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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. It's coming, it's coming soon!
  2. Thailand may not be the place for you!
  3. Been married 14 years now. If she gets fed up with me I'm OK with leaving, it's her house. How about you?
  4. Most middle class parents put their kids through university. But let's just define middle class, Degree or manager or business owner with employees is middle class. I'm prepared to bet you didn't manage any of those.
  5. I don't think you actually know anything about Thai people, you live in a fantasy world.
  6. More like they don't know how to meet foreigners, or have nothing to offer foreign men. My housing estate is full of shapeless single middle class Thai ladies, living in houses rented for them by their middle class Thai children. They effectively have nothing but the charity of their kids.
  7. I would think retired western hod carriers are far higher educated than nearly all Thais, even the elites cheat and bribe their way through school while learning nothing.
  8. Lazada customer care Chat window usually works.
  9. Mecool km2 plus, 1780bht delivered with sale vouchers. If it's rubbish I'm blaming you!
  10. They all use 7A 12V batteries. So thats 84w of power, if you have a 500w computer plugged in that will last around 10mins. But them you'll probably have the monitor and router plugged in as well, so under 5 mins.
  11. These price UPS can only supply computer for 2-5 minutes. Good for power blinks, not good for a power cut. Usually only last 2 years before battery fails.
  12. Maybe their woman is no longer attractive, or never was.
  13. It's not about the 1hr to fill in the form, it's about the 5hrs queue in the hot sun before you get in the door.
  14. They left school age 12, same as all the other Thais we encounter. The young ones all have degrees, but the over 40s .......... nothing but the money to buy their jobs.
  15. Thinking of getting a new (S/H) car, probably a ford Ranger 2017-2019 @approx 350kbht. The best time to buy an EV will be when it's a similar price. I'm not against EVs, I just can't justify blowing 1Mbht on one.
  16. I'll assume that to mean locally assembled. Can't imagine anyone manufacturing the parts and batteries in Thailand, all made in China.
  17. Just found this offer on Lazada as a flash sale, add all the vouchers and the price inc delivery is under 2,200bht. Pretty good deal IMHO. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i915250947-s19378424152.html
  18. Tried this today, and agree it's like a small Twix but the caramel is all around rather than just on top.
  19. Does marriage equality mean foreign men can get citizenship after 2 years with an income of 15kbht/month, same as foreign women?
  20. No idea why the price difference. Maybe they could read my mind as I browsed the dtac Sims.
  21. Otto oven starts at 700bht, full size oven is 3,000bht so not that much of a consideration.
  22. Did you mean Cavendish bananas?
  23. I don't want people coming onto my property without me being there and giving permission. In many countries people have the right to kill intruders, and I agree with that right. As for kids, they need to be taught not to enter other people's securely fenced property for any reason. I chain my gate closed, I don't want you coming in and wandering around to see what you can steal.
  24. Yes it is, Oz only allow 1 state sponsored pension. If you worked in another country, say UK, Oz collects it for you and it's used towards you Oz pension.

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