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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. The doctor from Samitivet Hospital who performed my surgery was educated and trained here in Thailand, but got some additional education in the USA. He was very talented and performed a surgery that I can only describe as world class perfection. He told me that his education here in Thailand was first class and definitely not substandard. But the USA education was for a very specific specialization for which the University was renowned.

    Their education in the USA is as observers.

    They don't get to actually treat patients or pick up a scalpel.

  2. My preference has always been under 5' 4" for some reason. Slim but not skinny. I do not mind large or small breasts.

    The shortest Thai I went out with was 4' 11". With me standing at 6' tall it seemed odd to some, but I like it.

    And the shorter they are the more fun it is to search for them under the quilt in that king sized bed w00t.gif

    I'm the same height as you, and there's no way I would be interested in a girl under 5' 4". Mrs Possum is 5' 9", not fat, not skinny.

    That is one of the great things about difference in taste. Else we would all be after the same woman and she would be well shagged worn out by now rolleyes.gif

    Not really.

    Think of it this way......if she had you first, then me......do you really think shed bother going back to you again wink.png


    It would depend on how much money you both gave her.

    • Like 2
  3. I'm betting any of my gfs would beat the looks of your partner in a smart frock.

    (and that includes the ladyboys)

    In your opinion, perhaps. But probably not in mine.
    I'm betting in your opinion too.

    That's a bet you'd lose. But we're not in the playground here. Let's not sink to the level of childish competition.

    You started it!

  4. If these young girls really liked older men, why aren't they all going out after older Thai men? Yes yes, i know, sometimes, very very occasionally, you will see a young Thai girl with an old Thai man, but it's nowhere near on the same numbers as Thai/westerner partnerships.

    Why is that?facepalm.gif

    How many 50+ Thai guys do you see with 25- Thai girls? I have, perhaps, noticed this once or twice in over 5 years.

    Personally, i think 10 years is fine up until about 50. Then, 15 years is probably ok.

    Ummm how observant are you? Thai couples don't tend to be demonstrative when it comes to affection. How could you know if you were seeing a couple or father /daughter?

    Usually his hand touching her bum.

    But you are right, it might be father and daughter/granddaughter.

  5. Costas:

    There are definitely foreign guy/Thai women relationships which have communication problems, mainly because the guy hasn't made much of an effort to learn the language.

    No communications problems in my relationship,

    I give her money, she let's me shag her often.

    No need for shopping together, I have no needs for a servant, companion or mother either.

    I'm thinking many foreigner/Thai relationships are the same deal, not much need for language skills.

    Driving%20Lessons%20in%20Ladbroke%20Grov ??

    No, I'm older, white, and don't work in a BK boiler room.

    • Like 1
  6. It seems to start long before marriage. I think for some guys the main reason to come here is because they can get women to dote on them. I one saw an elderly farang sitting outside a Nana bar whilst one of the bar girls trimmed his ear hair.

    Not having had a Thai woman, you won't have encountered their obsession with helping others with their personal grooming.

    In the bars you can often see them picking nits out of each others hair.

    When you take them home they want to pluck your nasal hairs, ear hairs, squeeze your zits, trim your finger and toe nails and clean your toilet, this happens with even short time rentals.

    If you let them, they will also help you shower and wipe your bum.

    Quite astounding really!

    • Like 2
  7. Costas:

    There are definitely foreign guy/Thai women relationships which have communication problems, mainly because the guy hasn't made much of an effort to learn the language.

    No communications problems in my relationship,

    I give her money, she let's me shag her often.

    No need for shopping together, I have no needs for a servant, companion or mother either.

    I'm thinking many foreigner/Thai relationships are the same deal, not much need for language skills.

  8. "I tell them what I believe the truth to be"[/size]

    So the truth and what you believe to be the truth are somehow the same thing?[/size]

    And if a small child hands you a messy crayon drawing, you tell them it looks like some unfathomable crap ? Or if your kid is in a play at school and makes a total balls up . you tell him/her that it was a disaster? If your kid has some dreadful disease, you make sure to tell him how bad it is and how horrible the treatment will be? And you teach your children to tell their mother whenever the food she's prepared for them really sucks? The truth can be painfully brutal as most children do understand.[/size]

    We all lie. Many of the lies are meant to spare people's feelings or to make them feel good about themselves. Anyone who claims he only ever speaks the truth or that he only wants to hear the truth is lying and amazingly self-unaware. Selectively telling the truth only when it suits you is not being consistently honest.[/size]

    Being polite, well-mannered, considerate, caring all require that we discern when to be honest and when to lie diplomatically. Succeeding in business or politics may require that we know the importance of honesty, but survival means we know when it's prudent to prevaricate. Your children will be better prepared for life if you're truthful about what it will take to succeed.[/size]

    Praising failure, and rewarding mistakes, sounds like the Thai way to me, well done.

    There is a difference between lying to save someone's feelings and pointless lying.

    Santa is a pointless lie. It achieves nothing.

    My children will be better prepared for life because they understand their parents don't lie to them.

    Your children will quickly learn their dad is a liar.

    • Like 1
  9. Personally, I don't like lying to children.

    So maybe you think lying to adult would be better? I guess we should also add there is no God.

    Teaching children that lying is OK from a very young age is encouraging them to grow up to be liars.

    I try to teach by example, if they ask me about god or Santa, I tell them what I believe the truth to be.

    Adults can take care of themselves, lying to adults, no problem.

    I often wonder what some children think when they discover their parents have deliberately and systematically lied to them for years?

    And over such trivial and pointless matters.

    What lesson is that teaching those children?

  10. If these young girls really liked older men, why aren't they all going out after older Thai men? Yes yes, i know, sometimes, very very occasionally, you will see a young Thai girl with an old Thai man, but it's nowhere near on the same numbers as Thai/westerner partnerships.

    Why is that?facepalm.gif

    Older Thai guys don't need to hang out (with you) in Pattaya.

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