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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. Wiang Doi

    Water is great

    Internet is a nightmare

    Thai wives will apply pressure on yours to scam/extort you

    It's not a good place to live, if you are a foreigner with a Thai gf/wife.

    Water comes from the big reservoir, up the 108 a bit further and turn left.

    Some nice eating places around the reservoir. Nice resort with swimming pool too, 30bht to swim.

    • Like 1
  2. Slightly off topic,

    A lot of foreigner teachers miss out on the classroom 'activity' extortion racket.

    You have a compulsory activity, provide Coloured paper and glue, charge 40bht a child for the materials.

    Materials actually cost 5bht, you make 35bht profit per pupil, kids tell parents 50bht for activity, make 10bht off parents.

    Everybody happy, apart from parents.

  3. Let me say first that the foundation of a marriage is built on commitment, integrity, honesty, and COMMUNICATION.

    If you think that most of the Farang men married to a Thai, living in a Farang enclave or anywhere else, really knows how to communicate with his loved one, then you're having a laugh.

    I haven't met one in 12 years.

    I disagree with your first part, marriage is about having babies & inheritance, nothing else.

    I agree with the second part, loads of delusional guys.

    And you entirely miss a third part, many older guys here got girls in their home countries when young, and buy them here now they're old.

  4. Can't understand why you say "they reckon bureaucracy in Thailand is crazy." Expect you should be blaming your Australian bank.

    Oh I blame my Australian bank 100%. Was I not clear?

    I hear many people on this forum talking about "Thainess" and issues with trying to get things done here.

    I was making the point sometimes things at home worse. I was actually defending Thailand

    A bit off topic,

    My bank in the UK phoned me up once, "First we have to check your identity",

    I said, "You phoned me"

    They said, "We need the second letter of your password"

    I said, "How do I know you are my bank?"

    It went on like that for a while ..........

    Classic :-) It really is that silly. I mean you log onto your internet banking with username and password surely thats enough

    or maybe they could give you the option of transferring at your own risk without SMS.

    Unfortunately as my Australian Sim / Provider doesn't seem to be working here I couldn't even receive a phone call

    Not any more,

    I need a little keygen device (only available in the UK) to log into the internet account now.

    Or an app for my smart phone (only available in the UK).

    So I no longer have any access to my bank account.

    I now have to use a third party FX firm and my bank debit card to transfer money from the UK to Thailand.

  5. Can't understand why you say "they reckon bureaucracy in Thailand is crazy." Expect you should be blaming your Australian bank.

    Oh I blame my Australian bank 100%. Was I not clear?

    I hear many people on this forum talking about "Thainess" and issues with trying to get things done here.

    I was making the point sometimes things at home worse. I was actually defending Thailand

    A bit off topic,

    My bank in the UK phoned me up once, "First we have to check your identity",

    I said, "You phoned me"

    They said, "We need the second letter of your password"

    I said, "How do I know you are my bank?"

    It went on like that for a while ..........

    • Like 2
  6. Seems there are people on TV that have a fetish about how attractive people are.

    It is a ' to each his own' subject. Why would anybody care who is attractive to who?

    Fetish is the best I could think of, any other descriptions out there?

    In an ideal world, looks would not matter. But we do not live in an ideal world, so looks do matter. But due to cultural and biological reasons, looks matter more if one was a woman. Because men prefer an attractive woman over an unattractive one. For a woman, a man's physical attractiveness may not be as important as other things, e.g., income, communication skills, sense of humor, intelligence, etc.

    Only money and fame counts with women.

    Communication, sense of humour, counts between guys.

    Nobody likes intelligent people, they get to sit at home alone.

  7. Another pointless troll topic.


    Thai husbands and wives often eat separately too.

    Men eat together, women eat together, same at parties.

    Why troll topic?

    This is my observation living in Thailand.

    It's very good to bash the Thais for whatever bad or good they do but it's a taboo to mention the wrong things with the farangs.

    But again, after reading my post may be you faced reality and you didn't like it.

    So you had to retaliate with a nasty comment.

    Suit yourself.

    Not bashing Thais, just pointing out the men and women don't mix socially as much as western couples.

    So a foreigner eating separately to his Thai wife would be entirely within Thai social norms.

  8. Gets a bit tiring when two people who don't live in Thailand keep posting Xmas threads.

    Why not post in a local forum?

    I understand you are both bored and lonely, but please stop boring us.

    Maybe the mods could combine all these non-Thailand Xmas threads into one.

    Or close all but one.

  9. I think kids choose what they want. My daughter is 6, she has asked for a piano and a tablet and a doll. She likes pink clothes, should I tell her that she can't wear pink because she needs to be gender neutral. What color for the piano and tablet? Where does this pc rubbish end?

    No more likes left ... thumbsup.gif

    It's when we, as parents have the control and ignore these PC, Greenie Loonies.

    Let the child choose ... if the boy wants Pink and the Girl Orange ... great.

    But I'll be <deleted> if I will be told by the loonies what is best for my kids ... facepalm.gif

    Doubt you will have any say what gets purchased for your kids.

    You aren't there, so she can buy (or not) what she likes.

  10. I don't think there is a rise if anything there is a decline in abuse against women

    What is rising is the reporting of such cases as women become more confident in society and there is less stigma

    do you seriously think that those who organised the study haven't taken that into consideration? Perhaps you should do your own survey as they may have missed out some other factors.....like including a few misandrists?

    I don't think studies in Thailand mean anything, or should even be called studies.

    Usually written by people who couldn't complete high school in the west.

    And they don't study much of anything except their own face in an i-phone.

    I think its fairly clear you haven't seen the report, have no idea who or how it was carried out and your opinion for what it is worth is based on pure prejudice

    Who cares what you think either?

  11. Any man, physically BEATING on any woman, regardless of the reason, is a coward, in the real world of menfolk. Cowards can be very dangerous people.

    It is due to that cowardice that most Thai men, will solicit help from as many other Thai men, as possible, including those Thai men who are complete strangers to them, especially when they have to deal with a "face-to- face", confrontation against a farang. And,Thai-men will "readily" resort to that cowardly tactic, even when the farang is considerably smaller than that Thai. So much for the "menfolk" in the LOS, eh!

    Thai women are afraid of their menfolk, and for very sound personal survival reasons. Despite their "smiling faces", most Thai men have a repressed resentment toward "farang" men, and will quickly re-act, and rise to the occasion, whenever they are confronted with one their many shenanigans, often with violence to the extreme measure. And, they'll do so, knowing well, that their actions are fully protected with impunity, from within the Thai judicial system.

    However, that behavior is indicative of ALL SE Asian menfolk. From the Philippines, to the southern-most tip of Indonesia, the menfolk consider themselves to be "the roosters of the henhouse", even to their own Mommas. It's a tribal mentality. The cultural values, and government systems of SEA societies, support that established social hierarchy, to the max.

    If Thai men are considered to dangerous to their own womenfolk, then what should a foreigner (logically) expect? Be smart, Be Russian. Bring your own woman to the LOS. Limit your contact with Thai menfolk (especially on-the-street level, as much as possible), and enjoy your life, in Thailand.coffee1.gif

    A post both Thai Asian men bashing and cowardly at the same time, well done!

  12. If I am a gatoey I probably only one gatoey in the world who's got virgin ass. In nit?

    But from my instinct I can feel some gay guy here want to follow me. And I am telling you...I am not going.


    So you are trying to tell us you are a top and not a "bottom"

    Jesus said "It is better to give than to receive".

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