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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Off topic, but I haven't had any wars, and would have said NO if they had asked. Maybe the mods could delete all the posts that aren't about Siem Reap.
  2. Lots of stuff to see in SEA. N. Vietnam amazing. Zhangjiajie also amazing. 10,000 tourists at AW..., no thanks.
  3. Without, then after they were cooked I added the sauce and microwaved for 2 mins.
  4. Mine were perfect after 30 mins in the pressure cooker.
  5. Make your own baked beans Use every tea bag 2x
  6. I did post photos of what I saw. IMHO that was good enough. If it was $10 I would have gone in, but $50 just no.
  7. Been to SR many times, never paid $50 for the 1 day entry fee. Spent my money on 50c beers and $1 cocktails instead. Did cycle around the outside though.
  8. I'm thinking civil unrest before the election is deemed 'null an void' by the generals. You know it's coming.
  9. My auntie had AZ back in the UK. She was always slipping away from the secure housing they put her in. It appears to me some AZ victims are really good at evading capture or confinement.
  10. The right to kill their unborn children in Florida?
  11. Big pharma need their cut for it to be OK.
  12. Not really comparable as most smokers are doing 40-80 a day, while cannabis users are doing 1/2-2 a day. So expect the smokers to be at least 40x more at risk.
  13. Oddly enough the government measures didn't help at all. My mortgage is with SCB bank, when I first took out the mortgage (2012) the repayments were 10,900bht/month (@6.25%). And they have absolutely refused to allow any change in the repayments, despite interest rates reducing to 4.75% then moving to 5.37%. They still demand 10,900bht/month.
  14. Current interest rate = 5.37% Interest rate 2012 = 6.25% Lowest interest rate 2020 = 4.75% So not really the highest interest rate in years. Not even that much difference over the years.
  15. Love is intimate Chan/khun is impersonal. So they don't go in the same sentence. Rak tur, would be more normal.
  16. 4000W is just fake numbers. Philips is easily the best.
  17. Can't believe the validity of any list that missed 'Zombie Apocalypse'.
  18. Agree, Hua Hin is for old (Nordic) people, plenty around. Chiang Mai is for young people, also plenty around.
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