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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. That is clearly laid out in section 4.

    "prostitution" means sexual intercourse, or any other act, or the commission of any other act in order to gratify the sexual desire of another person in a promiscuous manner in return for money or any other benefit, irrespective of whether the person who accepts the act and the person who commits the act are of the same sex or not;

    Section 9. Any person who procures, seduces or takes away any person for the prostitution of such person, even with her or his consent and irrespective of whether the various acts which constitute an offence are committed within or outside the Kingdom, shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of one to ten years and to a fine of twenty thousand to two hundred thousand Baht.

    Section 4, It's a bad translation, better would be 'lewd manner', which is is the crime, not the selling sex.

    Like everything in Thailand, sex for payment, do it politely and it's OK.

    Section 9, is about procurement, which is illegal.

  2. I am always so amazed at internet doctors and psychologists who give out diagnosis to other members by never interacting with them on any level whatsoever.

    Don't know why, lots of strange diseases and easy cures around.

    I always ask here if I need a bit of advice on a medical problem.

    Lots of good advice on the Thai generic antibiotics over the counter, given out here.

    Been to Thai hospitals where they want to cut me open when there is no need at all.

    They like doing operations, it makes them lots of money.

    Been to Thai pharmacies where they just want to sell me their most expensive meds, when dirt cheap does the job just as well.

  3. It's a scam the girl is pulling on you to extract 15k.

    Choose a cheaper girl!

    Only worked there a month? ask her age, if she's cute assume 300+ customers a year since age 15, if she's really cute assume 600+ customers a year since age 15.

    His next post, how much Sin Sot should I pay?

    Or how much to build a house on her family land?

  4. What happens if, having decided not to have health insurance for whatever reason, one is in screaming agony following a major illness or after some external force? I know of one guy who, after an serious accident, has medical bills of 3 or 4 million baht, with more to come in all probability. I won't give any more details for obvious reasons. How would people deal with that sort of debt without insurance? What would their quality of life be?

    Health insurance doesn't prevent 'screaming agony', it merely prolongs it.

  5. It's not essential, it's a luxury item.

    Most of the people in the world get on perfectly well with no medical insurance or cover of any kind.

    Specially in a country like Thailand where you can buy your own drugs straight from the pharmacist.

    Accident insurance is a totally different item to health care insurance.

    You don't seem to know which you are talking about.

    Yes, it is easy to buy drugs at a pharmacy, but what about a serious illness that demands an immediate hospitalisation? Are most people going to be able to meet the not insignificant costs? I think not, when they are facing literally several hundreds of thousands of baht for the OR, surgeon's fees, anaesthetist's fees, room charges, nursing charges, post-op care... It makes the premium look like small potatoes.

    How often does that happen in one's life?

    I'm over 60 and the answer is never so far.

    I'm not bothered about trying to live forever, 60 will do, if it comes to it.

    Health insurance is a uniquely American curse, other countries really don't bother that much.

  6. Injured and in shock, he rode the scooter back to the hotel where he was staying and got help from the hotel staff. After five days in his hotel room he emerged patched up and still in considerable pain, not unsurprisingly. Anyway, he was lucky; he was able to go back to his own country at the end of his holiday without too much difficulty; many uninsured can't.

    Why did he not go straight to an ER when reaching the first town or city on his route? Surely, this would have been one of the first actions of someone who had accident / health insurance?

    Cuts and bruises don't need the attention of a hospital ER, unless they need stitching.

    Not that such care is expensive, my last fall needing 8 stitches was less than 300bht in a government hospital.

    And that included pain meds and antibiotics, as the grazes from the road were too hard to clean entirely.

    What a bunch of big cry babies some western men are becoming.

    You do know Moxillin 500 is around 50bht from the pharmacy, stops any infections after some road rash.

  7. It's not essential, it's a luxury item.

    Most of the people in the world get on perfectly well with no medical insurance or cover of any kind.

    Specially in a country like Thailand where you can buy your own drugs straight from the pharmacist.

    Accident insurance is a totally different item to health care insurance.

    You don't seem to know which you are talking about.

  8. Not many are going to receive as much as they they think they will.

    As few as 13% retiring this year will receive the flat rate £155 according to press articles.

    Nearly everyone with 35 years past NI payments will get between 110-120gbp/week.

    The 155gbp is only for a very few.

    • Like 1
  9. Bank card discount, student discount, senior citizen discount.

    There's a lot of paperwork in each one, and if it get's me in for half price, you can wait.

    Just wait until you go to 7-11.

    Their latest discount, spend 50bht and get a till receipt to buy a discounted item (bar code on receipt).

    So everyone runs their basket through the checkout twice now, once for the discount receipt, second for the discount item.

  10. The single currency was an absolute necessity for cross border traffic and the people of Europe struggled for over 30 years to get that single currency introduced.

    Longer than that, Germany made it's first attempt for a single currency in 1914, tried again in 1938, and finally succeeded in 2002.

    In each case England refused to comply with the rest of Europe.

  11. Can it be a hooker bar also if they don't offer staff the option to go 'off', for a price? For example, Zoe? Or just about any other bar in Chiang Mai where there's no off-fee but you just need to get acquanted via LINE and Facebook?

    It's all about pimping Winnie, if the bar profits from prostitution (bar fine), then it's pimping, and thereby a 'hooker bar'.

    What the girls do outside their working hours, is nobody's business but their own.

  12. Not to mention, dressed like a hooker.

    Would have been nothing but trouble and expense.

    Reading your responses in this thread, I think you are telling us a lot more than you think you are.

    I like hookers, but not as long term companions.

    I can't tolerate the company of normal women for any period of time, I have little patience these days.

    I don't want to listen to their inane chatter, I don't want to cater to their sensitivities.

    In Europe, I have NO social interaction with women, way too much effort, I'm hanging with my mates, or on my own.

    If you want to accuse me of Gynophobia (= aversion), no problem, but don't call me a Misogynist (= hatred), as I wish them no harm.

    Now you know all there is to know.

    And that's why 'I'm so glad I live here', short-time.

  13. Whenever I see some gorgeous woman, I console myself with thinking that there is some poor, shmuck of a man that has to put up with her sh1t.

    Could be that most are not easy. BUT that one in my life, she was possibly the best looking woman in my life, but same time also a very humble one. Unbelievable, I let her go. whistling.gif

    Perhaps just as well, what with that knife she had to hand.

    Not to mention, dressed like a hooker.

    Would have been nothing but trouble and expense.

  14. Thailand does have high rates of violent crimes when compared to selected developed countries, but the incidence is largely confined to Thais themselves, that is domestic disputes between Thais, violent bank robberies and petty crime. The area where there seems to be some violence is between foreigners and Thai women who are in some sort of relationship, particularly those of a commercial nature. So I am not sure that projecting overall national crime rates onto particular discrete groups such as tourists/ expats is very useful. I also suspect in the case of tourists, there would be a higher incidence of violence against violent drunks and drug users, and that drunken British "lager louts", bronzed Aussie heroes, would be over represented as victims and perpetrators of violence but usually occur when because of their loutish behavior, bite off more than they can chew and pay the price. I haven't forgotten the Russians who for other reasons figure prominently in reports of violence, but for different reasons and Russia cannot be considered a law abiding country by any fair measure.

    Logical and may be wishful thinking on your part, but statistically not true.

    Most violence against foreigners appears entirely random.

    One example, the couple of Brits murdered on Koh Tao, neither appeared to fit into your theory.

    Another example, the French diving instructor found dead in the jungle recently, disappeared from a mid-day ferry journey.

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