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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. The funniest part is, if only that farang realised how many 'pleasure craft' have parked inside that cavity that he was kissing he probably would never dream of putting his tongue in there.

    Nothing that can't be fixed with a good swig of mouthwash.

    Mouthwash is a cure of HIV ? Hep B?

    I'm not entirely convinced you can catch Hep B or HIV from simply French kissing someone.

    From CDC website

    "Hepatitis B is not spread through sneezing, coughing, hugging, or breastfeeding. Although the virus can be found in saliva, it is not believed to be spread through kissing or sharing utensils."

    From NHS website

    "Although HIV can be detected in saliva, it can't be passed to other people through kissing because a combination of antibodies and enzymes found naturally in saliva prevent HIV from infecting new cells."

  2. It also amuses me when someone that can't even speak, read or write Thai considers themselve to be such a high level expert on all and everything Thai.

    Not sure you need to speak, read or write Thai to become a specialist on Thai hookers.

    Does anyone really care about any other aspect of the Thai experience?

  3. But in my humble opinion, having two gay men as "parents", gives me a strange feeling in my stomach that i want to throw up.

    Oh, and the girl will have to lie about her real mom and it's pretty obvious that she'll sooner, or later want to have a mother.

    I've not seen all that many single parent families that worked well either.

    All your objections could be applied to a woman bringing up a boy on her own.

    My thinking is two parents are better than one, even if one of the parents happens to be the 'wrong' sex'.

    Bad luck about the mother part, she'll never have one, the woman wanting to keep her, isn't her mother.

    Doubt the name of the egg donor will ever be revealed.

  4. Women......find the right one and you are made

    Find the wrong one and you are <deleted> !

    They're all the wrong one.

    The only difference is the time it takes them, with you, to get there.

    Most of them can hold it together for a night or two, that's good enough for me.

    Why dont you give other men a go? Hell you can even adopt a baby together!

    If they look good in a frock, and I've had a few beers, I'm up for it.

    But still only for a night. No homophobia here.

    If I ever feel the need love and companionship, I'll buy a yellow Labrador.

  5. It's funny when the front who loses 20,000 bucks or euros gets all washed up in lid, races back to his mediocre job as a shopping cart pusher or rug salesperson, grinds away for another 12 months before returning to listen and repeating the process. At the end of each trip they fuel their dislike for the 'evil Thai hookers' and some even write blogs or books about it.

    I once drank 6 large beer Changs.

    You should have heard me slag that beer off for the next week or two (cheap poisonous muck).

    But I've had more of them since then. Isn't it a similar sort of experience and reaction?

  6. Women......find the right one and you are made

    Find the wrong one and you are <deleted> !

    They're all the wrong one.

    The only difference is the time it takes them, with you, to get there.

    Most of them can hold it together for a night or two, that's good enough for me.

  7. Was driving along the road this morning, around 9am, Thai tour guide on one side of the road, taking photos of Chinese tour group on other side of the road. None of them are paying any attention to the road, and I'm driving slow because they are a bit unpredictable. Just as I'm nearly level with them, the group (about 15) run into the road right in front of me, and I have to swerve across the road to miss them. I shout 'look out' just to gain their attention.

    As I pass by the Thai tour guide starts shouting in English that I'm a F£$"*&g A(*&^%e. I was wondering if they expected any passing traffic to park up until they were finished. Maybe I should have honked my horn, as I approached, but I guessing that would have brought on a load of abuse too. Thought about stopping to have a word with Mr. Thai Potty-Mouth, but couldn't be bothered in the end.

    My fault, If I wasn't in Thailand, they couldn't have walked in front of me.

    But wait, they're foreigners too, if they weren't in Thailand, they couldn't have almost caused a crash.

    Wonder what would have happened if it were a Thai driving past at 100Km/hr?

    Recon I could have squished 10 of them at one blow, and got away with it.

    These groups are just crazy on the roads (driving or walking).

