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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. From the girls perspective:

    1. Walk around some of these areas, you tend not to pay that much attention to what all the other guys look like, 95% of them ....well

    Basically if you are from countries like Germany, Canada, US...basically if you are white or japanese you are automatically ahead of most, if they are doing well they wont go near indian or arab guys, even your stereotypical drunk angry russian, and most thai seem to really hate chinese

    Any female on the planet, you are always competing with other guys, not like the bar situation makes it all that different.

    Even if she has 3 sponsors on the go at the one time, its in part so she can reject all the gross slobs that will pay her under 1000 baht

    Silly to assume they necessarily would want to go back, especially if it meant she will average less money

    2. A falang assuming she wont want to go back to her boring village, that assumption is more likely to come from cityslickers rather than those that grew up in the country, She grew up there, all her friends and family and almost always kid/kids are there

    On the flip side, if she grew up hotter than all the other girls in the village, way before she even got to the bar, handed over to the local mafia boss, all the creepy uncles, unless she has an overprotective brother or father thats mafia or owns a gun. The bar in pattaya means less trouble for more money

    3. She knows damn well, gets close to 30, the money will dry up, "career" is over. Most of them will know a few aunties that used to do it, maybe even the mother. Back in the village, infertile, 300 baht for a 12 hr day from some food stall, infertile so only the original kid from thai guy that dumped her before the bar work left to look after her

    4. How many guys do you think they have met, that promise a whole bunch of stuff on their holidays, but go back home and they never hear from them again

    5. From what Ive seen, the ones that have the loser thai boyfriend and are giving him money, are the ones that are hung up on love or hoping for ever after, same kind of thing as the falangs that become love sick puppies, same kind of thing. Again, that kind of thing is everywhere, not just bar girls in Thailand. Hung up on some douchebag that treats her like crap and probably becuase thats how the father treated her, avoid girls like that everywhere, not just thailand

    6. We are in the days of video chat, LINE, Tango, Messenger. A lot harder to fake it nowadays

    You really have to go to the village, meet the family, check out the situation there, thats really the most important thing. Any thing about the bar or whichever tourist place shes living ....its all irrelevant if the brothers or the boyfriend or even the flippin mother is the one making her work there. They cant be too poor relative to everyone else, then all the family just feed off her income. How many brothers, are they all lazy and just sit around drinking or day, or do they all work. Father as well

    Second most important thing is the falang himself, what do you actually want?

    15,000 baht, thats US$425 at the moment. My mother loves Hawaii, she's getting a bit on now, so I have to go with her. One night at the Hilton will cost flippin around that much. Holiday back in your home country, how far does US$425 get you?

    Sinsod? 500,000 baht, just over $14,000 US, Sinsod should just be for show anyway, with thai marriages it comes back, you know its all bullshit if it doesnt come back, or at least go into the daughters house or what not. Again, thats more about the family than her

    ( I actually didnt pay any Sinsod, two of her uncles put up 300,000 for show on the day, I put in 50,000 which ended up going to the wedding bills, a wedding that would have cost me 5 times as much back home)

    You have to work out what you really want long term. Not for everyone.

    Especially if you are like a fly in fly out worker, or some job where you know when you are "on" you have no time in the day other than working, and you want to have kids.

    The thai wife raising your kids in the village, its an awesome deal. The difference in cost is mind blowing. If I tried it back home it would be AU$1 million for the house, at least a half million dollar mortgage, AU$35,000 a year just on mortage interest. Not to mention paying three times as much for everything else had it been an australian wife here.

    Over at least 20 years, you are really talking about a difference of millions, not in baht but your home currency. No financial stress if you have a good job and hang on to it.

    Just go for the girl that is just going to be all about the kids, not the one that you "fall in love with" because she is jumping on you three times a day in the hotel, or spends too much time flirting with other guys, or wont stay put in the village. Just make sure she doesnt have a douchebag family

    Even if later she does get a boyfriend, because you are 20/30 years older and she knows shes going to live up to 50 years longer than you, really what do you expect?

    If that happens, every holiday, one week visiting the kids, the other week back down to pattaya wink wink nudge nudge.

    Not like those kids are going to ignore a dad thats going to have enough money so they dont have to work a shitty job, Not likely that any future boyfriend is going to be silly enough to abandon those kids if you are coughing up 2.3 times his regular pay to support them. Likely she is not even going to bother if she's not the type to get hung up on love, or doesnt want to have to put out every night, Even if so, there are a bunch of other older female relatives that will take up the deal.

    Unfortunately EVERYTHING is about money any way. I suspect a lot of the naysers got into it just for her, what she looked like in a bikini at 25, and not for the kids, got bored of it all after a few years and cheaped out.

