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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Trump has a lot of common sense! Those batteries are all sourced from China. I remember they laughed when he told the Germans not to rely on Russian gas. Giving your enemies power over your country is never a smart move.
  2. Fridge needs to be moved further away from the wall, and more ventilation space at the sides.
  3. They have pork stew, it's very soft. I generally have the thick cut boiled ham which is very nice.
  4. First sign = foreigner giving financial advice in Thailand, it's a job 100% reserved for Thai citizens. Second sign = anyone wanting to move assets to Jersey/Guernsey/IOM/etc. Once there you lose any chance of legal recourse. Normal scam is foreign FA working illegally in Thailand using an offshore company for shelter, and maybe a management company in you home country. Once dividing responsibility between 3 countries, none of their legal systems will want to protect you. Which is why crooks are so keen to use offshore bases. Keep your assets in your home country where it's relatively safe.
  5. Don't do it the financial advisor company are crooks. You friend is probably a crook as well. Better to pay the tax after death than lose everything while you are still alive.
  6. I like all 3 countries. Can't understand the excessive 'love Thailand' posts. Nothing special about it, except the Thai gangs kicking the poop out of male foreign tourists. Filipinos are always very polite, I much prefer being called 'sir' or 'boss' to 'you' or 'farang'.
  7. Beaches and sea around PI were always better than Thailand + no bitey sandflies on the beaches.
  8. Blue Grass on the entrance to the boxing rink. I'll bring the MJ.
  9. If that's what they want, why would you care?
  10. Plenty of 2M or less houses around Chiang Mai. My new 3 bed house cost 1M8bht a few years back (now at 2M2bht).
  11. Highlands coffee and baguette for $2 is a safe choice if worried. I actually prefer Viet food to Thai food, but prefer Indian and Mexican. Plenty of good Indian restaurants in VN and not expensive either.
  12. She needs to have a job, 25kbht/month will get you a 1M5bht mortgage. No credit history required, just 6 months wage slips. No job = no mortgage. My misses owed 500kbht, taken to court, not allowed to own anything for 5 years then debt written off. 2 weeks after the debt was written off she got a 1M5bht mortgage using forged pay slips (no job) ......... so I don't think credit history is even considered in Thailand. Be aware, She may be deliberately sabotaging the mortgage application in the hope you'll be daft enough to pay cash. Mine certainly tried that until she realised no mortgage = no house purchase.
  13. I was there and now I'm here, but I don't feel any better or worse.
  14. Nobody is defending the guy, but it's a trivial offence, no big deal. Age of consent in the UK is 16, so legal IMHO, if morally iffy.
  15. I actually went on a ay trip to France with the school, and the girls went and sat on the beach away from us teachers, topless, with one of the male teachers. Girls ages were 16-17. I had no reason to think she was lying.
  16. No, he's already out on bail and facing a 30k-60kbht fine and deportation. Unless he marries her, in which case all charges will be dropped and he can stay.
  17. I suspect a lot of the posters making these 'hang em high' posts have no contact with school kids and have no idea what the 13 and 14yo girls are getting up to back in their home countries.
  18. Normally they set bail much higher than the likely fine. I'm guessing he'll be fined 30k-60kbht, then deported.
  19. More interested in Shoreham by sea ....... where my former beach side home still is above water. Odd how these places nobody has ever heard of are suffering from sea level rises, but no civilised place is. Guess the sea level doesn't rise the same amount everywhere. Eureka!
  20. I'm using less air con this year in CM than any of the previous 10 years. If it's any hotter, I'm certainly not feeling it.
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