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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I'll see your "Dracula The Original Living Vampire" ...... And raise you "Rape Zombie, Lust of the Dead" (Japanese).
  2. I used to be a good person, faithful, loyal, truthful, etc. Then my Brit wife (after 30 years) taught me it was pointless. Now I'm a bad person, and life is much better. I do what I like, when I like and with whom I like. .... the problem is women ....... and men who apologise for women and empower their behaviour ..........
  3. Don't know about other guys, but I've only got jeans and shorts. And my only footwear choices are flip-flops or brightly coloured trainers.
  4. LKMetro bars/clubs have opened as restaurants, but the women are all fully dressed. It all seems a bit odd, apparently you need a recent COVID test to get in. So I got vaccinated for nothing ...............
  5. I agree, Most combiner boxes have a fuse on the + and the - coming from the PVs.
  6. But you're not young or healthy! Old fat guys that never exercise break bones in falls very easily.
  7. I've been 'on holiday' here with an assortment of Thai women for the past 12 years. And my VISA extensions were all given me to stay with the aforesaid women. What's your excuse for being here? (No insurance either)
  8. Broken ankle from tripping would indicate other medical problems. Bones in young people aren't supposed to be that weak.
  9. If there are no symptoms and you aren't trying for babies, there's very little reason to treat them. My wife back in the UK had them, they were removed without any external cutting. She went on to have another 2 children after.
  10. Had I paid for my home up front ........ I'd be looking for a new house and a new woman by now. As it stands she can't afford the mortgage repayments without me. Trust no-one, especially don't trust the woman in your bed.
  11. Would point out it's your wife's home and you'll be out at the first sign of trouble. Less chance of being chucked out by a landlord IMHO. I once knew a Thai lady who dumped her foreign husbands every 5 years. She used to say, "The foreigners only buy me one house or business, so I might as well get a new husband and a new house" She was on the third foreign husband at the time, I thought it was quite a clever strategy.
  12. The 'dodgy' ladies I associated with had different FB pages for each guy, and another for family and friends. If you snuck a look at their smartphones you'd see their 'real' FB page.
  13. Sure, but ........... If you start calling people by their skin colour in the UK, you get beaten or jailed, probably both.
  14. I haven't watched any news since 2009 when I left the UK. As for 'bad people winning', the bad people have always won (on big and little scales). Barbarians sacked Rome, Mongol Hordes overran Europe, etc. I'm just happy I had 10 years of wild sexual adventures in Thailand. Most of my pals back in the UK got nothing, not even from their wives. Even now in my mid-60s, I'm getting more than most Brit guys in their 30s. (And with better looking women)
  15. I would think it was more about her Thai village husband not finding out she had a white guy on the side. (or vice versa)
  16. I purchased on a mortgage as well, deposit was 300kbht. I wish I hadn't, but the monthly payments weren't any more than rent, so in the end it's only the 300k I've lost.
  17. And call themselves farang .......... cos they're ting tong ........
  18. Marry a random Thai guy, as long as there is a family income of 15kbht/month after 2 years you can apply for Thai citizenship. They buy a house in your own name.
  19. How do you know she's never been married? Because she told you .............. OK.
  20. Mine says, I employed her for the bedroom, and if I want a maid or housekeeper I should employ one.
  21. Was 30 years with my Brit wife before she grabbed for everything. As they say in the adverts, previous returns are no guarantee of future ROI. They can strip you bare after 30 days or 30 years, you can't trust women.
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