    Have a kid, that first 5 years especially, they cant do a damn thing other than watch that kid every second of everyday, whether the husband is there or not. A lot of guys just dont get that

    Silly assuming just because she is/was a bargirl she isnt going to prefer having and being around a bunch of kids, of course there are some not really designed for that and would prefer staying in the bar, partying , having sex. But it shouldnt really be that hard for you to tell the difference, as long as you are NOT thinking with your dick, or have your head up your arse. Also assuming she is somehow going to be a worse mother becuase she used to have sex for money, thats just an assumption, usually actually based on jealousy from the guy or bullshit values he gets from everywhere else, they dont have to have anything to do with each other, Nothing to say if you have kids with a thai girl with a "regular" job, she wont end up being more of a train wreck or a shittier mother

    Suss out the family, and you are the dude, its always about money, no matter where you are in the world

    wow. darn good post there. well done.

    No, it's complete BS from a white knight.

    Trying to do anything with one of these girls is a 'worst nightmare' scenario.

    You can't trust them to ever tell the truth.

    The kid you have with them, probably won't be your kid.#

    Grandma will always be around to look after the kid, while they are back in Pattaya.

    Children will be used to blackmail, manipulate and extort money from you at every opportunity.

    These girls aren't grateful for being 'saved', they don't like you, they don't want you, they will always deceive you.

  2. OP, a weeeee story about Trans...

    When my world collapsed in the UK I just wanted someone to put me in a box and bury me.......

    Then I thought...Feeeeeeeerk it, to old to worry about a perfect life, yes l could have stayed in the UK locked up in a room looking out the window till l popped off...........Nooooo, not me.........smile.png

    Got on a plane with a few quid l had and TRIED stuff, didn't give a shit.......

    Good on you. Seriously, good on you. Different people have different versions of world collapse, for some financial, for others bereavement, for others a health crisis, but it whatever the collapse - and I'm not trying to be nosey or wanting you to tell me anything - it would have been easy to just lock yourself away and wait to die. But you didn't.

    My world collapse was my former wife (of 20 years) reporting me to the police for some imagined crime nearly every day.

    Woman attacked, she would be down the station to say it was me. Peeping tom, must have been me.

    Or I was stalking her, or I was stalking my children, or threatening her, an endless series of accusations.

    Police would pick me up each time, question me, release me.

    Now if I had locked myself in a room, I wouldn't have any alibi, so I had to be with someone 24/7.

    In the end it was easier to move abroad. Harder for them to pick me up and question me.

    Harder for them to claim it might have been me when I had a witness to say I was on the other side of the world.

    Still didn't stop her reporting my 80+ year old parents for planning to kill her, police tried to search their house a couple of times. Police got tired of the game in the end, but did pay me an out of court amount for harassment.

  3. Many years ago (1970s) this wrong assumption brought the UK's new vehicle licencing system to its knees and is one of the reasons why UK licenses are valid until age 70 with no renewals required.

    Yes! I have considerably more than 10 years working in IT.

    British Photo DLs need to be renewed every 10 years.

    Had to renew mine last year, not 70 yet.

    You are way out of date with your information.

  4. If I had $200k spare, I wouldn't spend it in Thailand.

    $50k on a nice little house near the sea on the 'Costa Del Sol', and 10 years living expenses.

    You're going to buy "a nice little house near the sea on the 'Costa Del Sol',", for 35k Pounds, really, and what might that gem look like may I ask!

    Something like this one would suspect.

    attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1460028143.461252.jpg

    Once it's painted and rendered it will look great.

    3 bed fixer uppers in Spain start around E20k, like everywhere, you can spend as much as you have.

    And you can own them in your name.

  5. Having recently had experience with two Thai hospitals in Chiang Mai, my overriding impulse would be to get on a plane anyway. Lousy diagnosticians, took them two weeks to identify cellulitis. 2600 baht for one dose of an intravenous antibiotic? Presenting with a fever and I have to ask them to record my temperature? Unprofessional and disorganised, except when it comes to collecting money.

    Off topic, funny you should mention this, it's the strep season in CM.

    The last two weeks infections breaking out all over the town.

    Can't believe any competent doctor can't spot it right off.

    Fie Lam Tung they call it (burn appear anywhere).

    Moxcillin 500, 50bht from most pharmacy, 2 a day for 5 days, if really bad double dosage.

    Plus any antibacterial cream on the infected areas, 2 or 3x a day.

    Spotted two cases among pals in the last two weeks, and cured them.

    Very easy and cheap to cure if you catch it early.

    Never seen it anywhere else in the world, see it here every Songkran when temp and humidity is right.

