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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. Please tell me where THAT place is. I PRAY that it is Chiang Mai. w00t.gif

    I believe that photo is of a "VIP shower", and can be found across the road from the PornPing Hotel in CM.

    Celebrity CNX on Chareon Prathet just north of the Loi Kroi Iron Bridge. You have to be blind to miss it. Neon figure of a gal in a neon shower on the outside of the building if my memory serves me correctly.

    I know where it is. I just don't think the girls in that picture - that was deleted - are in there. You have a lot better chance of finding girls that pretty in Bangkok soapies than in Chiang Mai and the price will be SKY HIGH.

    You are actually wrong on that one,

    While Siyuri Coffee shop complex (Soi opposite British council) has the usual tired, aging, overweight & dark Issan girls,

    Ping Payom Hotel Coffee shop and VIP snooker (Suthep road between Nimman and Canal road) has stunningly beautiful, white skinned, 20 something slim Lanna girls.

  2. Where I live mate, Thai families wouldn't dare have their daughter being courted by an old dude.....unless he is a celebrity; and I've never seen any expat celebrity farangs here.

    Gary Glitter?

    David Carradine?

  3. We are not supposed to be prejudiced and judgmental but there are some deluded old fools on here.

    More than 10 years in this society then I'm sorry, you have bugger all in common.

    She needs security (stipend), and you need to get a load away.

    Be honest, you bought her.

    10 years max.

    I would say bugger all in common between most foreigner and Thai, relative age and sex not relevant.

  4. Absolutely Gecko...before you enter into any partnership or marriage here get an agreement drawn up and then signed by both parties by a farang lawyer who is an expert in Thai law and this will save you all the heartache if things do then go t..s up further down the line!May cost you some money but as in this case will save you if this happens!

    Just to point out foreigners are not allowed to work in law.

    Any agreement they helped draw up would be deemed illegal.

  5. Ah Beetlejuice, you really like those little hassles do you? My wife does every bit of that and more for our family. She is a very intelligent and energetic lady, and she is capable of many things, including earning a degree with honors in an American university and having a successful career in government. I would rather wait for her at home or in a coffee shop or bar while she takes care of those little hassles in life; then take her out for dinner and music or a movie. I would rather ride my Harley and allow her to make the day to day decisions. I do so because I trust her; I taught her well. She is my wife and life partner. Sorry, if you can't trust yours to do the right thing--or do you really like standing in line in banks, doing the grocery shopping, playing with the utilities providers, dealing with landlords, hiring tradesmen, etc.

    Dunno about BJ, but I can do all that stuff myself.

    Nice to have someone else in the room during sex from time to time, but that's not essential either.

    Doing stuff by yourself, without mummy.

    Part of being an adult.

  6. When I first got onto Thaivisa about 3 years ago (I'm in the US), I used to really wonder about the general quality of the farang there and the quality of the Thai people, women in particular. You know, men who drink a lot and women who only stay home and watch soaps and don't know how to save (or make) a dime.

    Like, what is wrong with these people?

    Now after having met a lot of Thai people, generally hard-working middle class professionals, I realized that a lot of these clowns you read about on Thai visa are just a subset - whether small or large a percentage.

    These people really take the cake. Abandoning wife who is dying? Then...

    Really freaking sad state of affairs. You meet (and read about) all types!

    Well, too bad he needs 2 million baht? Wow.

    Oh, well. Sounds like he will have to get out of "Dodge" or suffer the consequences. 70 years old? Not enough time to learn common sense?

    You're in the US and know a lot of Thai people ?????

    How does that work?

    I'm in Thailand, can speak Thai, and hardly know any Thai people!

    Sounds like BS to me.

    When in the US - I knew and associated with a large group of Thai people.....routinely went to gatherings and social events....it's a pretty closed society/group....they keep to themselves - but, like many once you're accepted you are invited freely - probably well over 100 people......

    So it is possible.....

    Thai people living in the US aren't really representative of Thai people living in Thailand.

    Expats are usually more adventurous and better educated/motivated than the norm.

  7. Why don't these westerners who complain about such things in Thailand just move to the Philippines where most of these issues would be resolved? Same weather, prices, girls, but with small land ownership available and easier business setup process, easier visa, locals all speak decent English, and you have great casinos etc.. Only downsides are the disgusting local food (eat foreign food) and higher crime (be safe). Why waste your money on a place like Thailand? Leave the place to the Eastern Europeans and the Chinese

    I dont know what you call this phenomenon

    but any loser back home, divorced multiple times, ugly, fat, old, unattractive, poor, alcoholic etc. etc. is going to be ignored so nobody really cares what they think

    they come to any thirld world country, especially one where farangs are put on a pedastal

    they then experience, being noticed and actually given some respect,

    so they get some form of entitlement and think they the world owes them something and they should be treated like a god

    look at how many posts on TV demanding, why the thais cant do things the correct farang why? why cant they do it better like the farang way?

    its a natural human reaction for the most

    50% of people back home are divorced, hardly makes them losers.

    If you want to be a white foreigner put on a pedestal, try Nepal, Thai people despise foreigners of any colour.

    I guess you live in a foreigner enclave protected from Thai people by your Thai wife, and never speak to Thais in Thai.

    If you did, you would know what they really think of you.

  8. Mooban means village or housing estate. A modern CM mooban such as those bulit by Land&House/Urbana all have town water supply. Old moobans may rely on bore water.

    So village and housing estate are the same, thanks.

    What about the 15-20 year old Land & House developments like the one on the road to Mae Joe. Is that a "modern" one with town water?

    Watch out for L&H estates, they tend to flood and are poor quality around CM.

  9. When I first got onto Thaivisa about 3 years ago (I'm in the US), I used to really wonder about the general quality of the farang there and the quality of the Thai people, women in particular. You know, men who drink a lot and women who only stay home and watch soaps and don't know how to save (or make) a dime.

    Like, what is wrong with these people?

    Now after having met a lot of Thai people, generally hard-working middle class professionals, I realized that a lot of these clowns you read about on Thai visa are just a subset - whether small or large a percentage.

    These people really take the cake. Abandoning wife who is dying? Then...

    Really freaking sad state of affairs. You meet (and read about) all types!

    Well, too bad he needs 2 million baht? Wow.

    Oh, well. Sounds like he will have to get out of "Dodge" or suffer the consequences. 70 years old? Not enough time to learn common sense?

    You're in the US and know a lot of Thai people ?????

    How does that work?

    I'm in Thailand, can speak Thai, and hardly know any Thai people!

    Sounds like BS to me.

  10. A great number of tourists are regulars and are often connected with long term stayers.

    They are not much concerned about danger, corruption and rip off's, they know the drill.

    But they are very much concerned with the fact that many long term stayers are being pushed out. They are concerned about urine tests. And they are enormously sensitive around the growing anti-farang sentiment.

    There are lots of others who look for potential business and investment opportunities. Which have gone form marginal to zero.

    A strong prevailing attitude is, well it was kind of fun and there was some potential, but now its just too damned ugly, too difficult, a bit on the pricey side and there are other places.

    Cambodia will do well.

    Great post except for the Cambodia part.

    The population of Cambodia is the brutalized thugs that remained after they killed everyone else.

    It's a nasty violent place with a brutal desensitized population.

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