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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I think there will almost certainly be power cuts. Not only in the UK, but across Europe and the USA as well. It's the only way the 'renewable energy' movement can end. Texas was just the first of many electricity failing events to come. And would have been likely even without the foolish war on Russia.
  2. I don't think electricity shortages a problem that can be blamed on Truss. I'd blame it on those who demanded 'green power' and closing 'nuke plants'. With a bit of blame on those whom demand war with Russia.
  3. At age 54 I was told I would die if I didn't have my gallbladder removed. 66 now, no stomach problems, still have a gallbladder. If it don't hurt, leave it alone IMHO.
  4. That's more than I could eat at one sitting. How big are you?
  5. Why can't 'one just walk away'? Or just move to Cambodia/Philippines.
  6. Plenty of 'pork shops' around, fresh meat butchered every day. Way better than the markets or supermarkets.
  7. One of my favourite meals! I have 2 air fryers, one for the chips, and one for the meat. Saves me from having to frequently wash them, and I get my food in half the time.
  8. Which is why I cook my own food. Just had a cup of Typhoo tea, now I'm gonna cook bacon, mushrooms and maybe a fried egg for breakfast.
  9. I live like an Englishman in Thailand. Way cheaper than living like an Englishman in England. Every month I have a couple of hundred pounds left from my pension.
  10. I only ever think of me ........ me, me, me, me, me!
  11. This winter will be an interesting time for lots of people living in the western world. Since the 3-day week in the 1970s I always made sure my UK homes had a wood burning stove and portable gas cylinder heaters. But I guess most people don't plan ahead. Happy to be living here though!
  12. It nearly always hits my home from the south. Wind and rain.
  13. Why? Bacon, sausages, eggs and mushrooms are available everywhere. This morning I had bacon and mushrooms with a cup of Typhoo tea. Sometimes I have fried eggs and fried bread.
  14. I didn't come to Thailand to eat Thai food!
  15. According to feminists 81% of all women have been abused. So what I do with a hooker that's been working for 10+ years can't be making their life any worse. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/02/21/587671849/a-new-survey-finds-eighty-percent-of-women-have-experienced-sexual-harassment As for women with mental illness, I don't believe I've met a woman who wasn't (by my definition) mentally ill.
  16. I just put seeds in a tray, and when they were big enough planted outside. I've done nothing but add a few ties and they're now 7ft tall. Not intensive at all.
  17. I wouldn't worry, I get a bite or scratch now and again. Haven't died from them (yet).
  18. Income over 100kGBP should have a 100% tax rate. Alternatively set a maximum wage of 10x the minimum wage.
  19. I have the app ........ no tick box. Had to scroll all the way down, then back up and down a bit before the greyed out 'accept' button worked.
  20. I also find it a bit hard to follow the actors randomly changing from episode to episode with no explanation. Last episode was so dark I couldn't work out what was happening, or to whom. Essentially the series is a complete bust for me!. Last episode, someone was buried in the sea, someone was burned and eaten by a dragon, someone lost an eye.
  21. My long life teaches me, that if poor people don't multiply, your country will need to import even poorer immigrants (probably Muslims) from the 3rd world. (applies to all western countries along with Thailand and Japan) @olfu Hows that working out for your home country?
  22. These are hot lights. You'll need to air-con the room if you use them.
  23. Everyone thought I was crazy. But the UK prison psychologist gave me a letter stating I was sane! (Before I got the official letter, I was beginning to wonder) Anyone else have a letter certifying they are sane?
  24. No point at all, went this morning, 30 mins to get through the document check, 1hr to get the 'under consideration stamp. Was loads of people but it all moved through quickly, plenty of staff. In at 9am, family extension (1k9bht), 90 day report and Certificate of residence (50bht postage) all done before 11am.
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