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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I've received good care at NakornPing government Hospital ER. (on the road to Mae Rim)
  2. Just spent 10kbht outfitting my 12yo for government school (inc. school 'extras').
  3. No law in Thailand is enforced properly. Not even the laws that matter.
  4. The bank uses my savings to finance others mortgages. If I were still living in the UK, I'd have my money in a box under the bed. No point in anyone letting the banks use their savings any more. Would be interesting if everyone withdrew all their savings on the same day.
  5. Generally, yes and yes. Took in a homeless 13yo girl last year, she was a total nightmare. I paid for everything, school, uniforms, books, clothes, food, pocket money. Constant stealing from us, lying to us, playing truant. The school informed us she hadn't attended enough days to move to the next year. Ended with her final day stealing our m/c and staying out all night to bang her bf. We put her on the bus to BKK to live with her mother. Her mother put her back on the bus as she didn't want her, but at least we were rid. I would have paid for her all the way through university if she had wanted.
  6. If mortgage rates are 7.41%, why is my UK bank only paying me 0.5% on my savings?
  7. Sell the pickup, send the 2 kids to government school. Spending beyond your means is foolish in any country.
  8. Never came across an attractive one that didn't want the money.
  9. 100 stray dogs is a problem that needs someone to fix. In most civilised countries they would be caught and destroyed.
  10. Almost every drug gang in Thailand. My misses was a member of a police controlled drug gang in BK from age 18+, who would she grass to?
  11. Agree 100%, the guys that say different have either never had a LTR with a woman, or are living in denial. Although I have seen a few guys living in a sexless relationship where the woman pays a significant share of expenses. Briffault's Law The female of the species controls all access to sex, where she gains no benefit, he receives no sex.
  12. I've never seen that in any country. The guy always ends up paying the significant expenses (car/house/utils). The gal usually spends her earnings on herself. My Thai cycling pal (retired schoolteacher age 64) has a Thai gf age 56. Dinner and companionship is all he is prepared to risk, she wants him to move in and pay for everything, but he says he's not paying a woman of that age for sex when he can have a 20+yo for much less.
  13. It would depend if the police were their employers, in which case they would know exactly what had happened.
  14. I've been a homeless person since my divorce in the UK. Same for many other posters on this forum whom have no right to live in Thailand (and have no home in their country of origin). The modern world is a sea of homeless people, no matter what country their ID/passport.
  15. If governments legalised all drugs there wouldn't be any cartels either. The war on drugs has been lost, time for the authorities to make peace.
  16. They've tried to socialise with me, but all too fat/ugly/old for me to be interested. I want to pick and choose from the 'spinners'.
  17. Maybe the girl was the drug runner, and the boy an innocent bystander.
  18. Fairly standard treatment from my experience of CM Immigration in the past. Thai I/Os don't seem to like foreigner wives.
  19. I think you'll find Kitty also wants 1k a gram for her local grown non tariff bud.
  20. I predict the guys with the guns and tanks will win the election. The pretend 'who will win' stories in the media is just propaganda to try to legitimise the 'surprise' results.
  21. God help me, Until 50 years back 15 minute cities in the west were the norm. Then the greedy local councils taxed all the high street shops until they all moved out of town. Every town in Thailand is still a 15 minute city.
  22. I think you mean delusional. Same as the guys who married Thai women that support them. Never met any man that actually got free sex, but met plenty who claimed it. Don't know why so many men want to pretend it's free. Does anyone believe them? Not me!
  23. My daughter is after a job in customs. She says the wages are rubbish, but the tips from customers are amazing. "How much of a tip can you give me for not looking in that container?"
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