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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Woke madness in action! Destroying a perfectly good ICE and building a new EV has got to be worse for the environment than letting the ICE run.
  2. I thought he was talking about shooting down aircraft!
  3. I generally assume men siding with women are either hopeful or silly. Let's face it, no man experienced with the behaviour of women will ever side with them. As for finding a woman with that has 'intelligent thought process', good luck with that!
  4. Just another elderly male Aussie troll pretending to be a Thai woman.
  5. Every morning when I get up at dawn, the weather is perfect, the view is amazing and the woman in my bed is young and warm. Then by about 6:30am I'm sitting on the patio with a drink and my pets running around the garden. Then I think about my peers back in the UK waking up (alone?) to the cold, the wind, and the rain nearly every day, and how lucky I am to be living out my 'golden years' in Thailand.
  6. As someone who had a press card, I'd say journalism was to toe the government line. At least in the UK, where if you didn't co-operate, you didn't get work.
  7. Or in my case over 600,000GBP of one, and hardly any of the other!
  8. The signed paper means nothing. We have a mortgage and every payment has come from my account. I guess they could claim the deposit was hers, but that is only 10% of the house cost.
  9. Pretty much the same for us Brit males.
  10. Why not? We do!
  11. How about if the pom was holding a shotgun?
  12. Almost nobody achieves anything in their life. I was born with nothing, and I still have most of it left!
  13. At least here, you had to give her the house, so your choice. Back home a judge will hand your house to her.
  14. More to do with food and housing IMHO. Give women other options than breeding, and they'll take them. But 'there are too many people on the planet' is a worthless old trope. There's no shortages of anything, and unlikely to be any shortages in the future. Obviously farmers aren't going to work for nothing, and will need to be paid to produce. Unlike in the past where there were few people, and a war, disease or crop failure could kill them all. I always wonder why some people think there are too many on the planet, they can never answer why they think that. Apart from some globalist told them that.
  15. Would point out most foreigners in Thailand come from the lowest social groups in their home countries and have little education beyond that mandated by our governments. As such, uneducated Thai farm girls are entirely suitable partners for most of us.
  16. 300k was the amount I paid up front (not a major outlay for me). Plus 10k/month in repayments (which I would have paid in rent anyway). I could walk away tomorrow with no regrets, and no financial problems finding a new place. As for any court case. 1. She has no money to finance it. 2. Don't think Thai courts have any jurisdiction in the UK of other SEA countries.
  17. Me neither, but never seen one display honour, duty, loyalty, honesty ..... or gratitude for that matter. Which are attributes I look for in friends.
  18. Is any western country better? I think many are worse.
  19. He deserves to be reviled for kissing that 'thing' in public.
  20. "Yorkshire Tea uses varieties of tea grown in India, Sri Lanka, and Kenya" I always drink Typhoo tea, not from any preference (black teas taste all the same to me) but because it is readily available in Thailand for 100bht/100 bags. If Yorkshire Tea was cheaper, I'd happily buy that.
  21. Not being a bank is a bonus. Banks lend your money to other people, so repayment is a risk. EMI's have to keep customers money in a separate holding account.
  22. Had to do the selfie and passport photos when I opened my account years back. Nothing required since then, usually transfer 50kbht/month.
  23. Sorry, women aren't 'friend material' IMHO. I expect friends to believe in duty, honesty, honour, loyalty ...... which aren't female attributes.
  24. I always ask them what country their god came from?
  25. I believe it' a problem caused by the writer not being a native English speaker. (or Australian)

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