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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. BritManToo, you must be going to a different CM Immigration office than the one I go to. Staff have always been polite and friendly, even though they have to work in an environment I would find deplorable.

    Yet again, for those with comprehension problems.

    The boss, not the other staff.

    • Like 1
  2. 90 day report problems are the staffs fault.

    It takes 30-60 seconds for them to process a 90 day report.

    Scan bar code, stamp and sign printout.

    No excuses for taking longer.

    Perhaps so, but what do you or anyone else intend to do about it? We are all aware of the inconvenience caused and no one is disputing what you say, just that there is noting we can do to change the situation.

    Oscar2, your posts have been invaluable and thank you for that. For my next 90 day report I am going to be daring and give the post option a try.

    If anyone else uses the post option please let us know of your good and bad experiences using this system.

    My post was to point out the error of the apologists.

    The guy in charge of CM immigration positively hates foreigners and will do all he can to make their visit to immigration as unpleasant as possible. It is deliberate and it is his policy. None of the other immigration offices across Thailand are as unpleasant as this one.


    I have been going to the CM Immigration office for more than 25 years and never found the staff or service to be unpleasant.

    I doubt you have ever spoken to the boss, he only speaks Thai (by choice).

    You clearly don't speak one word of Thai, even though you've been here 25 years.

  3. Here in Thailand there are many western/Caucasian/white/you name it/ men married to Thai women. People say it is multiculturalism. Ok, but then why there aren't more western/Caucasian/white/you name it/ women married to Thai men?

    Thai men are not generally attractive to western women.

    Western women are mostly attracted to bigger, stronger & more manly than them.

    Whereas Thai men are usually smaller, weaker & more feminine than them.

    It's just western cultural norms at play.

  4. 90 day report problems are the staffs fault.

    It takes 30-60 seconds for them to process a 90 day report.

    Scan bar code, stamp and sign printout.

    No excuses for taking longer.

    Perhaps so, but what do you or anyone else intend to do about it? We are all aware of the inconvenience caused and no one is disputing what you say, just that there is noting we can do to change the situation.

    Oscar2, your posts have been invaluable and thank you for that. For my next 90 day report I am going to be daring and give the post option a try.

    If anyone else uses the post option please let us know of your good and bad experiences using this system.

    My post was to point out the error of the apologists.

    The guy in charge of CM immigration positively hates foreigners and will do all he can to make their visit to immigration as unpleasant as possible. It is deliberate and it is his policy. None of the other immigration offices across Thailand are as unpleasant as this one.

  5. It's a very discriminatory topic.

    So, when old, ugly western men pick up young Thai girls, it's normal. But when western women have a fun in go-go bars, it's a reason to start a topic like this.

    We came here to escape them, not have them frown at us picking up hookers.

    In Canada they have 'women only' and 'men only' bars, neither gets to interfere with the customers of the other.


    I have no problem with lesbians buying hookers in the same bar as me, but that isn't the agenda of most of these women.

    • Like 1
  6. How on earth are they going to shift that lot?

    Only 200,000 missing ? Isn't that a lot less than claimed ?

    The Junta are going tot have to make a swift decision as to what's going to happen to this poor rice, they're not going to get 15,000 baht per tonne for gash, i doubt they'll even get 5000 for it .

    Tough decision are needed to solve this rice mountain.

    It doesn't matter what the rice is like!

    The Junta were always gonna say it was ALL spoiled, sell it out the back door, then claim Yingluck was responsible for the loss.

    That's the way corrupt dictatorships work.

  7. UK state pensions paid to pensioners in Thailand are frozen at the amount paid when first going abroad - you never get an inflation-related annual increase. I don't know whether the same applies to pensions paid to NZ. The list of countries where pensions are frozen seems a bit arbitrary but I'm guessing pensioners in NZ would get an annual increase.

    If it's possible for you, it might be an idea to keep having the payments made to NZ so that you get the annual increase but that might then create problems when they send the occasional "are you still alive" letter.

    UK pension is frozen in all commonwealth countries.

  8. If the western expats in Thailand all became citizens after 5 years, there would be a lot less of them to moan too.

    I firmly believe that if they all got Thai citizenship, they would still continue to moan - no change whatsoever.

    I deliberately live alone in the middle of a rubber plantation so that I don't have to meet these whingers smile.png

    Drat! I'm moaning again smile.png

    My point being, they would no longer be expats moaning.

  9. Could leave you with a lot of bills to pay

    My car isn't worth very much, I can just buy another rust heap.

    Good for you but what for the other people involved into an accident, god forbid you kill someone, first you would have to comeg up with the Bail bond (around 200k or more) which your insurance will not pay. Etc etcetcetcetcetc

    95% of road users have nothing beyond government ins.

    If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me.

    Apparently a lot of Thais don't have even that, or a DL, or road tax.

  10. Are you really as naive as you sound, or are you just one of those farangs who can only deal with other farangs?

    I think you have this the wrong way round,

    I'm the one who can speak, read and write Thai, and you are the one who can't.

    But you are the one who doesn't know any Thais, are you not

    You don't need to know any locals to watch the soaps on channel 7.

    You don't need to know any shop keepers to interact with them.


  11. The western expats I know are a cheerful bunch. They enjoy living here.

    It's not expats in general who are moaning. Just the ones that post on ThaiVisa.

    Very few Asian expats in the UK, after 5 years they are all citizens.

    If the western expats in Thailand all became citizens after 5 years, there would be a lot less of them to moan too.

    So let's compare what's to moan about,

    Property, if you got the money in the UK you can buy it, no moaning.

    Hookers, in the UK they are rancid, nobody will move in with one, no moaning.

    Health insurance, if you live in the UK, health care is free.

    VISAs, if you made it to the UK you can stay forever, no hassle.

    Government, Junta, etc., in the UK say what you want, nobody cares.

    So most of the reasons for moaning have already gone.

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