  8. A friend of mine yesterday said "If a Thai girls takes you for US$20,000 and that is all you have, your a fool but if you are a multi-millionaire it is only a lesson". We have too many of these fools showing up each week in Thailand.

    I don't think $20k can be considered a lot.

  9. During the forts hip old blubberguts actually forgets it's a financial relationship and of course like any business transaction the workforce likes to move on when the funds dry up.

    When we go to the movies, we are buying into a fantasy, the more you can forget it's fake, the better the movie.

    When I read a book, I'm escaping into another fantasy world.

    The great thing about Thai hookers, is the complete fantasy they can provide.

    For a week or two Mr. Chubby can forget who he really is, and be the slim, hansum and witty guy, he always fantasized about being.

    Who can blame him?

    Not me.

    On a more personal note, every Thai hooker I ever spent time with, provided me with a better 'love fantasy' than the supposed real love my English wife of over 20 years ever managed to show. I enjoy the Thai 'love fantasy', much better than reality.

  10. Well that shows shameful disrespect on two separate levels and just makes me want to puke that people like you and you bargirl think you can foist your behaviour on other people because you think you have the power to pay for it?

    That is a very arrogant post.

    You see someone asking for a bit of polite consideration and you see that as a 'problem'.... Thak about arrogant farangs, no wonder the masses of decent Thais are starting to dislike us.

    No disrespect or shameful behaviour from me, I wasn't involved in any part of the conversation, Farang doesn't speak Thai, as far as they knew. I'm just another Buffalo with a fat wallet.

  11. The evidence sounds a wee bit thin.

    Black flag and a internet link how to make a bomb, would be on 50% of all teens rooms/laptops.

    (Not to mention a large amount of porn)

    When I were 16-19 my whole room was painted black, and I had a chemistry set, no internet in those days.

    And posters of Ho Chee Min and Che, I would have been a sure fire conviction as some sort of communist infiltrator/terrorist.

  12. Thais do not like that sort of behavior out in public, it`s bad etiquette in Thai culture.

    Most Thais don't give a da_mn. They mind their own business.

    I was staying in a rural village near Korat with an Issan princess I met in Pattaya, a while back.

    She was sitting on my lap stroking my hair, Auntie came up to her and said, we don't behave like that in our village.

    My princess snapped back, if you don't want your food and booze paid for, we can stay with another relative.

    Suddenly the problem want away.

  13. I can't see any "normal" house where you could build a viable off grid system for this price range.

    For a normal house that hasn't made too many compromises to run off-grid, I'd say that starting point is more like 1M Baht.

    Normal Thai houses have a few fans, fridge, tv lights, kettle and maybe a computer.

    Air-con, electric cooking and water heaters are way out of normal, especially in rural areas.

    Peak load in a normal Thai house would probably be under 2KW.

    If you didn't use an electric kettle (easily done), 1KW would probably do the job.

    1.5KW off grid system around $7,000 + batteries $2,000 = $9,000 (300,000Bht)


    It just isn't financially viable for normal people (not rich) to run a solar off grid system.

    A much smaller solar and a generator for when you need the extra power would be much more affordable.

  14. People are people TuskegeeBen.....try to live by that & your life in any other culture..(& I have lived in a few ) will be so much more rewarding.....or .take the path of how much superior we are from the west.....lao te Khun.......coffee1.gif

    I don't know about that, Thai superstitions seem somehow dumber than WASP superstitions.

    Only ever seen Thais reading, school/college books, comics and religious texts.

  15. If you have lost all you backbone and moral fibre I would suggest that this country is not good for you and you should probably consider going home.

    I would say the opposite, in Thailand If you have 'backbone' (manly knight aggression), you will die quickly, if you have 'moral fibre' (Victorian Protestant quality), you will quickly go insane. But it's a good place for those of us who can mind our own business and not really care what the locals get up to with each other.

    Thailand, land of 'mind your own business' (or else).

    Just today, two Australians stabbed for not minding their own business.


    One more thought, I bet your insurance won't pay out hospital bills, as you put yourself in danger.

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