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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I didn't think they counted the votes anyway. So foreigner input same as Thai input ........ worthless.
  2. Yep, arrived in 2009, first TM30 in 2020.
  3. I always thought I was saying "no suitable candidate" I was in Thailand for Brexit so no vote for me.
  4. A guy wearing a dress is still a HIM! And HIS Thai ID card will confirm that fact. Quite a few pubs and clubs in Thailand refuse entry to ladyboys. I'm not sure if it's to protect their customers from a robbery or a mistake.
  5. Electric free (solar). Washing up free (Thai woman)
  6. No pressure cooker = soak overnight in water before cooking. As for what type of beans, the only white dried beans Makro sell. https://www.makro.pro/en/p/miu9jw5-7193009946819
  7. Agree, at 70bht+ a can it's a once a year event. But DIY for 15bht/can is much better.
  8. Beans (40bht) and Tomato sauce (30bht) from Makro, makes around 4 tins of baked beans. (500gm of dried beans becomes 1kg+ of final product) My misses has a pressure cooker .............. so I just put the beans in and add 1" of water over the top of them. Pressed the 'Tua' button (right hand bottom button) 25 minutes later the beans are cooked. Drain beans and put in bowl, add Tomato sauce and a bit of water, stirwell, then in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Worked out quite well (better if I hadn't burned the bacon). Sauce is a bit sweet, so maybe Rosa Tomato sauce next time.
  9. My sole purpose for smoking weed is to get rid of my arthritis (finger joints). Not only does it eliminate the 24/7 joint pain, but the swelling has also gone. Now my hands can open jars and bottles again, grip fully restored. Nothing will stop me smoking now. It's given me a new lease on life. And I no longer need to take 8x paracetamol a day for partial pain relief.
  10. If you were concerned in providing your kids with the best education, you wouldn't be living in Thailand.
  11. 53 year old woman lead in an action movie ......... no thanks.
  12. Absolutely! Until you've seen the outcome, you can't know. And the more educated your children are, the less time they will spend with you as adults. Obviously, they will suddenly become more interested in you when there's the prospect of an inheritance in the near future.
  13. No woman wants a man who can't earn/provide more than her. That's just the way it works. I have 2 educated adult daughters (age 37 and 25), both with no men in their lives, because the men need to have more money/income/prospects/education for them to find the men worthy. You have no LTR but insist on telling those of us (with experience) how it is. Yes, it's possible to get a free one, but unless you have 'more', they won't stick around.
  14. The point I'm making is you've not raised any kids, but insist on telling us how it should be done.
  15. So you have no adult children and are just speculating on the outcome!
  16. Every sane person hates the Tories and all they stand for (namely greed and corruption). The mistake is in thinking Labour is any better!
  17. Completely disagree on all points. Education is what your kids make of it, you spending big money won't make them learn. Holidays also irrelevant, most kids on't want to holiday with their parents, I certainly never did. What would be interesting is for you to share the success stories that came from your spending big money on your kids. How many kids, what sort of holidays and schools, how much time do they spend with you today? Because all the kids I made any big effort with totally blank me now. All all the kids I spent minimum money on, but was around for seem to still love me.
  18. The weather is so unpredictable that all my plants are inside now. On windowsills, last month too hot, this month too gusty. Growing season is limited Nov-Feb IMHO. Still managed to grow 6+ozs for under 100 pounds (4,000bht). Which should last me a year. If I run out I'll probably top up with brick at 4bht/gm.
  19. Tetanus vaccine stops you getting Tetanus, nothing else.
  20. I've never seen any evidence that a good education gives a good life. And what if the kids are no good at school? Forcing them to go will make them hate you and hate their life.
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