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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Did you miss the bit where she was living with him in his parents home?
  2. They believe in God & Jesus, and are therefore Christians. Back on topic, Always amazes me, women choose violent thugs for bfs/husbands then get upset by the beatings ........ what were they expecting to happen?
  3. She sided with her mother during the divorce. I don't have much time for anyone I felt betrayed me. Too much forgive and forget amongst the 'soft lads' on this forum. Never forgive! Never forget!
  4. You haven't managed to find one though. Despite repeated attempts and failures.
  5. This forum is only interested in increasing membership numbers (adds value to the price of the forum when sold). Once joined they are members forever. What you suggest would not be in the interests of the forum owner.
  6. Why would you care about your ex? Block her and never accept contact from her again. So many 'soft lads' on this forum.
  7. But you will be old and broke when you retire.
  8. My oldest Brit daughter did turn up in Chiang Mai looking for me a few years back. She wanted to meet for coffee, but I blocked her from my email and didn't reply.
  9. I've always found they want a big house, new car and money to spend. No woman is ever satisfied, as you found with your 3 mentally ill women, so why make any effort at all? Who would listen to a guy with invisible friends and mentally ill wives? Your entire life is a fantasy!
  10. Newsflash ......... they all cheat, even my educated Christian Brit virgin from a good family cheated on me!
  11. Published 1955 ........... https://zlibrary-asia.se/book/25205087/af05ce Sadly written by academics and consequently almost completely incomprehensible.
  12. Obviously Goat (you), bignok, and Bob Smith.
  13. Actually I get annoyed when I ask my wife "do we turn left or right here". Then she asks a local and chats for 20 minutes. And at the end "so is it left or right?", and she says "sorry, I forgot to ask". PS. I can read the Thai menu and order for myself.
  14. Not in Thailand .......... being broke is a disadvantage for sure!
  15. Nope, I said right at the start it was a English speaking bloke. Just like I say you never got to bang a girl for free.
  16. Loose lips sink ships! Don't tell anyone who you are, where you are, what you're doing and with whom you're doing it. My 4 former kids in the UK, know I have a Thai wife, but they will never be allowed to visit us, meet her or their younger Thai brother, and I don't talk with them either.
  17. Morality is a regional variable! So it would depend on where and whom you married. Not every culture and religion demands fidelity. In Thailand men aren't required to only bang their wife, but wives are required to only bang their husband. (The wife being the property of the husband).
  18. Damp + no air circulation = mold.
  19. there are no 'bona fide' asylum seekers arriving in a dinghy. Those who want them should be required to share their home with them. How many do you have space for in your home Chomper?
  20. You are describing TEOTWAWKI, And as an elderly retiree, it doesn't much matter as the end of my world is fairly near anyway.
  21. Low standards would be living with any woman over 50 years old.
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