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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Most government hospitals have no problem treating Burmese/Cambodian/Malay. Therefore racist!
  2. That's just horrible. I've also encountered a woman arranging the murder of her grand-child (a boy), I never had contact with her again, and she couldn't understand why. I didn't find out until too late, or I would have stopped the abortion.
  3. I would say that's an underestimate if anything. The energy increases are going to have a shocking effect on the poor. This winter there will be a lot of OAPs freezing./starving to death. If I were back there I'd probably be one of them.
  4. The Tory membership would have never voted for a non-white PM, so the Tory MPs pushed the problem down the road to the next GE and alienated their entire membership. The same people that voted for Brexit will now be voting against Sanuk in the next general election. Complete self-destruct for the Tories! PS. I see the Tory party splitting into two new parties at the next GE, One of the new parties will essentially be white supremacist/anti-immigrant. They might even grab a chunk of the Labour voters. The other party will be the greedy fat cat business party.
  5. I would, minimal educational requirements, easy job, good pay, early pension, what's not to like. Avoid murdering unarmed civilians for trivial crimes (or covering for those that do), and you'll have no problems.
  6. Wealthy people of any age can buy an 'Elite' VISA. If you can't afford it, you ain't wealthy.
  7. And if he is a drug dealer you'll get shot in a drive by.
  8. Farage is a German now, don't think many people will vote for him.
  9. Forget COVID Forget Putin Every problem the UK has ever had, or ever will have was because of the evil Conservative BREXIT. Once a Labour government has rejoined the EU all the UKs problems will be gone forever. Now if only they could convince someone to vote Labour ........................
  10. I thought 'junkies' was a word reserved for those who inject heroin? I'm not a user of meth or heroin, but I don't believe anyone who wants to indulge should be criminalised. Most of the crime from drug use would be gone if it were legal. Same as prohibition and alcohol.
  11. You believe every person is your equal, and you may be right. I'm in the top 0.5% of the world, and know hardly anyone is my equal!
  12. You think the employers contribution is a free gift to their staff? Of course it isn't, they just pay you 10% less.
  13. I don't want to buy the vaccine because it doesn't work. I wouldn't buy an Iphone that didn't work either!
  14. No but my home is 90% financed by SCB bank. Any problems (with her or the house) and I can just walk away. My neighbours built right up to the property line against local and Moobaan rules. Then they put a gutter overhanging the wall, I told them to move the gutter or I'd pull it down. They moved the gutter and never talked to me again. Didn't care about the wall.
  15. I paid a lot of money for my state pension 20% of my wage for 35 years. But would happily accept a refund and give up my pension rights. Lemme see 20% of a wage varying from 30kGBP to 60kGBP (let's average it at 45kGBP) = 400,000 pounds.
  16. No excuses, if you take government money you should be forced to be at work 40hrs a week. Even if that work is sitting in a room staring at the walls.
  17. IMHO white foreigners shouldn't open a business in Thailand unless they've had years of experience in running the same business successfully in their home countries. Same advice for buying their gf/wife a business, no previous experience = no investment. As for skimming, The answer is always stock control and receipts from suppliers and customers, know how much you've bought and the weight of each portion.
  18. Back in the UK when I were a lad. When beef was cheap we ate beef, when lamb was cheap we ate lamb, when pork or chicken were cheap ......... I like all meat equally, seems sensible to eat which ever is the best price, in Thailand I eat mainly pork and chicken.
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