  6. From personal and very recent experience. I have just recovered from a heart attack. I was in hospital for a week and it cost around 600,000baht. I had insurance but not enough. I thank my school for paying my bill or I would be still there begging for money or I guess I would have gone upstairs.

    So for me, I say, get insurance.

    Although I have been here for 17 years and not had any other real problems. Before that I have been very healthy. Be prepared!

    Your recent heart attack is NOW a preexisting condition. Check to see if insurance companies cover preexisting conditions. If not, and you have heart problems in the future, your insurance company may not pay out.

    I thought Thai schools were required to provide Thai SS health insurance to all foreign employees?

  7. Another cynical fariang, Aall the cynical people in the world must live in Thailand, there are some very decent people who live, can't understand why you do to be honest if your such a Thai woman hater !

    Mate, this girl isn't behaving by decent standards as defined anywhere in the world.

    If she treated a previous guy like this, she will treat you like this too.

    Nobody needs to be cynical to see that.

  8. "Cheap Charlie" is often a derogatory term used to characterize a "farang" who doesn't dish out money freely to Thais and cater to their sob stories of family hardship. A farang who doesn't like picking up the tab for everyone all the time is referred to as "Cheap Charlie" by Thais. A farang who merely meets the agreed price for sex without additional tip is called "Cheap Charlie" by Thai girls. The Thai newspaper should be clear about this being a derogatory expression and why.

    Thai's call them "Kee Neeow" or "Farang Kee Nok"

    "Kee Neeow "is sticky shit, "Kee Nok" is Bird shit,...not the same thing !!!


    To point out

    Kee Neow and Kee Nok are different 'Kee' words, first Kee means 'adverse character trait', second Kee means 'shit'.

    So no 'shit' in Kee Neow.

    Most of the times you hear Kee, from a Thai, they are talking about character not shit.

  9. What if you die before 3 years is up, bit of a waste, and I've seen many go that way.

    Planning for a future that never happens.

    Me, I gave up work when I had enough to last my last 'fun worthy' years.

    For me,

    11-16 bullied at school for being a swot, not that much fun.

    16-23 years of hard study, a bit of fun, but not much, loads of booze, not much sex.

    23-45 hard work, hardly any fun, bit of booze, not much sex.

    50 to 60 was a blast, freedom from work and loads of fun, loads of booze and sex.

    Can't see having much fun at 60+, where I am now, booze and sex available, but I just don't feel like it much.

    Can't see having any fun at 70+, what's the point? Looking forward to incontinence, walking stick or Zimmer frame.

  10. Chiang Mai Ram, cosmetic surgery dept.

    On one of the upper floors accessed from the internal car park.

    They do a very good job at a reasonable price (unlike the rest of CM RAM).

    You can just walk in and be seen most days, no appointment needed.

    Often they will cut it off then and there.

    Cost 3k-5k depending on size.

    Testing for cancer would be extra. Easier just to have it removed IMHO.

    The doctors have good English skills, and a book in English that describes your condition.

    They open the book and let you read the page that describes your lump.

  11. Living in Thailand means different things to different people. If you spend all your time with the girls in the bars you probably have very different experiences to having a wife and kids.

    If you brought the wife with you from your home country, I agree.

    If the wife is a local product, then I probably don't agree.

    Many of the Thai wives are very similar to the Thai girls in the bar.

    The main difference being less customers for them, and less sex for you.

  12. Accident Insurance

    I decided to just get an accident insurance policy. I was looking for something in the range of 500,000 to 1m Baht. All I came with was a small policy for 50,000B per incident, in-patient costs only covered. They said they would try and increase it to 100,000B on renewal, no higher, but it never happened.

    Bangkok Insurance Company (in most Malls), 6kbht for 100k accident insurance.

  13. Anybody living in Thailand without health insurance is crazy.

    Take my case, serious accident 7 months in hospital.

    6 major operations, 4 weeks ICU.

    Now 2. 5 years later still having to visit hospital every 3 weeks (catheter change )

    Still having to take pain killers, have a paid carer.

    If i had to pay for all that it would have bankrupted me months ago.

    I am glad that you are happy with the outcome of your accident insurance, and the ensuing paid treatments.

    But, after reading your many posts, it's not a life that I would want to live.

    I would prefer to have not had your insurance, and not had any of the operations.

    You may consider your continuing life to be worthwhile, but it's not for me.

  14. I think thailand has the worst quality expats in the world because of its low cost living. This face is full of uneducated losers.

    Nothing to do with 'low cost', living in Spain, France, and Portugal all cheaper than Thailand now.

    I know, I spend most of my year living there.

    What Thailand has is cheap and plentiful women, similar to the Philippines.

    The 'expats' come here for the cheap women, wife/gf or rentals, all very cheap.

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