. I find it best just not to think about it too much! And just enjoy the soft, warm younger body lying next to me every night.
  12. If they won't vote for him, why so scared of him standing? If I were Biden, I'd want to run against an obvious loser! Let him run, and let him be defeated.
  13. OK, it's not the definition of a word that's in question, it's your understanding of a sentence that's the problem, your reading comprehension skills appear to be lacking (Australian by any chance?).
  14. Typhoo one cup .......... 100 bags for 100bht, and can use each bag 2x. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ty-phoo-100-teabags-i4388743130-s17480380520.html
  15. Not weighing enough is my problem (32" waist, 74.5Kg + 6ft tall). Eat nothing but high protein, high carb, high fat, high sugar and can't gain any weight.
  16. My youth wasn't all that great, I was always desperate for sex. Best times of my life were in my 50s in SEA. My 60s in SEA have been better than my youth as well.
  17. Nothing you listed says paying for sex is illegal. Being blatant and obvious appears to be the crimes.
  18. We're all in the same boat. Best not to think too much about it. Buy some pets if you want love and companionship.
  19. No, it's irrelevant to my life. There's nothing I can do about it, even if I believed ........ 1. It was happening 2. It was undesirable 3. It could be changed So why worry?
  20. Same for everyone all over the world. I couldn't afford to live in London because all the foreigners have driven up the prices. Then I moved to Cornwall where the locals couldn't afford homes because of people like me moving in.
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